River In Spain 4 Letters

River In Spain 4 Letters – There are said to be around 1,800 rivers in Spain, although many are dry for much of the year. When riverbeds fill with water, they quickly become raging and destructive torrents.

Following the same general direction as the large mountain systems, there are five large rivers, four of which – the Duero, the Tagus, the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir – flow into the Atlantic and one – the Ebro – into the Mediterranean.

River In Spain 4 Letters

River In Spain 4 Letters

At some point, they are all dammed – as are many of their many tributaries – and the reservoirs provide much of the country’s water and electricity.

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The Ebro, more than 900 kilometers (560 miles) long, originates in the Cantabrian mountain range and flows through a large delta into the Mediterranean at the southern tip of Catalonia. Fed by several tributaries of the Pyrenees in the north and the Iberian System in the south, the Ebro is the largest river in Spain by volume. On its way it touches Castilla-León and the Basque Country before crossing La Rioja, Navarre, Aragon and Catalonia.

Given the river’s volume, the government approved plans in 2001 to redirect some of the Ebro’s water to the parched communities of Valencia, Murcia and Almeria in the south.

Opposition was fierce because of the ecological damage to the Ebro Delta and the land crossed by the pipeline, and because much of the water would be used for further development as well as golf courses and swimming pools. The plan was abandoned by the government in 2004, but the issue is still very much alive.

The largest city on the Ebro is Zaragoza (Saragossa). Towards the end of the Civil War (1938), the lower Ebro was the scene of one of the fiercest battles between the Francoists and the Republicans, for four months.

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The Duero starts not far from the Ebro, but takes the opposite direction, crossing Castilla-León and then turning south to border Portugal. After about 100 kilometers it passes into Portugal (where it is called the Duero), and crosses some narrow gorges before entering the Atlantic at Porto.

The Duero is not a particularly deep river, but much of its northern bank is steep and forms a modest barrier to the Meseta flata.

For a long time, the Douro Valley was the border between Christians and Muslims and subject to raids by both sides until the end of the 10th century when the Christians took control. Many towns along the Duero are located on the ridges on the north side of the river protecting the valley from Muslim incursions from the south. The largest Spanish city in the Duero is Zamora, aptly called la bien cercada (“well surrounded”) thanks to the formidable strength of its walls.

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River In Spain 4 Letters

The Tagus (Tajo in Spanish, Tejo in Portuguese) is the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula, which rises in the wild areas of the Serranía d’Albarracín only about 90 miles from the Mediterranean. It makes a sharp loop to the west through Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura and then heads in a south-westerly direction through Portugal before emptying into the Atlantic at Lisbon.

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There are several large dams on the Tagus that create huge lakes that are a vital source of agricultural irrigation as well as drinking water for Madrid and Toledo. A significant amount is also diverted from the upper Tagus dams to the Segura river basin to irrigate the southeast.

Despite the length of the Tagus, Toledo is the only major city in Spain (in Portugal, it passes Lisbon), mainly because for much of its course it has very steep banks and traverses arid and difficult terrain.

The source of the Guadiana is generally called the Ruidera Lakes, a series of interconnected lagoons and waterfalls in the hills of Montiel (Castilla-La Mancha). However, shortly after leaving its source, the river disappears underground before reemerging some 40 kilometers (24 mi) to the west in the Tables de Daimiel wetland reserve. Not everyone agrees that the river runs underground. Two tributaries, the Zancara and the Cigüela (both rising in the Serra de Conca) combine just before reaching the Tables de Daimiel and one of them could reasonably be considered to form the upper section of the Guadiana.

From the Tables of Daimiel the Guadiana moves slowly westward through Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura. At Badajoz it turns south, forms part of the border with Portugal, then moves completely into Portugal only to return as a border line before entering the Atlantic at the town of Ayamonte.

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A series of important dams halfway up the Guadiana have created large artificial lakes, essential for the irrigation of this largely arid landscape. Inaugurated by General Franco in 1952, they were completed in 1960.

The Guadalquivir (in Arabic Guad al-Quivir: “the Great River, B(a)etis to the Romans) originates in the Sierra de Cazorla, heads north, makes a pronounced loop to the west and then, parallel to the southern slopes of the mountain range. Morena, crosses central Andalusia before entering the Atlantic just north of Cádiz.

