Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor – Metro Editor Jim Chapman has nearly 40 years of experience in area newspapers. A Fort Wayne native, he has covered Fort Wayne and Northeast Indiana for the Journal Gazette since 1990.

Justin A. Cohn, senior writer for The Journal Gazette, has covered Fort Wayne sports since 1997. He was named Sportswriter of the Year in 2020 by the Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association.

Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

Mike Durbin has been The Journal Gazette’s webmaster and assistant systems manager since 2006. He is a contributing photographer.

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Ryan DuVall, restaurant critic for The Journal Gazette, was a “foodie” long before joining The Journal Gazette in 1999. Dining Out reviews restaurants of all styles and price ranges in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio. Reviews are always based on at least two visits and the newspaper pays for all meals.

Reporter Devan Filchuck covers city government for The Journal Gazette. She has five years of experience in local newspapers.

Managing Editor Lisa Green has more than 35 years of newspaper experience in Illinois and Indiana. She has worked at The Journal Gazette since 2000, initially as business editor. She has a bi-weekly leadership column/blog called “Lead On.”

Victoria Jacobson is the high school sports editor for The Journal Gazette. A graduate of Notre Dame, she covers area sports.

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Mark Jaworski has been The Journal Gazette’s sports editor since 2002. A graduate of Northeastern University in Boston, he was previously the sports editor for the El Paso Times and the Fayetteville (N.C.) Observer.

Editorial writer Jeff Kowaleski has more than 30 years of journalism experience in Indiana, Wisconsin and New York.

Editorial Page Editor Fredrick McKissack has more than 30 years of journalism experience working for newspapers and magazines in Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana.

Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

Reader Engagement Editor Corey McMaken is a Fort Wayne native who has been with The Journal Gazette since 2004. He writes about arts, entertainment, food and area history. He also works with social media, newsletters and other digital projects.

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Tom Pellegrene Jr., Web and Social Media Manager, has reported and edited for The Journal Gazette since 1982.

Terry Richardson, Associate Managing Editor for Features, has more than 30 years of experience in the newspaper industry. She has covered the Fort Wayne area with The Journal Gazette since 1999. She writes about the local community, featuring profiles of people and places with unique stories.

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Reporter Rosa Salter Rodriguez has nearly 50 years of newspaper experience in Pennsylvania and Indiana. She has worked at The Journal Gazette since 2004, covering medical and health issues and land use and development issues.

Dylan Zinn is a college sports writer for The Journal Gazette, covering local colleges primarily in Indiana, Purdue and Notre Dame, as well as Northeast Indiana and Fort Wayne Tincaps baseball. He is a graduate of Indiana University and an AP Top 25 football vote-getter.

The Kentucky Gazette (1787 1840)

Senior photographer Richard Sitler is a Hoosier native whose photojournalism experience includes The Southern Illinoisan, The Anderson Herald Bulletin and The Republic.

Sherry Skufca, as publisher of The Journal Gazette, is a member of the editorial board. She joined the newspaper in 1989 as managing editor.

Sherry Slater, assistant desk editor, has more than 25 years of experience at newspapers in Maryland and Indiana. She has covered business issues at The Journal Gazette since 2001 and has additional editing duties.

Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

Reporter Ashley Sloboda has covered education for The Journal Gazette since 2016. A Fort Wayne native, she has 15 years of newspaper experience in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana.

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Brett Stover is a regular assignment reporter covering the Indiana Statehouse and The Journal Gazette. A graduate of the University of Missouri, Stover has covered news in Indiana since 2021.

Crime and justice reporter James D. Wolfe Jr. began working as a journalist in 1987 while earning his bachelor’s degree at Purdue University Calumet. He has worked in Indiana, Iowa and Illinois.

Editorials are the opinions of The Journal Gazette editorial board: President Julie Inskeep, Publisher Sherry Skufka, Editorial Page Editor Frederick McKissack and Editorial Writer Jeff Kowaleski.

We welcome articles from our readers. Submissions should be limited to The Journal Gazette only. We edit for brevity, clarity and grammar. Names, addresses and phone numbers must be included. Send correspondence to The Journal Gazette, 600 W. Main St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802. (1719–1798). (1719–1798) was a newspaper published in Boston in the British North American colonies. It was a weekly newspaper founded by William Brooker, who was appointed postmaster of Boston, with its first issue issued on December 21, 1719.

