Double Letters Word Stacks

Double Letters Word Stacks – This blog post contains Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a small commission on eligible purchases. It costs you nothing. Thanks for supporting Math = Love!

While reorganizing my index cards right before the end of the school year, I came across a double letter puzzle that I had printed and laminated but never used with the students. This should have been fixed! I added magnets to the end of each piece for easy mounting on a dry erase board.

Double Letters Word Stacks

Double Letters Word Stacks

I buy my disc magnets in bulk from Amazon (200 at a time). They are very strong and have made so much puzzling fun this school year. In fact, I just bought a new box for next school year.

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The object of this double letter puzzle is to line up 9 double letter cards to form a real word (10 letters). No card may be completely covered, turned or turned upside down.

These puzzles were created by Serhiy Grabarchuk. He actually calls them DoubLetters puzzles. in 2012 February. Serhiy posted another of his DoubLetters puzzles on You can download a PDF file of this puzzle here.

This double letter puzzle is from Puzzle Box, Volume 3. I absolutely adore this three volume puzzle set. It really helped fuel my obsession with finding and using puzzles in the classroom.

You can find more double letter puzzles and many other types of puzzles on my puzzles page!

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I purposely do not share the solutions to the puzzles on my website because I try to give my students a learning experience that cannot be found on Google. I wish other teachers could use these puzzles in their classrooms, the solutions are easy to find online.

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However, I understand that we teachers are busy people and sometimes you need a quick answer key to see if a student has solved the puzzle correctly or interpreted the instructions correctly.

If you are a teacher who uses these puzzles in your classroom, please email me. an email to sarah@ with information about what you pay and where you pay. I will be glad to forward you the answer key.

Double Letters Word Stacks

Devano Mahardika

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