Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor

Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor – Readers of the Duluth News-Tribune woke up to this front page 45 years ago, as nightly pieces were added and press operators fussed over each added detail.

Editor’s note: This story appeared in the August 2020 issue of DNT Extra. Todd Chadwick died on October 20, 2020.

Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor

Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor

Days and nights of newsgathering can add up to a collection of memories, making it difficult to determine a timeline.

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But former Duluth News-Tribune editor Tod Chadwick remembers the night on Nov. 10, 1975, almost 45 years ago when the Edmund Fitzgerald drowned in Lake Superior.

On November 10, 1975, the night Edmund Fitzgerald disappeared, Tod Chadwick of Duluth worked for the Duluth News Tribune. (Clint Austin / [email protected])

“It was one of the most memorable nights I’ve ever spent there, that’s for sure,” Chadwick said, describing how an already busy news night turned into an unforgettable area.

Chadwick was the “slot man,” or editor of the nightly news, and the city editor burst out of the composing room in his downtown Duluth home at 424 W. First St. to report that a boat was missing on Lake Superior.

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“I said, ‘This is what I need,'” said the 73-year-old former editor. He went into action the night after 3 am.

This 1975 photograph by Edmund Fitzgerald was taken along the St Mary’s River. (Courtesy of Bob Campbell)

At the time, the News-Tribune, which has since been hyphenated, had one of the largest distribution areas in all of Knight Ridder, including separate editions for the Iron Range, South Shore, Superior and Duluth.

Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor

News and press operators worked on paper between prints, changed plates and updated stories throughout the night. On the night of Fitzgerald’s drowning, Chadwick sent the paper’s coastal correspondent, the late Richard L. Pomeroy, to seek answers.

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A restored bell from the Edmund Fitzgerald is on display at the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum in Whitefish Point, Mich. It was taken in 1995 during a joint dive between the United States and Canada. (Courtesy of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum)

“Dick was a very good reporter and tried to connect with everyone in the industry,” Chadwick said. “It was getting late and there was a terrible storm.”

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He said the first edition of the newspaper came out with a “call” about the missing trucker. Yesterday it was added and added in pieces, and the press operators were left to struggle with each added detail.

This photo shows Edmund Fitzgerald’s Pilot House. The ship’s final resting place is 17 miles from Whitefish Point in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, 530 feet below the surface of Lake Superior. (Great Lakes Wreck Museum)

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“I did Page 1 seven times that night,” Chadwick said, describing “changes on the run” that would stop printing in the middle as a new front page plate was updated.

Eventually, Pomeroy was able to add a sidebar about the lake’s frightening history of November winds, along with the original report of the feared loss of the mining vessel and its 29 crew members.

That evening, the Duluth Herald ran a more detailed story, and then every afternoon, with the benefit of a full morning of reporting.

Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor

“The Fitzgerald was very new and one of the biggest ships on the lake at the time,” Chadwick said. “It took everyone by surprise.” Executive Director Dan Hartman takes to Facebook to gather information as the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center explores options to cut lines.

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On the heels of both expansions, Vikre and Wild State Cider are teaming up for a unique collaboration between a cider and distillery to release an additional duo of drinks based on their long-standing brand.

The Duluth News Tribune Minute is a product of Forum Communications and brought to you by reporters from the Duluth News Tribune, Superior Telegram and Cloquet Pine Journal. Find more news throughout the day below.

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The impact on property owners of the levy, offset by increased tax capacity, would be an average $74 reduction in county taxes for a $100,000 home.

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The accident happened at 16:43. Both drivers were wearing seat belts and no alcohol was involved, the State Patrol said.

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Bygones was researched and written by David Ouse, a retired reference librarian from the Duluth Public Library. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Lindell said FBI agents seized his phone with a federal warrant that belonged to Dominion Voting Systems, a company based in Denver, his hometown of Mankato. Lindell said he was returning from a duck hunt in Iowa and stopped at Mankato Hardee when cars blocked his car and four agents piled in.

Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor

James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok undoubtedly carried at least one handgun in the gold mining town of Deadwood, Dakota Territory. So what happened to Hickok’s gun?

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When Elin’s symptoms appeared, she thought it was all part of aging. But as things got worse, she and her husband realized something else was terribly wrong. In this Health Synthesis column, Viv Williams tells the story of a medical mystery solved by a team of Mayo Clinic sleuths. From the editor: A note about election letters at the News Tribune “Letters to the editor for or against candidates are considered. News Tribune As paid content in … (as) they are often an attempt by political candidates and their campaigns or supporters to take advantage of the newspaper’s sense of public responsibility.

So it’s time to remind the editor on a semi-regular basis that those writing for or against the candidates — for him or not — have historically filled the paper’s opinion pages in the run-up to the vote. — Considered paid content on News Tribune.

They were published like other letters, expressing personal views on issues of current public debate. Newspapers publish letters to the editor as part of their commitment to providing a civil and productive forum for public opinion, where the best solutions to our many common problems can emerge from a wide range of ideas.

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But letters for and against candidates rarely fit that definition. Rather, they are often an attempt by political candidates and their campaigns or supporters to monopolize the limited public space and use the newspaper’s public responsibilities to increase the candidate’s name recognition while crowding out the competition.

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In 2018, the News Tribune joined other Forum Communications newspapers and many major newspapers across the country in reviewing such “letters” for what they really are: paid political content. Campaigns and supporters can still publish them, but for a nominal fee: $25 per first seven column inches (about 125 words) and $10 per inch thereafter. Submissions must include the writer’s name, address, and phone number, but only the writer’s name and city will be published.

In the News Tribune, paid political letters are published on Wednesdays on the pages preceding or immediately following the opinion page. The deadline for letters is noon on Monday. Paid political letters can be sent through the website. Click on “Sections” at the top left of the home page, then click on “Centers” under “Community”. Then click the “Place Center” button to follow the on-screen instructions. If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to create a free account.

Duluth News Tribune Letters To The Editor

Note that this only applies to political endorsements and non-endorsements. Traditional letters to the editor on issues of current public debate—letters that truly contribute to the critical public conversations we need to have—are still being considered for publication. These letters to the editor are limited to 300 words in the News Tribune. The best way to send such a letter is by email to [email protected].

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Letters responding to News Tribune editorials, other editorials, or other published content will not be considered paid content if the letters are sent to an email address.

Healthy communities engage in a healthy and robust exchange of ideas and perspectives. The News Tribune, like most newspapers, is committed to robust and effective exchanges through its opinion pages. And we always strive to ensure that they are accurate, civil and inclusive of diverse viewpoints.

A lot of these pre-election letters supporting a candidate or hating an incumbent may not qualify, but they still have a place in the publication.

From the editor: “The practices of Google and Facebook in their local newsrooms are troubling to anyone who values ​​reliable information.”

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From the editors: “Here, unfortunately, is something that happens every year — if not more often — as a reminder to be hypervigilant.

Devano Mahardika

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