Apse Words 5 Letters

Apse Words 5 Letters – The cathedral church (Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul) is the main church of the diocese, because it is here that the bishop as the local ordinary of the diocese has his throne (chair), called Cathedra. Open since 1864 and located on the east side of Logan Square at 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the cathedral is the mother church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. It is the largest brownstone structure in Philadelphia and the largest Catholic church in Pennsylvania. The history of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul is central to the history of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

The Bill of Rights and Jefferson’s intent notwithstanding, the design and construction of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul in Philadelphia was at least partially influenced by the virulent anti-Catholic sentiment that had been raging in that city for just a few short years. broke out. Years before the cornerstone of the cathedral was laid. While Baltimore Cathedral was intended as a testament to the religious tolerance on which the new country was founded, with its large windows and open, airy, welcoming design, the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul reflects an architectural response to extreme prejudice .

Apse Words 5 Letters

Apse Words 5 Letters

The turn of the century, coupled with an economic decline, led a fraction of the population to view the predominantly working-class Irish Catholic immigrants with at least growing unrest. As early as 1830, anti-Catholic publications began to appear. Mistrust and prejudice were so high that in 1834 a mob of anti-Catholic sympathizers burned down a monastery in Massachusetts.

Giovanni Bellini, San Zaccaria Altarpiece

This anti-Catholic faction grew, both in number and outspokenness, in many of the former colonies to become a political party in 1837 known as the Native American or Nativist Party. The nativists blamed the newly arrived immigrants for the increasing problems in the urban areas, where the immigrants mostly settled. In addition, they faced increased competition for jobs in the troubled economy. While politically the Native American Party simply championed the slogan “America for Americans”, they actually sought to extend the period for naturalization to 21 years. Their intention in doing so was to limit the electoral influence of the newly arrived immigrants as well as their ability to hold public office.

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When accused of being anti-Catholic and anti-Irish, members of the Native American Party steadfastly denied the charge and swore that their main object was to ensure that “church and state remained separate”. (Nativist sympathizers were sometimes called “Know-Nothings” because those aligned with the movement claimed to “know nothing” of the group’s violent or disruptive activities.) With the powder keg filled and the fuse in place, was all that was needed, a match. This match ignited in 1842 when religious education became an issue in the Philadelphia public schools.

Because there were differences between the Catholic Bible and the King James Version, the Bishop of Philadelphia, Francis Kenrick (1797-1863), wrote a letter to the board that oversaw public education in the city, requesting that Catholic Students are allowed. either to use the Catholic Bible or to be excused from the religious classes taught. The board had no objection to this request and passed a resolution in agreement. This was interpreted in the narrow view of nativist sympathizers as an attempt by Catholics to dominate religious education in public schools.

On May 8, 1844, large crowds gathered in Kensington and several screens came up. As the violence escalated, Catholic homes were attacked and eventually several Catholic structures were burned to the ground, including Saint Michael’s Church and rectory; the convent of the Sisters of Charity; and the church, rectory and library of Saint Augustine’s Church, at 4

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And Vine Streets. Several people, on both sides, were killed. Despite the presence and attempted intervention of city troops and officials, other structures were threatened, including Saint Phillip’s. Finally, it took the arrival of the governor and 5,000 troops to quell the unrest. It was against this socio-political backdrop that Bishop Kenrick began to formulate his vision of a great cathedral in Philadelphia to provide services for the city’s growing Catholic population.

The cathedral would be named after Saints Peter and Paul. These apostles share a feast day as founders of the Church in Rome. Peter, a Galilean fisherman who was chosen by Christ as one of the twelve apostles, became the undisputed leader of the flying church after Pentecost. Paul, a Pharisee and Roman citizen who had persecuted the Christians, became the greatest missionary of the Church, its “Apostle of the Gentiles”. According to tradition, both were martyred in Rome.

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Bishop Kenrick engaged two Vincentian priests, both of whom had studied architecture before joining the priesthood, to draw preliminary sketches of a proposed cathedral. When fathers Mariano Maller, C.M. and John B. Tornatore, C.M. drew the first sketches, the violence and anti-Catholic hostility perpetrated by the Know-Nothings in 1842 were still very fresh in their minds. The sketches from which architect Napoleon LeBrun designed the building showed the structure’s windows only at the clerestory level. There is a local legend – several versions, in fact – about the high location of the windows. The essential story is that someone connected with the construction of the cathedral (in one version, it was the bishop himself) pulled aside the strongest worker he could find and threw stones as high as he could , and it was ordered that just above that point was where the windows should be placed.

Apse Words 5 Letters

In 1845, a building suffered financial losses and was put up for sale. The owner of the property was the Farmers Life and Trust Company of New York City. The property was purchased and is the current site of the cathedral. The purchase price was $37,200. On June 29, 1846, the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul, Bishop Kenrick issued a pastoral letter requesting funds for the construction of the cathedral. Particularly noteworthy was the bishop’s insistence that no work should be done without sufficient funds to pay for it. This effectively did two things: firstly, it ensured that the diocese would not be hampered by increased debt during and after construction, and secondly, it also ensured that the construction of the cathedral would take a long time. The financing of such monumental and ornate structures throughout history has always been difficult and often intermittent due to lack of funds and not incidentally, political upheaval. The Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul would be no different. A 25-year-old local man named Napoleon LeBrun (1821-1901) was engaged as an architect on the project. The corner-stone, a gift from Mr. James McClarnan, was laid on Sunday afternoon, September 6, 1846, at 4:30 p.m., at the north-east corner of the church, in the presence of about 8,000 people.

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Born in Philadelphia to French Catholic parents, LeBrun studied with Thomas Walter, who built the Capitol dome in Washington, DC. Among LeBrun’s other notable local designs are the Philadelphia Academy of Music, Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church on 20

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Street Finally, LeBrun settled in New York, together with his sons, and designed one of the first skyscrapers – the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower.

After working on the cathedral for five years, LeBrun left the project due to a disagreement with the bishop in 1851, and John Notman (1810-1865) took responsibility for the completion of the cathedral. Notman, a well-respected architect, is best known for his work in the Gothic Revival style, particularly for his design of Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church on Locust Street in Philadelphia, the Chapel of the Holy Innocents in Burlington, NJ, and the Episcopal Church . from Holy Trinity Church in Rittenhouse Square. Notman left the cathedral project in 1857 because of a dispute over his fees. A third architect, John Mahoney, apparently managed construction until LeBrun returned sometime around 1860.

The leadership of the Diocese of Philadelphia changed three times during the construction. In 1851, Bishop Kenrick was elevated to the office of Archbishop of Baltimore, just 5 years after the cornerstone was laid. Father John Neumann (1811-1860) succeeded him as bishop of Philadelphia in 1852 and continued the work on the cathedral. In 1857, Bishop James Wood (1813-1883) became coadjutor bishop of Philadelphia and would replace Bishop Neumann after his death in 1860. Bishop Wood was trained in business and banking and was immediately given the task of completing the cathedral to do As a temporary measure in 1857, Bishop Wood built a small chapel on Summer Street for the convenience of the parishioners who celebrated in the chapel of the bishop’s home. By September, 1859, the walls of the cathedral were completed, and on September 14, 1859, with Bishop Neumann presiding, the keystone was laid and the cross was raised to the top of the dome by Bishop Wood. Bishop Martin Spaulding of Louisville gave the address. Four months later, Bishop Neumann died.

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Bishop Wood noted the costs incurred by the construction when funds were not available and the church was allowed to borrow money for its continuation – immediately

Devano Mahardika

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