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The Guadalquivir Valley is probably the most fertile agricultural area in Spain, producing cereals, cotton, citrus fruits, vines and rice. After descending from the rolling, olive-covered mountains and hills of the province of Jaén, the Guadalquivir opens wide to the Atlantic. After passing through Seville, it feeds a vast wild wetland, Coto Doñana National Park, one of Europe’s largest wildlife parks and an important migratory stopover for birds.

River In Spain 4 Letters

Córdoba and Seville are the two main cities of the Guadalquivir. Seville is about 85 kilometers (52 miles) from the Atlantic, but is a major inland port capable of accommodating ocean-going vessels. Still, there is a perennial battle with packaging and larger ships usually dock in Cadiz. Beaches Food & Restaurants Kids & Family Local Events Museum & Art Nature & Outdoors Nightlife & Bars Shopping Sports & Adventure Where to Stay

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They are called rio and they twist through a dusty land. However, Spain is as green as it is brown, so its rivers also meander through forests and valleys. Go back to school by learning the names of the most significant watercourses.

Seville is the only commercial river port in Spain, thanks to the crossing of the Guadalquivir. The second longest in Spain, it stretches for 657 kilometers. Starting in the Sierra de Cazorla de Jáen, the Guadalquivir ends in the Atlantic Ocean, passing through the Gulf of Cadiz.

The longest river in the Iberian Peninsula, the Tagus begins its long journey in the Albarracín Mountains of Aragon, 150 km inland from the Mediterranean coast. It continues for 1,007 km, becoming the Tagus as it crosses the Portuguese border and flows into the Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon. In the photo above, it goes through Toledo.

What the Castilians call the Ebre is known as the Ebre in Catalonia. Discover its origin in Fontibre de Cantabria, which derives its name from the Latin words Fonts Iberis, which means source of the Ebro. A Mediterranean delta bordering Amposta in the province of Tarragona is their final destination.

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Separating these two old enemies Portugal and Spain, the Guadiana keeps Spanish Extremadura and Andalusia apart from Portuguese Alentejo and Algarve. It includes the Aquelva dam which results in the largest reservoir in Europe. Like the Guadalquivir, of a similar Arabic title, its final destination is the Atlantic Ocean, also passing through the Gulf of Cadiz.

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There is nothing wrong with a river known in Portual as the Douro. In fact, it is believed that its name comes from the Celtic tribes that occupied this area in pre-Roman times. On both sides of the border between Portugal and Spain, there are famous wine regions, with Spain’s Ribera del Duero particularly well regarded by oenophiles.

The longest river in Galicia stretches up to 340 km. Like the Duero, it crosses the border to Portugal where it becomes the Minho. And again, like the Duero, it is home to one of Spain’s famous wine regions, Ribeiro, famous for its fruity and tart whites.

River In Spain 4 Letters

A tributary of the Ebro, the Segre basin occupies Andorra, France and Spain. Poetically, when Andalusia was Al-Andalus, it was known as Nahr az-Zaytūn, River of Olives. As you can see above, it divides Lleida de Catalunya in two. In total, 11 bridges cross the two banks and the Segre runs through the city.

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The 509 km long Xúquer, starting at Ojuelos de Valdeminguete, on the eastern flank of the Montes Universals, Iberian System. In 1982, the Tous reservoir burst, causing the biggest flood in Spanish history, with the death of more than 30 people. The flood is known as the Pantanada de Tous.

270 km long, the second major tributary of the Pisuergais el Duero. It is born in the Cantabrian mountain range in the province of Palencia, autonomous community of Castile and Leon, the most famous passing through Valladolid. Shortly after passing through this city, it enters the Duero.

The second longest river in Andalusia, 359 km from end to end, flows into the longest in the region, the Guadalquivir, in Palma del Rio. The Genil is actually the main tributary of the Guadalquivir. Starting in the Sierra Nevada range, just north of Mulhacén, the highest peak, then progressing through Granada, Loja, Puente GenilandÉcija. This is an incomplete list of rivers that are at least partially in Spain. Rivers that flow into the sea are classified along the coast. Rivers that flow into other rivers are classified according to the rivers they flow into. The rivers of the continental Iberian peninsula can be divided into those belonging to the Mediterranean basin and those that flow into the Atlantic.

Devano Mahardika

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