Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters – In Greek and Roman mythology, Arachne was a mortal woman who was a great weaver. Arachne boasted that her weaving was greater than the goddess Athena (or Minerva in Roman myth), and this was proven true in a contest. As a result, Arachne was turned into a spider by Athena. “Arachne” is the Greek word for spider.

Gateway was a computer manufacturer founded in Sioux City, Iowa in 1985. Competing primarily with Dell, Gateway manufactured and sold computers to order, directly to users. The company developed quite a bit of brand recognition by shipping products in spotted boxes patterned after the markings on a Holstein cow. Gateway was purchased by Korean computer manufacturer Acer in 2007, and Acer discontinued the Gateway brand in 2011.

Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Antipasto (plural “antipasti”) is the first meal in Italy. “Antipasto” translates as “before the meal”.

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Ohio is sometimes referred to as the Buckeye State, taking its name from the state tree. In turn, the buckeye tree gets its name from the appearance of the fruit, a dark nut with a light spot, thought to resemble a “buckeye”.

Iowa is nicknamed the Hawkeye State in honor of Chief Black Hawk, a leader of the Sauk people during the War of 1812 and the Black Hawk War.

Alabama is known as the Yellowhammer State, in honor of the state bird. Alabama is also called the “Heart of Dixie”.

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard that deals with how computers and electronic devices connect and communicate, and that handles electrical power through these connections.

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Maine is the least densely populated state east of the Mississippi, with nearly 90% of its land covered in forest. Maybe that’s why the state’s nickname is “The Pine Tree State”…

The state of Nebraska got the nickname “Cornhusker State” from the University of Nebraska athletic teams (and not the other way around). In turn, the university teams’ name comes from the prevalence of corn as a crop, and the harvesting process known as “cornhusking”, the removal of the outer husk from the ear of corn.

One of Kansas’ most important crops is the sunflower, which is why the state’s official nickname is the Sunflower State. The sunflower is the state symbol, and Mount Sunflower is the highest point in Kansas.

Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters

The IATA airport code for O’Hare International in Chicago is ORD, which comes from Orchard Place Airport/Douglas Field (OR-D).

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It seems that the derivation of Chicago’s “Windy City” nickname is not as obvious as I had thought. There are two viable theories. First, that the weather can be breezy with the wind blowing in off Lake Michigan. The effect of the wind is exaggerated by the grid layout adopted by city planners after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The other theory is that “wind” means “to be full of blowing”. Sportswriters from the rival city of Cincinnati were fond of calling Chicago supporters “windy” in the 1860s and 1870s, meaning they were full of hot air in their claims that the Chicago White Stockings were superior to the Cincinnati Red Stockings.

The word “sutra” is used in Hinduism for a learned text, one usually meant to be studied by students.

Our word “hammock” comes via Spanish from Haiti, and evolved from a word used to describe a fishing net.

A beau (plural “beaux”) is the lover of a belle, a young lady. “Beau” and “belle” are the masculine and feminine forms of the French word for “handsome, beautiful”.

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Claude A. Hatcher operated a grocery store in Columbus, Georgia. He decided to develop his own soda formula when he balked at the price his store was being charged for Coca-Cola syrup. Hatcher launched Union Bottling Works in his own grocery store, introducing Royal Crown Ginger Ale in 1905. Union Bottling Works was renamed Chero-Cola in 1910, Nehi Corporation in 1925, and Royal Crown Company in the mid-fifties. The first RC Cola hit the market in 1934.

A kibosh is something that limits or checks. “Kibosh” looks like a Yiddish word, but it isn’t, and is more likely English slang from the early 1800s.

The cocktail known as a Tom Collins is a mixture of gin, lemon juice, sugar and club soda. The original recipe was supposedly invented by a head waiter called John Collins, in a London hotel in the early 19th century. Called a John Collins at the time, the drink’s name was changed around 1869 when a popular recipe specifically called for Old Tom gin.

Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Patsy Cline was a country music singer who managed to cross over into the world of pop music where she enjoyed great success. Cline is one of a long list of musical legends who died in plane crashes. Cline was 30 years old when she was killed in 1963 in a Piper Comanche plane piloted by her manager, Randy Hughes. Hughes and Cline decided to make the final flight despite warnings of bad weather, and there was a severe storm that brought the plane down in a forest outside Camden, Tennessee.

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A beehive is a structure specially built to house a colony of bees. A bee colony that nests naturally is found in a nest.

“Stygian” is such a lovely word! Meaning “gloomy, dark” or “infernal, hell”, it is an adjective that comes from the river “Styx”.

The term “ark”, when used in reference to Noah, is a translation of the Hebrew word “tebah”. The word “tebah” is also used in the Bible for the basket in which Moses was placed by his mother when she floated him down the Nile. It seems that the word “tebah” does not mean “boat” nor does it mean “basket”. Rather, a more appropriate translation is “life preserver” or “life saver”. So Noah’s ark was Noah’s lifesaver during the flood.

The author Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993. Morrison is known, among other things, for coining the phrase “our first black president”, a reference to President Bill Clinton.

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Zeta is the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet, and is a precursor to our Roman letter Z. The word “zeta” is also the ancestor of the letter name “zed”, which became “zee”, the term we use here in the United States.

In Greek mythology, Chaos was the first of the primordial gods born at the creation of the universe. The following chaos ensued:

The Roomba vacuum cleaner is a cool device that navigates around a room by itself, picking up dirt as it goes. Like I said, it looks cool, but I’m not sure how effective it is…

Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters

The literal translation for the Latin phrase “alma mater” is “nourishing mother”. The term was used in ancient Rome to refer to mother goddesses, and in medieval Christianity the term was used to refer to the Virgin Mary. Today, one’s alma mater is the school one attended, either high school or college, usually one’s last place of education.

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West Region Crossword

“The Cask of Amontillado” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1846. The story tells of a vengeful man who lures his enemy into the catacombs, locks him in chains, and then traps him in a niche by sealing it with a brick wall. Nice man …

Apparently, most aster species and cultivars flower relatively late in the year, usually in autumn. The name “aster” comes into English via Latin from the Greek word “asteri” meaning “star”, a reference to the arrangement of the petals of the flower.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Barack Hussein Obama II was actually born in Hawaii. The future US President Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at the Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu.

In 1989, the International Basketball Federation changed its rule requiring amateur status for participants in the Olympic Games (although before the ruling, European and South American professionals could play). So the United States was able to field the “Dream Team” at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. Since the rules were changed, the United States won gold in four of the five Olympic tournaments.

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A phoenix is ​​a fabulous bird of Greek mythology, which can also be found in the mythologies of Persia, Egypt and China. The phoenix is ​​a fire spirit, which lives from 500 to 1000 years. At the end of its lifespan, it builds a nest for itself (a bonfire) and self-ignites, burning itself and the nest, creating a pile of ashes. A young phoenix rises from the ashes and the cycle starts over.

Maracanã Stadium is a football stadium in Rio de Janeiro that opened in 1950, when it hosted that year’s FIFA World Cup. The facility was partially rebuilt in time for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. It was also used during the 2016 Summer Olympics, notably for the opening and closing ceremonies.

“Alpha” is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and gave rise to our Latin letter “A”. In turn, alpha is derived from the Phoenician letter “aleph”.

Region Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Kim Cattrall is a Canadian-English actress best known for playing Samantha Jones on HBO’s Sex and the City. My favorite movie starring Cattrall is the excellent 2010 film

Ny Times Crossword 26 Jun 22, Sunday

Devano Mahardika

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