D__k Words 4 Letters

D__k Words 4 Letters – This German vocabulary book will lay the foundations for your child’s journey to learn and understand German at school or at home. It introduces vocabulary in bite-sized chunks every day to make learning a new language less intimidating.

Discover the perfect introduction to German for children aged 6-9. It’s the ultimate German lesson for kids! It includes:

D__k Words 4 Letters

D__k Words 4 Letters

• Beautifully illustrated scenes that teach and test five words at a time. New vocabulary is practiced again at the end of each week in two pages of exercises.

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• Clever flaps on the jacket that cover the scene so your child can practice what they just learned.

• Learn a range of nouns and verbs that are useful in everyday life. Audio is available online and via a handy app to help with pronunciation.

Learning a foreign language can be intimidating, but German for Everyone Junior: 5 Words a Day is designed to make learning a new language engaging and fun for kids! This introduction to German contains a mixture of nouns and verbs, which are taught through fun illustrations of a wide range of everyday objects with new words clearly marked.

Over a year, your child will build up a vocabulary of more than 1,000 German words. Each week 20 new words are introduced and learned over four days. At the end of the week, the children can test themselves with the cleverly designed flaps that hide the words they have just learned to commit them to their memory. This German learning guide includes accompanying audio, so children can also practice their pronunciation as often as they want.

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Devano Mahardika

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