Price Negotiable Letters Crossword Clue

Price Negotiable Letters Crossword Clue – The New York Times crossword puzzle was first published in 1942 in the Sunday edition of the newspaper. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the puzzle became an everyday feature. Since then, it has continued to be published in 300 newspapers, magazines and now, mobile apps. One popular way to complete these crosswords is through the New York Times Crossword mobile app, available on the App Store and Google Play. A fan favorite feature in this app is the New York Times Mini Crossword.

NYT Daily Mini is one popular New York Times crossword puzzle feature. It doesn’t take as much time as a full daily word and provides a quick way to exercise those brain muscles in just a few minutes a day. Don’t let the size fool you, though, because the mini can still be tough. If you get stuck, you can check the daily NYT Mini Crossword answers below.

Price Negotiable Letters Crossword Clue

Price Negotiable Letters Crossword Clue

Below are the answers to the daily NY Times Mini Crossword puzzle. There is a new crossword puzzle every day, so feel free to bookmark this site and check the answers if you need help.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Those are all the answers to today’s NYTimes Mini Crossword. Bookmark this page and check back daily for updates!20. The most expensive mushroom: BLACK TR UFFLES. TRACK 35. Cylindrical injury area: ROTATOR CU FF. COURT 43. Novelist known for legal comedies: JOHN GRI SHAM. RING 52. A request from a trial lawyer, and a clue to the circles of this puzzle: CHANGE OF PLACE.

Here’s to Melissa. The circled letters can be rearranged to spell the type of venue. Racing TRACK, tennis COURT, and boxing RING. Do you see?

1. I wished, like goodbye: BADE. 5. Water gently using a spray bottle: MISTS. 10. Get away with a surprise: DAZE. 14. Setting of “The Hurt Locker”: IRAQ. 15. Natty neckwear: ASCOT. Natty: (of a person or an article of clothing) smart and fashionable. Also, seasons (bodybuilding): a person whose muscle gains are natural and not helped by the use of steroids. 16. “The Wounded Night Sky __”: a collection of poems by Ocean Vuong: EXIT.

17. Triple Crown Surfing Area: OAHU. I have not heard this before now. A special series of professional surfing events that have been held annually since 1983 on Oahu’s North Shore, a stretch of coastline where winter swells can reach 50 feet (15 m) in height. Wow!

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18. Big mess: SNAFU. An acronym that is commonly used to represent a sarcastic expression Common Mode: All F***ed Up. It is a well-known example of military acronyms. Sometimes it is expressed in “all dirty” or similar. It means that the situation is bad, but that this is the normal state of affairs.

19. Pond plant: ALGA. Algae is the singular form and Algae is the plural form. Algae has a cell. The difference between plants and algae, most types of algae are closely related to plants, but algae are very different. The term Algae covers many different organisms that can produce oxygen.

28. PX Guards: GIS. PX = Post Exchange. Commissioner at the post of the United States Army. PX was chosen to distinguish it from the BX (Base Exchange) used on Air Force bases. “In the US Army, BX is the common name for a type of retail store operating on US military installations around the world.

Price Negotiable Letters Crossword Clue

38. The need for a raw bar: ICE. A raw bar is a small restaurant or bar within a restaurant where live shellfish are grilled and served.

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45. Old West Crew: POSSE. “Posse” began as a technical term in law, part of the word “posse comitatus,” which in Medieval Latin meant “county power or authority.” Therefore, it referred to a group of citizens called by the sheriff to protect the public peace as permitted by law.

47. Mobile network std.: LTE. In telecommunications, Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a wireless broadband communication standard for mobile devices and data centers.

48. Fitbit units: STEPS. I see more Apple Watches than Fitbits anymore. 49. Fannie __: mortgage company nickname: MAE. The National Mortgage Association, known as Fannie Mae, is a US government-sponsored enterprise and, since 1968, a publicly traded company. 51. “Mr. Blue Sky” gp.: ELO.

59. Sweve: VEER. 60. Bright light: GLARE. 61. Calligrapher’s Equipment: INKS. 63. Polish Prose: EDIT. 64. Slow cooker brand: OSTER. Not just for slow cooks, OSTER offers a wide range of kitchen accessories. 65. Slow cooker dish: STEW.

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66. MTV Generation: XERS. According to Wikipedia, Generation X is the demographic group that follows the baby boomers and precedes the millennials. Researchers and the popular media use the mid to late 1960s as the birth years and the late 1970s to early 1980s as the last birth years, with a generation generally defined as people born from 1965 to 1980. See this table of Ages by Generation. .

