Bamboozled And What The Circled Letters

Bamboozled And What The Circled Letters – Nevada’s largest county / TUE 6-22-21 / Antioxidant juice brand / Transportation hub named after 20th century. On behalf of the mayor of the 1940s.

THEME: CROSSROADS / ROADS (29D: With 36 down, Crossroads … what do the circle letters in the middle of this puzzle indicate?) – The circle letters represent the songs “HIGHWAY to HELL” and “STAIRWAY to HEAVEN” with “fast” descending and “stairway” rising; So “quick” and “stair” are (metaphorically) ROADS that (literally) CROSS through the middle of the grid:

Bamboozled And What The Circled Letters

Bamboozled And What The Circled Letters

Word of the Day: BAI (43D: Antioxidant Juice Brand) – Bai Brandsis is a beverage company founded in 2009. Founded in Princeton, New Jersey by entrepreneur Ben Weiss. coffee beans – and decided to use it to create a new beverage brand. The company offers a line of low-calorie soft drinks (including soft drinks, bottled water, iced tea and still fruit-flavored drinks) sweetened with erythritol and rebaudioside A (stevia leaves). extract), ascorbic acid and coffee fruit extract harvested in Indonesia; its flavors are usually identified by the name of the exotic location and the natural fruit flavor used. Its flagship product is Bai Antioxidant Infusions. in 2015 it launched the bottled water brand Bai Antiwater. Until 2015 Bai was named one of America’s “Most Promising Companies” by Forbes. in 2016 entertainer Justin Timberlake invested in Bai and became the brand’s “Chief Taste Officer.” in 2016 November 22 it was announced that dr. Pepper Snapple Bottling Group made cash. Acquisition of Bai Brands for 1.7 billion USD. in 2017 February 5 During Super Bowl LIe, Bai aired its first national ad, which was a success with the regional ad aired at the previous year’s Super Bowl. They spent about $5 million on the ad, which also featured Timberlake and Christopher Walken. (wikipedia)

Unicode Circled Numbers ① ② ③

There’s a lot going on here, but “a lot” doesn’t necessarily mean “more,” which means it doesn’t necessarily make things better. The theme is a bit off in a few ways, so the digressions blend together. No part of the theme looks perfect. Let’s start with the theme, all of it except the CROSS/KNEE part was instantly understandable once you looked at REAVEN’s cue, which just gives you the title of the song, which basically gives you the concept and the rest. circle squares. Stairway to Heaven is obvious, first the “classic Led Zeppelin song” and when you see that only HEAVEN fits in there, the whole STAIRWAY part becomes obvious, and then the rest of the circle details… I don’t even think I’ve looked at Hell. Just fill in each circle on the board at once. Subject: Mainly Completed:

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Only it’s *not* finished because there’s more thematic material to uncover. I run into CROSS and get the ROADS part easily enough, but the phrase doesn’t add much. Alternatively, it adds the “crossing” part (thus expressing the fact that the ascending and descending parts of the circle “cross”), but while “quick” is actually a “path,” “stairs” is not. There is only one way. Also, the very idea of ​​a highway crossing the stairs is a bit absurd. Also, now our attention is *really* drawn to the “path” asymmetry, the thing that’s been making chalkboard-scraping noises in my head since I opened the puzzle (“what’s that … scissor picture” ? … oh no , why is one part longer than the other?, etc.). And then there’s the fact that the roads don’t actually serve their purpose. “And she buys the stairs to the square two spaces below HEAVEN!” Attractive. Not as catchy as I’m on my way to NYE, but catchy nonetheless. Anyway, things look pretty good (to borrow a rarely used word from the crosswords I’ve solved). Too easy to understand *and* not on the nose enough.