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The Boston Gazette is considered the most influential newspaper in early American history, especially in the years before and after the American Revolution.

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In 1741, the Boston Gazette incorporated the New-gland Weekly Journal, founded by Samuel Kneeland, which became the Boston-Gazette, or New-gland Weekly Journal. Contributors include: Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Phyllis Wheatley.

The sheet’s masthead vignette, produced by Paul Revere, shows a seated Britannia with Liberty cap on staff freeing a bird from a cage. Motto: “Containing the Freshest Advice, Foreign and Domestic” This issue is often reprinted.

Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

“After the Revolution [the paper] lost its great contributors and changed its tone and policy. It strongly opposed the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and the administration of Washington. The paper declined in power, interest, and popular favor. , after a long struggle, 1798 , it was discontinued due to the need for support.”

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It was noted for its many passionate and often controversial political essays. It often published advertisements for the sale of slaves and advertisements for runaway slaves.

Benjamin Franklin acquired a packet of about twenty letters written to Thomas Whatley, an aide to Prime Minister George Greville.

After reading them, Franklin concluded that Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson and his Colonial Secretary (plus brother-in-law) Andrew Oliver had misinterpreted the state of the colonies and thus misled Parliament. He felt that a wider knowledge of these letters would direct colonial anger away from Parliament and towards those who had written the misleading letters.

He specifically wrote to Cushing that the letters were to be limited to a few people and that he was “not at liberty to make the letters public.”

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The letters arrived in Massachusetts in March 1773 and fell into the hands of Samuel Adams, who was serving as Clerk of the Massachusetts Assembly.

At Franklin’s direction, only a select few, including the Massachusetts Committee on Correspondence, got to see the letters.

Alarmed by what they read, Cushing wrote to Franklin, asking if the restrictions on their circulation could be eased. In a response to Cushing in early June, Franklin reiterated that they were not to be copied or published, but could be shown to anyone.

Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

Hutchinson’s long-time adversary Samuel Adams informed the assembly of the existence of the letters, which then appointed a committee to analyze them. To Hutchinson’s great embarrassment, strategic leaks suggesting their expansion entered the press and political discussions. At the end of the meeting, according to John Hancock, Hutchinson sought to “overthrow this constitution of government, and introduce arbitrary power into the province,” and demanded the removal of Hutchinson and Oliver.

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Hutchinson complained that Adams and the opposition were misrepresenting what he had written, and that he had written nothing on the subject of the supremacy of Parliament beyond other statements he had made.

For years before Lexington Gray was first shot, Samuel Adams, Joseph Warr, Josiah Quincy, James Otis, Eddys, and Gill were writing article after article in the Boston Gazette rebelling against royal authority. Adams wrote so many letters, under so many pseudonyms (at least 25), that historians don’t know exactly how many he wrote. Paul Revere was hired by the Boston Gazette to create his famous tombstone of the Boston Massacre.

British officials shut down the Boston Gazette, fearing it would undermine their authority. British officials put the paper’s name on a list of emirates to capture and, if possible, waste it. Those “seditious trumpeters”, Eddies and Gill, were to be put out of business once and for all.

The Sons of Liberty met at the Boston Gazette. It was there that they disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and blackened their faces before dumping British tea into Boston Harbor (Boston Tea Party). Samuel Adams practically lived in the Boston Gazette.

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In recent years, Edes & Gill’s Boston Gazette press has been rebuilt and is open to the public as a museum in Boston. These examples discuss the ethics that guide journalists’ work, how they make decisions and their motivations, and how they cover them. .

In an effort to be more transparent with their audience, 6AM City has updated its ethics policy and posted it online and linked to it in each of their daily newsletters. “Although we are a staff of people with individual backgrounds, opinions and personalities, we remain unbiased in our reporting to support productive conversations around our growing community. Our goal has been, and continues to be, to get you all the information you need to know to start your day,” the policy reads.

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Journal Gazette Letters To The Editor

Devano Mahardika

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