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3. Arlene of the silver screen: DAHL. 4. Workplace compensation concerns: EQUAL PAY. 5. Snorkeling Requirements: MASKS. 6. “__ is sarcastic?”: NOT. I thought of this.

7. Consequences of emotional trauma: SCAR. 8. Vegan Protein: TOFU. 9. Fill, like a river: ADVENTURES. 10. Casino employee: DEALER. 11. The bar in the limo: AXLE. Sly 12. Sharp turn: ZIGS.

Price Negotiable Letters Crossword Clue

13. Schedule details: ETA. Estimated Time of Arrival. 21. Collection of shows: CAST. 22. Feudal domain: FIEF. Landed property, especially held in serfdom. 25. Crimp together: CRIMP. 26. “This is not my first __”: RODEO. 27. Country album?: ATLAS. Good tip. 28. Dave of Foo Fighters: GROHL. 29. “I’m sorry, no”: I CAN’T. 30. A sudden increase in strength: SURGE. Many electronic devices now come with built-in surge protectors to protect electrical equipment from voltage surges 32. Such as niche markets: NICHE. 6 Amazing, Niche Companies Making Good Money 33. Residue: DIRT. 34. Filled (with): TEEMS. 36. “Price negotiable,” in ads: OBO. Or a better offer. 37. Proclamation of the New Deal: FDR. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 41. Really wow: AMAZING. 43. “Bridgerton” actor Regé-__ Page: JEAN. Does anyone watch this series? I’ve heard good things but haven’t watched it yet.

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44. 17-Crossing, e.g.: ISLE. 46. ​​It really hurts: SMARTS. 50. Goad: EGG ON. 51. Civil rights leader Medgar: EVERS. 52. Give up: CEDE. 53. Next in line: HEIR. 54. Otherwise: OTHERWISE. 55. Granola cereal: OATS. 56. Fingerboard: FRET.Former rival of MGM / MON 4-26-21 / Site of many White House photographs / Only daughter of Elizabeth II / First female Member of Parliament

THEME:FOOD COURTS (35D: Malls … or 20-Up and 26- and 30-Down places?)— fast food places that have words related to “court” in their names:

Word of the Day:MSRP(41A: Starting point for car sales negotiations: Abbr.) — List price, also known as manufacturer’s suggested retail price(MSRP), or suggested retail price(RRP), or retail recommended. the price (SRP) of a product is the price at which the manufacturer recommends that the retailer sell the product. The intention was to help equalize prices between regions. While some shops/stores always sell at, or below, the suggested retail price, others only do so when items are on sale/on clearance. (wikipedia)

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It’s a beautiful scene. I don’t understand why they didn’t share this on Tuesday, or even Wednesday, as it would have been more appropriate there. So many things make this a little more difficult than a typical Monday puzzle (still easy in absolute terms, but out of the average Monday). Large open spaces, for one. There’s almost no way you can have three stacks of 9s like that (in the middle, where the revealer is) and still keep things Monday-easy. Such an open space is a hallmark of Fri / Sat mysteries. And you have the same position in SW and SE as well, with 10 stacked together in each case (I realize “pile” isn’t the right metaphor, but you see what I mean…they’re close to.. “pillars”?). Larger pieces of white space means the difficulty level goes up. Add to that the fact that all themes are referenced, so there’s absolutely no way to get them from their tips alone. You have to hammer on the crosses *or* go solve the puzzle and then maybe, just maybe, have a chance to understand how it relates to the title clue. That is, the clue WHITE CASTLE has nothing to do with WHITE CASTLE , and so do BURGER KING and DAIRY QUEEN. Theme tips without actual, direct information about the themes themselves, that’s unheard of on a Monday… For a Reason. It adds a good chunk of complexity. It slows you down. Now finally, it was all doable, but a good Tuesday puzzle should happen on Tuesday. I don’t know why it’s so hard. Is there a real shortage of good Mondays? Bah!

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I also didn’t know who Lady ASTOR was (66A: Lady ___, the first woman MP) (I mean, it rings a bell, but … shrug). Same with Chris REDD. I’m glad to know there’s another REDD outside of FOXX (or former NBA player Michael), but I’m tired of the idea that I have to know every current and former member of SNL. It’s bad enough that I have to see SNL

Devano Mahardika

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