Droop Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Droop Crossword Clue 3 Letters – Each theme answer consists of two words, the second of which is the same as the first, but with the first letter removed:

“Op-ed” is short for “opposite editorial page.” The options began at The New York Evening World in 1921, when the page opposite editorials was used for articles written by a named guest author, someone who was independent of the editorial board.

Droop Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Droop Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Salem is the state capital of Oregon. The city is believed to derive its name from the older town of Salem, Massachusetts.

What Is The

Boxer Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Mercelus Clay Jr. in Louisville, Kentucky in 1942. Clay joined the Nation of Islam in the early sixties, then changed his name to Muhammad Ali. The name he chose translates as “one who is worthy of praise” (Muhammad) and “exalted” (Ali).

Laila Ali is the daughter of the great Muhammad Ali and a very capable boxer in her own right. Laila’s professional record is an impressive 24 wins, including 21 by knockout. Now retired, she has never lost a fight, nor drawn. One of those wins was against Jackie Fraser-Lyde, daughter of her father’s nemesis Joe Fraser. Layla isn’t a bad dancer either, coming in third place on the fourth season of Dancing with the Stars.

“Ave Maria” (“Hail Mary” in English) is the prayer at the heart of the Roman Catholic Rosary, which itself is a set of prayers invoking the help of the Virgin Mary. Much of the Ave Maria text comes from the Gospel of Luke. The Latin words are:

AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. amen

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The prayer is adapted as a hymn. The two most famous musical versions of Ave Maria are by Charles Gounod (based on Bach) and by Franz Schubert.

“Bae” is a modern term of endearment. It’s a pet name that’s short for “baby, baby,” though I’ve also read it’s an acronym meaning “before anyone else.”

Charles Rolls founded the Rolls-Royce car manufacturing company with his partner Henry Royce in 1906. Unfortunately, Rolls died just a few years later in a plane crash. Rolls was a pioneer in aviation. He became the first Briton to die in a motor plane crash when the tail of his plane broke off during a flying display.

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Droop Crossword Clue 3 Letters

An emoticon is a symbol found on many mobile phones and is very similar to an emoticon, but more complex. The use of emoticons originated in 1997 on mobile phones in Japan and within a few years spread throughout the world. “Emoji” is a Japanese word meaning “picture word”.

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When dead plant matter accumulates in swampy areas, it may not decompose completely due to lack of oxygen or acidic conditions. We are familiar with this in Ireland because this decaying matter can form peat, and we have many, many peat bogs all over the country.

“TNT” is short for “Trinitrotoluene”. Trinitrotoluene was first produced in 1863 by the German chemist Joseph Willebrandt, who developed it for use as a yellow dye. TNT is relatively difficult to detonate, so it was on the market as a dye for several years before its more explosive properties were discovered.

To be opposed to something is to be in conflict with it. The term “afoul” sounds nautical to me, and indeed was originally used at sea in the sense of being in a state of entanglement or collision.

The Hanes clothing brand was founded in 1901. A related brand was introduced in 1986 called Hanes Her Way.

B.j. Holmes) Pocket Crossword Dictionary

Alfalfa’s love interest in Our Gang was Darla, whose real name was Darla Hood. Hood became quite a successful singer after growing out of her role on Our Gang.

The not-so-nice acronym “WASP” stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. The term is used for Americans of relatively high standing in society and who are usually of British descent.

A male deer is usually called a buck and a female is a doe. However, a male red deer is usually called a deer. Males of even larger species of deer are often called bulls and females cows. In older English, male deer over 5 years old were called stags and females over 3 years old were called hinds. The young of small species are known as fawns, and those of larger species are called calves. It’s all very confusing…

Droop Crossword Clue 3 Letters

The Associated Press (AP) is a news agency headquartered in New York. The AP is a nonprofit cooperative formed by five New York newspapers in 1846 to share the cost of delivering news. Today, the AP recoups most of its costs by selling news and related material to newspapers around the world, mostly outside the US.

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Havana is the capital of Cuba. The city was founded by the Spanish in the early 1500s, after which it became a strategic location for the exploration of Spain and the conquest of America. In particular, Havana was used as a stopover for treasure-laden ships on their way back to Spain.

The plant known as okra is grown mainly for its edible green pods. The pods are said to resemble “lady’s fingers”, which is an alternative name for the plant. Okra is known as “ngombo” in Bantu, a name that may give us the word “gumbo,” the name of a southern Louisiana stew that includes okra as a key ingredient.

Serbia is a landlocked country in Southeast Europe. After World War II, Serbia became one of several countries that made up the nation called Yugoslavia. Serbia became independent again in 2006 when Yugoslavia broke up after Montenegro declared independence.

Montenegro is a country in Southeastern Europe that was once part of Yugoslavia. “Black Mountain” is a historical Italian translation of “black mountain”.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The most populous country in the world is the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Republic of China (ROC) is the official name of the sovereign state we commonly call Taiwan.

Dim sum is a Chinese cuisine made up of small portions of different dishes. The tradition of serving dim sum is related to serving tea, when small delicacies are offered to travelers and guests along with tea as a refreshment. The name “dim sum” translates as “touching the heart”, which means that dim sum is not a main meal, but only a snack “that touches the heart”.

Dutch elm disease is a fungus destructive to all elm species that is transmitted by the elm bark beetle. The disease is believed to have originated in Asia and is now spreading to Europe and North America. Although there is an elm hybrid known as Dutch elm, the disease is not named after the tree. Rather, the disease is called “Dutch” because it was identified in 1921 by a phytopathologist (phytopathologist) in the Netherlands.

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Droop Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Since there is a full moon once every four weeks, roughly every month, there are usually twelve full moons in a given year. However, every 2-3 years, depending on the phase of the moon at the beginning of the calendar year, there may be a thirteenth full moon. The “extra” full moon is called a “blue moon,” although no one seems to know why the term “blue” is used, as far as I can tell. Which of the thirteen full moons is designated as a blue moon varies by tradition. My favorite definition is from the Farmer’s Almanac. It states that since each of the seasons usually has three full moons (one for each calendar month), then a season with four full moons is defined as “special”, then the third (not the fourth) full moon in that “special” season is the blue moon. Complicated, huh?

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“REM” is an acronym for “rapid eye movement.” REM sleep occupies 20-25% of sleep hours and is the period associated with the most vivid dreams.

The Passover Seder is a ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover, celebrating the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

Our word “nosh” has been around since the late fifties when it was imported from the Yiddish word “nashn” meaning “to nibble.” We use ‘nosh’ as ​​a noun meaning ‘breakfast’ or as a verb meaning ‘to eat between meals’.

The Vulcan salute is the hand gesture invented and introduced by Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock in the original Star Trek television series. The salute is made by raising the hand with the palm facing forward and the fingers spread between the middle and ring fingers. The gesture is often accompanied by the words “Live long and prosper.”

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A battle royal is a battle involving many combatants that is fought until one combatant emerges victorious. More recently, the term “Battle Royale” became popular after the success of the Japanese movie “Battle Royale” released in 2000. There are many, many video games that use the “Battle Royale” structure.

Tyrannosaurus rex (usually

Devano Mahardika

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