Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue

Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue – The theme answers are listed in descending order and each contains the letter sequence K-E-Y. This “KEY” is TRANSLATED across the grid:

“Noob” (sometimes “newb”) is a not-so-nice slang term for “newbie” and often refers to someone new to the online community.

Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue

Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue

In boxing, a knockout (KO) is when one of the fighters cannot get up from the canvas within a certain time, usually 10 seconds. This may be due to fatigue, injury or the participant may be truly ‘knocked out’. The referee, fighter or doctor may also decide to stop the fight without a physical knockout, especially if there are concerns for the fighter’s safety. In this case, the fight ends with a technical knockout (TKO).

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“McJob” is a slang term for a low-paying position that offers little opportunity for advancement. This term comes from a job at a McDonald’s fast food restaurant.

The fictional sea barn called “Dead Man’s Chest” was introduced in Robert Louis Stevenson’s great novel “Treasure Island”. In the book, Stevenson only describes the chorus, which reads:

Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest… Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done the rest – …yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! 15 Pint size: MINI

A US pint contains 16 fluid ounces, while an imperial pint is 20 fluid ounces. The English term “pinte” comes from Old French, ultimately from the Latin “picta,” meaning “painted.” The name came from a line drawn on the side of a beer glass that marked a full measure of beer.

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Home Alone is a 1990 film starring Macaulay Culkin that has become a Christmas classic. Culkin was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actor for his performance, becoming the youngest actor ever to be so honored.

The “Twelve Labors of Hercules” is actually a Greek myth, although Heracles is the Roman name for the hero the Greeks called “Hercules”. The first of these deeds was the slaying of the Nemean Lion, a monster that lived in a cave near Nemea. Hercules had a tough job because the lion’s golden coat was impervious to conventional weapons. One version of the story is that Hercules killed the lion by shooting an arrow in its mouth. Another version says that Hercules stunned the monster with a club and then strangled it with his bare hands.

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The term ‘roger’, meaning ‘yes’ or ‘acknowledged’, comes from the world of radiotelephony. The British military in the 1950s used a phonetic alphabet that included ‘Roger’ to represent the letter ‘R’. Thus, it became customary to say “Roger” when acknowledging a message, with the R (Roger) meaning “received”.

Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue

The sword, known as an epée, has a three-edged blade. It is similar to the foil and sword, although the foil and sword have rectangular cross-sections.

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The period of British colonial rule in South Asia from 1858 to 1947 is called the British Raj. Prior to 1858, the area was administered by a private company, the British East India Company. “Raj” means “to rule” in Hindi.

“Enure” is a variant spelling of “inure” which means “to toughen up, get used to.”

The sego lily is Utah’s state flower and is a perennial plant found throughout the western United States.

The mustang is a free-roaming horse and a descendant of a once-domesticated animal. The English term comes from the Spanish “mesteño” meaning “stray cattle”.

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In the United Kingdom, table tennis is called table tennis, where the sport originated in the 1980s. Table tennis began as an after-dinner activity among the elite and was called ‘wiff-waff’. To play the game, books were stacked in the center of the table as a ‘net’, two more books served as ‘racquets’ and the ball used was actually a golf ball. The game evolved over time as rackets were upgraded to cigar box lids and the ball became a champagne cork (how cute is that?). Eventually, the game was produced commercially, and the sound of the ball hitting the racket was considered a “ping” and a “pong,” giving the sport its alternate name. The name “Ping-Pong” was trademarked in Britain in 1901 and eventually sold to Parker Brothers in the US.

The Miami “Heat” basketball team debuted in the NBA in the 1988-89 season. The franchise name was chosen in a contest poll, with “Miami Heat” beating out “Miami Vice”.

I think it’s generally accepted that the term “metrosexual” from “metropolitan heterosexual” refers to a man who lives in an urban environment and invests a fair amount of money and energy into his appearance. It wouldn’t be me…

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Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue

Actress Emma Stone is from Scottsdale, Arizona. Stone really rose to prominence with her performance in the 2010 high school film Easy A. She won the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in the 2016 film La La Land. Now one of Hollywood’s most sought-after actresses, Stone values ​​her privacy and works hard to keep a low profile. Good for her, I say…

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The 2017 film Battle of the Sexes is a fictionalized account of the famous 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. In the film, King is played by Emma Stone and Riggs by Steve Carell. Stone and Carell played body doubles in the tennis scenes. Stone’s double was Kaitlyn Christian, and Carell’s double was Vince Spadea.

Bobby Riggs was the world’s No. 1 tennis player in the 1930s and 1940s, both as an amateur and as a professional. However, Riggs is best remembered for playing the Battle of the Sexes against Billie Jean King in 1973. King defeated Riggs in three straight sets.

“Dictum” (plural “dicta”) is a legal term that describes a court statement as part of a judgment.

Enos was the son of Seth and therefore the grandson of Adam and Eve and the nephew of Cain and Abel. According to an ancient Jewish work called the Book of Jubilees, Enos married his sister Noam.

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The word “ants” embodies the concept of “ants in the pants”, which means to be nervous and restless. However, “antsy” has been in English use since the 1830s, while “ants in the pants” originated a century later.

Sir Francis Drake was vice-admiral and second-in-command of Elizabeth’s navy when the Royal Navy defeated the Spanish Armada. He was also a Queen’s pirate and he wreaked havoc on the Spanish merchant navy. Drake’s most famous ship was the Golden Hind, on which he traveled the world from 1577 to 1580.

The main campus of the private New York University (NYU) is located right in Manhattan, Washington Square, in the heart of Greenwich Village. NYU has more than 12,000 resident students, the largest population of any private school in the country. NYU’s sports teams are known as the Purples, a reference to the purple and white colors worn in competition. Since the 1980s, the school’s mascot has been a bobcat. “Bobcat” was the familiar name given to the NYU Bobst Library’s computerized catalog.

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Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue

Illegal distilled spirits known as moonshine can also be called white lightning, mountain dew and hooch.

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Kishka (also “kishke” and “stuffed dermis”) is a sausage or intestines stuffed with meat and flour. The dish comes from Eastern Europe and is popular in Jewish communities.

Disc golf is also known as frisbee golf and sometimes even Frolf. Believe it or not, disc golf predates the Frisbee. The first game was played at a school in Bloodworth, Saskatchewan in 1926. Participating students threw tin cans into circles drawn on a course they created in the school grounds. They called the game “Tin Lid Golf”. By the way, I try to play disc golf at least three times a week. A lot of fun …

Jordan Peele is a former cast member of the sketch comedy show Mad TV. Peele created his own sketch comedy show ‘Key & Peele’ with fellow Mada TV alum Keegan Michael Key. Peele began filming and producing The Twilight Zone revival in 2019.

W. W. Jacobs was an English author who wrote primarily humorous works, although his best-known work is a collection of horror stories published under the title The Monkey’s Paw.

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The Great Plains are located between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains in North America. These vast grasslands are known as ‘prairies’ in Canada.

How the Oreo cookie got its name seems to have been lost in the mists of time. One theory is that it comes from the French “or” meaning “gold”, a reference to the gold color of the original packaging. Another suggestion is that the name comes from the Greek word “oreo” which means “beautiful, lovely, well made”.

A ketogenic (also “keto”) diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. If the body does not consume enough carbohydrates to meet its energy needs, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies to compensate for the energy deficit. Elevated levels of ketone bodies in the bloodstream are known as “ketosis”, a

Letters On Gold Keys Crossword Clue

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