Lnp Letters To The Editor

Lnp Letters To The Editor – Ted Fabianski sits at a desk writing a letter in his Manor Township home on Thursday, Aug. 18, 2022.

Ted Fabianski Thursday, August 18, 2022 BLAINE SHAHAN | Staff photographer

Lnp Letters To The Editor

Lnp Letters To The Editor

Every Tuesday, we highlight a writer’s personal letter to the editor. Each writer is asked the same five questions. The goal is to add to the understanding of where we all come from and what we may have in common. This week features Ted Fabianski from Manor Township.

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After living on Long Island for 45 years, I was looking for a place to live with less traffic and lower taxes. I decided to move to Lancaster County in 1991. My parents moved here a few years ago, so I was familiar with Lancaster. However, over the years, I have seen the traffic here get really bad. So I have to say that the increased traffic is a bit of a concern.

I think that since people have the right to move to wherever they want, and more people like me have moved here, there is no solution. People should be patient when stuck in traffic. People tend to move to more desirable areas, so dealing with traffic can be a little less stressful when you know you live in one.

I see so much in the media that I don’t agree with or just find false, so writing a letter is a good way to express my point of view. It is important that all viewpoints are allowed in the media, so that everyone can be heard from all sides and have their say.

I am saddened when I see newspapers that don’t publish certain social media viewpoints, usually conservative viewpoints, and fail or refuse to publish important information that people really need to be aware of. don’t fit the progressive narrative.

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Many of the blocked views have since been proven to be true, and their publication could have saved lives or businesses – highlighting the problem with only certain views being aired or reviewed.

What I believe to be a clear left-wing bias in much of today’s media can only be offset by giving conservatives equal opportunity to express their views and concerns. Conservative views, unfortunately, are often blocked. This happens very often. So I write a letter.

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I like fishing. Anywhere, anytime. And I am a nature lover. I can sit by a creek, river, bay or ocean for hours just looking around and enjoying the beauty of the world God has given us.

Lnp Letters To The Editor

If I wander away from the traffic, I find some of the most beautiful farms and crops I’ve ever seen. I am very grateful to the hardworking farmers who work hard to feed us. Seeing Amish farms or the occasional carriage along the way is something that makes Lancaster stand out.

Honoring Lnp’s Top Letter Writers Of 2019 [opinion]

Support local journalism. To learn more about the Lancaster County Foundation for Local Journalism’s role in Lancaster County and to make a tax-deductible donation, click here. They are the focus of the LNP Opinion pages. Their voices are heard again and again in letters to the editor, pointing out societal ills and government missteps, defending some elected officials and lambasting others, discussing the big political questions of our generation, Lancaster County, co. gives an understanding of our style and our country. Once again, we honor the most prolific letter writers of the year. Here, they share a little about why they’re writing and what they’re thinking about as they head into 2019.

Topics: Justice for senior citizens, Medicare, motherhood, false accusations, the dangers of fireworks, recycling, and the benefits of cursive writing.

Topics include: Investigating reckless politicians, funding the government, Deferring Action for Childhood Arrivals, US Rep. Lloyd Smucker, tax cuts, judges upholding the Constitution, Lou Barletta, and unfair criticism of President Donald Trump.

Looking ahead: Fryburg says, “I am writing in support of President Trump and Rep. Smucker to present the real facts about their positive contributions to the nation and to Lancaster County. My main concern for 2019 is whether anything positive will be accomplished once the Democrats take control of the US House of Representatives.

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Topics: Governor’s race, Pennsylvania education reform, Department of Environmental Protection permits, property tax reform, water quality, arbitrary city ordinances and boating access.

Looking ahead: Heller says, “First, thank you for your diligence in reviewing, promoting, and improving the Letters to the Editor process. I write to LNP editors because it’s a very cost-effective way to spread ideas. A growing concern for 2019 is the flourishing of non-profit organizations that take too much money from our default economy. Productive jobs are not being filled because standard for-profit businesses do not have the revenue needed to pay competitive wages after covering the mandatory costs imposed by multiple levels of government.”

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Topics: Collective bargaining, parents, values ​​taught by Worley & Obetz employees, unfair convictions of our police force, and the fact that politicians should legislate and not investigate.

Lnp Letters To The Editor

Looking ahead: Herman says: “Thanks for the recognition. I am writing my letters because I feel that some of your views and the views of your readers need a different perspective on certain issues, especially those related to law enforcement. Also, I talk to a lot of people who share my thoughts and ideas and encourage me to write. In 2019, I would once again like to see the rhetoric in this country toned down a bit. I would also like to see this newly elected Congress work for the people of this country rather than their personal agenda. I would also like to see respect for law enforcement officials instead of criticism and control.”

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Topics: The Green Party, government spending, welfare, black money and its impact on democracy and the environment.

Looking ahead: Runkle says, “I’m writing to share ideas about local work that focuses on peace, justice, ecology, and democracy. I am concerned that we will continue to allow vested interests to divide our communities. We must educate, campaign and organize to ensure that people and the planet come before profit.”

Topics: Criticism of President Donald Trump, Criticism of House Speaker Paul Ryan, negative campaigning, America’s resilience, and our shared values.

Looking ahead: Betz says, “It’s very difficult to express my thoughts clearly with minimal words. I’m a little worried about the upcoming food fight between the Democrat-controlled House and the Trump White House. I am afraid that not only the food will be thrown away, but also the plates and silverware.”

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Topics: The White House’s celebration of tax cuts, the idea of ​​having no political parties, relying on “the better angels of our nature,” and the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

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Looking ahead: Blue says, “I believe in the right and the need to elect state and national politicians who are realistic and reasonable in their pursuit of supporting the needs of all Americans.” His biggest concerns in 2019 are “surviving the ill-informed and dangerous actions of an incompetent president” and “finding and/or developing enough voters who look forward, not backward, to the important issues we face.”

Topics include: Year-round holiday cheer, standing up for what you believe in, the American middle class, former FBI director James Comey, Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, the need for elected officials to serve the people and the presidency of Donald Trump.

Lnp Letters To The Editor

Looking ahead: Clissold says: “I’m writing a letter to the editor because there are topics in the news that are very important to me and others. My biggest concern in 2019 is not the government officials who are supposed to be adults and fight for me.”

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Topics: Central Park Five, criticism of President Donald Trump, border wall, moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Billy Graham and kleptocracy in the United States.

Looking ahead: Ebersole says, “I testify that a self-centered president cares about ratings and crowd size while our country and the world suffer from his worst impulses. I would like to thank the LNP opinion editors for their intelligent review and corrections of my submissions, making them readable.” When asked about the year 2019, Ebersol said of Thomas Jefferson’s hope: “(We will witness) wait a little longer and we will see the reign of the witches pass away, their spells disappear, and people find their true selves. we shall see them restore their sight, and restore their government to their power. true principles.”

Topics: Criticizing the national media, the gun control debate, lowering our moral standards, illegal immigration, President Donald Trump, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the carbon fee and dividend proposals.

Looking ahead: Fabianski says, “I’m grateful to live in a country where we have this opportunity.

Lnp Risk Irrelevance: Letters

Devano Mahardika

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