Sanctum Preceder Crossword Clue 5 Letters

Sanctum Preceder Crossword Clue 5 Letters – Self-Help Guru Paris / FRI 3-12-21 / 1996 A book on grammar entitled Correcting a Melodramatic Scream / Frozen Food Made Famous by Comedian Jim Gaffigan / The Hussle of Hip-Hop or the Russell of Comedy / Nom de Guerre which roughly translates to Bringer of Light / A singer who lent his name to a brand of breakfast sausages

Word of the Day: SAUDI Aramco(38A: ___ Aramco, world’s most profitable company) — Saudi Aramco(Arabic:أرامكو السعودية ‎ʾArāmkū s-Saʿūdiyyah), officially theSaudi Arabian Oil Company(formerlyArabian-American Oil Company), is aSaudi Arabianpublicpetroleumandnatural gascompany Based in Dhahran. As of 2020, it is one of the largest companies in the world by revenue. Saudi Aramco has both the world’s second-largest proven crude oil reserves, at more than 270 billion barrels (43 billion cubic meters), and the largest daily oil production of all. Oil production companies. Saudi Aramco operates the single largest hydrocarbon network in the world, Master Gas System. Its total crude oil production in 2013 was 3.4 billion barrels (540 million cubic meters), and it manages over a hundred oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia, including 288.4 trillion standard cubic feet (scf) of natural gas reserves. Saudi Aramco operates the Jowar field, the world’s largest onshore oil field, and the Sepania field, the world’s largest offshore oil field. On December 11, 2019, the company’s shares began to be traded on the Tadavel stock exchange. The shares rose to 35.2 Saudi Riyals, giving it a market value of approximately $1.88 trillion, and exceeded the $2 trillion mark on the second day of trading. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Saudi Aramco was ranked as the fifth largest public company in the world. the world. (Wikipedia)

Sanctum Preceder Crossword Clue 5 Letters

Sanctum Preceder Crossword Clue 5 Letters

Wow, I thought seeing right-wing expats in a puzzle was depressing (and it is) but seeing SAUDI Aramco in a puzzle is… well, not worse, but still pretty awful. All this $$$$ because of fossil fuels that are destroying the world, from a country that inherited its crown murdering dissident journalists while the world yawns and drives their cars happily. There’s nothing to love about this cue in Saudi. I’m not mad at the puzzle, I’m mad at the world now. I think I would have gone with [Jamal Khashoggi, for example] if I really wanted to be creative with my Saudi cue. I’m fixating on this clue because it *stands out* – the only thing (besides that TIM guy) in the puzzle that I didn’t recognize, and a clue in such a way as to hide the fat angle. Fortunately, when I first read the clue, I already had the DI, so I could make do with an educated guess. But ugh, on Friday, it would be great if the cues could stay away from horror. The rest of this puzzle was a happy time. A fairly uneventful solution. Here’s how it started:

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Mountain Xpress, October 27 2010 By Mountain Xpress

I stopped at I’M SORE because it’s such a ridiculous catchphrase. Not sure how to read an answer I don’t like but it made me laugh (and I accepted easily so I don’t really care). But this is one of those. Only other real dislike on this thread was the definite article on THE LAW (although the clever hint partially redeems the answer, as the TH is absolutely necessary to understand the hint) (4a: it may be laid if broken). I had HOCH- at first 5D: Nom de guerre a rough translation for “bringer of light” and I thought two things. The one: “How am I supposed to meet this random German guy!?” And two: “So… his name roughly translates to… Lucifer?… That’s interesting.” I also wrote in PEP SHOWS (!?) at first, until I remembered that the real performers are called PEP SQUADS, and I noticed that it put a “Q” in the position of the first letter in the cross (a very likely place to find a “q”). Moving on:

There is no trouble here (except for that time, as I said) (39a: self-help guru Paris). The “Q” gave me an easy QUINCY JONES, which gave me the “J,” which was all I needed to get Jimmy Dean (whom I only know from the hot dog). From here, it’s pretty easy to get into any of the remaining sections. I decided that I would make the following little corners:

The hardest part here was the “?” A hint that prevented me from seeing REPO MAN (21A: Who Takes Everything Back?). However, not a big obstacle. I just went Y’KNOW to act now and then filled all the short beams up there. SW long downs were all very easy to pick up. Love the hint at NIPSEY. Very inclusive between generations (45A: Hussle of hip-hop or Russell of comedy).

