Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters To The Editor

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters To The Editor – As the only women’s health physician in Bozeman in private practice, I am sadly closing my clinic and letting our community down. Many do not know that I have been the only provider in Bozeman, and one of the few in Montana, that provides safe and private abortions for women of all backgrounds, ages, and circumstances, early in pregnancy. My hope, like most Montanans, is to continue to reduce the number of abortions, to have them as soon as possible, to promote healthy women and pregnancies, and hopefully to end abortions that are considered elective. But banning it all together and valuing a fetal life above a woman’s life and circumstances is unfair. And ending abortion at a time when we lack access to birth control, mental health services, and pregnancy support, in the midst of an ongoing pandemic with health care shortages, is not the answer

If you don’t know, Bozeman Health does not perform abortions. Always. I have hospital doctors calling me and asking me to help their patients with this service because they can’t: a student who was raped, a woman who had cancer and needed urgent chemotherapy, a woman with an anencephalic baby (without brain). development), and a woman in mental and physical distress.

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters To The Editor

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters To The Editor

I am closing because I can no longer afford to stay open and because I am simply not enough. Financially, my medical malpractice skyrocketed to $29,000 a year, my reimbursements from insurance companies like United and Blue Cross dropped 10-15%, and unlike Bozeman Health, organizations without for profit or larger medical groups, I have to pay higher costs for IUDs, vaccines and all medical supplies. I just can’t compete in this healthcare field.

Ethics And Values

We need Planned Parenthood in Bozeman; We need Bozeman Health to step up, and somewhere, we need me.

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An email with instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed on your account. On the night of July 19th at the City Commission meeting there was another ugly incident of homophobia and racism that was painful to watch. School board and city commission meetings used to be quiet and orderly meetings where all participants felt comfortable and welcome. In recent years, police have been needed at Bozeman meetings to maintain order, and elected officials have been subjected to verbal attacks that have left them fearing for their safety. Unfortunately, there was no local media coverage of the latest event, and few citizens will ever know what happened.

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As a community we need to have difficult conversations and be able to disagree and remain calm while respecting each other’s opinions and identities. The city commission is about to embark on a major project to “ensure that all residents, visitors and employees of the City of Bozeman feel welcomed and valued, and can thrive regardless of their race, identity or circumstance of life”. They will hold many public sessions to seek feedback and ideas as they try to make Bozeman “the gold standard” for creating policies that ensure people feel like they belong and are respected in this community. Please participate and participate. We have a lot of work to do in terms of communication and inclusion.

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Thank you to the city commissioners who have the ambition to improve our community and ensure that we all feel safe and can thrive. The only way for this initiative to succeed is with a large participation.

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An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed on your account. I am adding my voice to the hearts of others who have visited these pages in supporting Audrey Cromwell as the next Gallatin County attorney. As the co-founder and executive leader of commonFont, a Bozeman-based technology services company, I have had the privilege of working with Audrey as legal counsel and am honored to have known her as a friend for many years. .

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters To The Editor

In my professional and personal interactions with Audrey, I have found her to be of the utmost integrity, reliability and thoughtfulness. I trust and value both his formal and informal advice, although I consider particularly important his guidance related to issues of conflict resolution, communication and mediation.

How News Works

The Gallatin County Attorney is first and foremost a leader, and the position requires judgment, strategic thinking and relationship building. Audrey possesses and demonstrates all of these capabilities daily in her personal and professional interactions. She promises to be tough, fair and transparent and, by extension, will be an effective and committed leader and administrator of the County Attorney’s office. He will discharge the duties of the office with integrity, diligence and skill, and he has my full support.

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An email with instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed on your account. This year many people celebrated the 150th anniversary of Yellowstone National Park. In the years following the park’s creation, it was pillaged by those who pillaged and plundered its resources and plundered its wildlife. In August 1886 Troop M of the First Cavalry arrived in Yellowstone to arrest lawbreakers and put an end to illegal hunting. In the winter of 2021/2022, YNP was once again affected by poachers and harvesters, this time legally sanctioned by Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks. Unfortunately, we no longer have Troop M to come to the rescue.

The loss of 21 of Yellowstone’s wolves had a devastating destabilizing effect on the park’s wolf population. The great news is that our commissioners seem to be listening to the overwhelming outraged response from Montanans and people across the country. Commissioners plan to reinstate the quota system for the area adjacent to YNP. There are currently three amendments proposed by the commissioner: 1) the Tabor amendment would reduce the quota in WMU 313 from 10 to 6, 2) the Byorth amendment would reduce the quota from 10 to 4, and 3) the Wash amendment would put a quota to each trapping district with automatic closure upon reaching quota.

Serving You Right

The strong response from people who love Yellowstone National Park has led to these positive amendments. Please speak up for the wolves of YNP one more time. Here’s what you can do to help: Attend the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission hearing on August 25th. The meeting will be held in the Capitol Building, Room 317A, Helena Montana. The meeting starts at 8 am, wolves are seventh on the agenda. You can also attend via Zoom and you can also write to the commissioners at [email protected].

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An email with instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed on your account. As a Bozeman resident, Montana taxpayer, and proud graduate of the Montana University System, I strongly oppose naming another MSU landmark in honor. from Governor Greg Gianforte and his family. Doing so would violate the Montana Board of Regents’ own policy, not to mention Montana State University’s reputation as a premier research university.

Bozeman Daily Chronicle Letters To The Editor

Some other opponents will talk about the inherent conflict of interest of a serving politician using his great personal wealth to buy influence in Montana. Others may mention Gianforte’s physical assault on a reporter by asking a simple question about health insurance. He’ll talk more about his family’s long religious war against the LGBTQ+ community or funding a school that discriminates against special education students. These are all important considerations.

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However, I would like to address the incongruity of MSU funding a family that consistently funds anti-science initiatives, including a “museum” dedicated to discrediting the theory of evolution. This museum promotes the idea that the Earth is 6,000 years old, that humans and dinosaurs walked the planet at the same time, and that dinosaurs were on Noah’s ark.

Gianforte himself rejects evolution and is a climate change skeptic. His scientifically unsupported views on “herd immunity” have contributed to Montana’s staggering COVID-19 death toll: 3,363 Montanans and counting. And while he has personally benefited from vaccine protections, Gianforte has also provided financial support to prominent anti-vaccine politicians and policies.

I can’t help but wonder what the late vaccinologist Maurice Hilleman, one of MSU’s most world-changing graduates, would think if his alma mater contributes to the ongoing process of whitewashing the extreme views of the Gianforte family. I hope MSU considers the message they are sending about their institution and rejects this proposal.

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Devano Mahardika

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