In addition, there is a BAI. Forget it, I’ve never heard of it (although I’m sure I’ve seen it on the shelves with all the other artificially colored “healthy” waters in Scamville). It featured a Super Bowl ad, so it’s famous enough for crossword puzzles. But still bad. Just because it’s *new* doesn’t mean it’s good. A random product name, e.g. which is not universally known is not inherently good. BAI is an old-school three-letter filler* that’s fancy and new, but really HAI or JAI would serve you better here. They are persistent. They can do the job in a way that doesn’t require a lot of attention (since you obviously don’t want anyone to take up your short fill here – you want people to focus on the topic). So, aside from my continued antipathy to almost any packaged product that advertises “antioxidant” 🙁 I’m also bothered by the false consumerism of “all brands are well filled”. If you need BAI, go ahead. But you didn’t. So [___ alai] is like ‘come on man’ and [Yokohama ‘yes’] is like ‘uh…no’. Let the crosswords work their (limited) magic. Stop trying to sell me a brightly colored, supposedly healthy, “Everybody new!” snake oil crossword. I’ll take crosswords like water: straight up. BAI schmai.An area named after gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg / KET 3-25-21 / China North Korea border river / Supercomputer pioneer Seymour / Five point rugby game / Food products with orange packaging / Nick who voices Kuiil in The Mandalorian

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TOPIC: Opposite [circled letters] – This is a clue to six themes, each of which is a word with “opposites” inside it, in circled letters. So:

Our Heritage — Evexia Café

Word of the Day: Seymour CRAY (35D: Supercomputer Pioneer Seymour) – Seymour Roger Cray (September 28, 1925 – October 5, 1996) was an American electrical engineer and supercomputer architect who created a number of computers that were the fastest in the world for decades . , and founded Cray Research, which developed many of these machines. Called the “father of supercomputers,” Cray has been credited with creating the supercomputer industry. Joel S. Birnbaum, then chief technology officer at Hewlett-Packard, said of him: “It seems impossible to overstate the impact he had on the industry; many of the things that high-performance computers now routinely do were most reliable. Seymour imagined them.’ Larry Smarr, then director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, said Cray was “the Thomas Edison of the supercomputer industry.” (wikipedia)

Just work. Whatever the opposite of “fun with words,” it was. The fatal thing is getting tripped up – it’s like being hit with a hammer, but duller, though not as brutal. Same clue, over and over. And a hint that doesn’t say anything concrete, involves no play on words, no cleverness, nothing. Only t t t t t d t t d t d t d t d i s . You know exactly what you have to do from the start, and then the extreme work begins. Does it make my life better knowing that WONDERFUL letters can consistently be found in WONDERFUL? It’s not. Did any of them provide even a little bit of that “aha” feeling that makes solving difficult clues so enjoyable? No, no one could do that. What about EFFETE? We all use EFFECTIVE in our normal daily life. I doubt anyone uses EFFETE even 1/1000th as much. What a lousy pair of supposed “opposites”. And hiding a fast inside a FESTIVAL isn’t exactly what you’d call awesome. Thematically, it was bleak, and the bleakness permeated every other aspect of the solution experience.

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The strength lies mainly in the isolation of themes without any specific cues. However, I managed to add difficulty, and a lot of it, by making one small, likely mistake that had amazing negative consequences for the success of my solution. When I got to the NE corner, I thought I made short Downs (10 to 13 down) pretty quickly. The crosses I had seemed to work: ON ICE and NOLTE worked, EFECTIVE and NED worked, so I thought I was fine. But one letter was off. SNORT OCTAVE and TEEMED were fine, but I had FILE IN instead of PILE IN (11D: type everything together) and, as Robert Frost didn’t exactly say, that did the trick. I couldn’t get rid of FILE IN because it felt so right. All the correct crosses confirmed its correctness to me. So…hint from the gyno…I had -SFOT…and I really had no idea the “Area” was anatomical. So I thought maybe this guy was named after a geographic region, a cape or a peninsula, maybe (?). I don’t know. I was like, “Is US FOT an ‘area’…?” All of this was exacerbated by my struggle with *two* adjacent longer phrases, each missing only *one* letter, but *neither* of which I could parse. Here was the grid:

Bamboozled And What The Circled Letters

See how 9D: Escalate to the extreme has a full English word at the end, the word CLEAR? Well, let me tell you when you see the whole English word

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Devano Mahardika

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