Office Theme Song Piano Letters

Office Theme Song Piano Letters – In this very easy piano lesson for beginners, you will learn how to play the intro to F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Theme song on piano and keyboard. I’ve embedded an easy piano tutorial for the Friends theme song below as a video. You can watch the video tutorial then refer to the notes below which are in letter format. After you master the right hand notes, you can add the left hand notes.

Here is a slightly more advanced version. In this one, you play the chords with your left hand.

Office Theme Song Piano Letters

Office Theme Song Piano Letters

See the FRIENDS Theme Song melody and piano chords tutorial above, then practice the chords below with your left hand.

You Can Learn ‘the Office’ Theme Song On This $20 Instrument In An Hour

I hope you enjoyed learning how to play the Friends Theme song intro. Thank you very much, Mantius Cazaubon, for learning with me. To improve your playing, check out our piano course for everyone here.

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This is my order from subject to office. I think this is more accurate than other versions of this float so I made this version. I love this show for Jim and Pam! enjoy!!

Office Theme Song Piano Letters

This is my order from subject to office. I think this is more accurate than other versions of this float so I made this version. I love this show for Jim and Pam! ENJ…

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