After that, the SE was weak. I couldn’t see PURGE right away, even with the PU- in place (47D: remove completely), but KNOTHOLE and INBAD took me to that section easily enough. Only the trouble there came (again) from “?” Hint: 51A: Get smart? (Doll Up). Cute hint, great answer. “Braveheart” is a terrible movie for reasons I won’t go into because we’ve been here all day. Also, I have a strange, perhaps unique, perspective on this film, as I wrote my Ph.D. Exams on the source material, and the same weekend I did it (1995), I went into a movie theater to take a little break and saw a life-size promotional cutout of… the guy from the obscure Scottish song I wrote I just wrote myself bleak. It was a strange weekend. I was at the theater to see Before Sunrise and was ambushed by Carton Mel. Anyway, the surreal moment of seeing my Ph.D. The issue of Mel Gibson dressing up (or vice versa, I guess) is not the problem. The real movie “Braveheart” is the problem. But then again, I’m not going to get into that… Have a good day. The Beach Boys are fondly featured in the vague Wednesday crossword of the last day of August but so yesterday, featuring an overly complicated array of interrelated entries.

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Figure 1 From Cruciform: Solving Crosswords With Natural Language Processing

Other – ALBANIA, AMORIST, I’M OVER IT (20A. “It doesn’t bother me anymore”), ICICLED, MANAGERS, PRIVATE, SANCTUM, SLATHERS (9D. Laying on thick).



Sanctum Preceder Crossword Clue 5 Letters

Remaining clues – Opposite: 1. Reindeer shepherd; 5. Sprite, for example; 14. Target Lysol; 156. action figure; 15. Do some computer programming; 21. Gomsho; 27. ___ Retreat (New York club of the 70s-80s); 30. troubles; 32. Leading in the Middle East; 33. Fall guy?; 34. Nobel Prize in Physics 1922; 35. He has feathers and flies; 36. Egg: prefix; 37. one struck; 40. Result of excitement in Manila; 41. Victories in wrestling; 43. Prefix with -polis; 47. Vote against; 48. Dance accompanied by castanets; 51. Victim in Camus’ “The Stranger”, for example; 52. A small player, so to speak; 53. Rich fabrics; 61. “___ son of Adam” (song in English); 62. The capital of Africa; 63. “It must have been something ___”; 65. “Give it snow! Give it snow! Give it snow!” composer; 66. Cream ingredient. – Below: 1. Group of points, mathematical; 2 man with aranants; 3. A type of shirt named after a sport; 4. One following general guidelines?; 5. pack away; 6. Senator Hatch; 8. Thrilla in Manilla winner; 10. Like some roofers in winter; 11. Oslo House: Aber.; 12. Ronsard’s “About” year; 13. Vote for; 18. Sinatra Topper; 19. “You must have caught me”; 24. Nebraska River; 25. The part of the surveyor, usually; 26. Bullfighter; 276. Polite; 28. Rich; 29. love; 31. Home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; 34. ___ Raton, Florida; 38. V.I.P.’s Ball Club; 39. Like some plays; 42. to refuse; 45. Neighbor of Montenegro; 48. One of three literary sisters; 50. US Capital: Acronym; 51. Suffix with Parliament; 54. Alternative to Zest; 55. Exterior: Prefix; 57. Choreographer Lubovitch; 58. Born in Nigeria; 59. Excessive; 60. Not used to.

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BARN, BYRN, BORN, BIRN, BERN and BURN found in CLIVE BARNES (18A. long-time New York theater critic), EDD BYRNES (23A. TV actor “77 Sunset Strip”), MILLE BORNES (34A. popular card game since 1954), DAVID BIRNEY (39A. TV/film/stage actor once married to actress Meredith Baxter), ST BERNARD (53A. big dog) and FRONT BURNER (59A. prime cooking place) make up the interconnected group of the day crossword puzzle This sweet third.

Medium size – ABRIDGE, ACREAGE, ALCOVE, CAR DOORS, DIAMANTE (37D. old Mitsubishi model), ELENA and ELLER, I’M DONE (65A. “That’s it for me”), I guess (42A. “It seems clear that …”), LACEY, NETHER, LECTOR, MARIS, MISSION, NOBODY, SUPERVISOR, PARMA (51A. An Italian town famous for its cheese), R AND R, RARER, ROAD MAP, SEA WAR, SIRREE, TODDLER, VERMONT ( 41D. the first US state to abolish slavery), oddly enough.

Short stuff – ABE and AGE, “AIN’T She ​​Sweet”, AKA, ANN, ART, AUDI, CCI, CNN, COCO, CROP, DIP, DOT, EASE, ELL, ENS, FAN, IBIS, IKEA, RS, “Could IT BE Magic”, MAL and MAW, MOD, NEB and NEE, NOL, NOTE, NOW, ODE, OLEO, ORY, OWEN, PER diem, PIS, RAT, RBI, RDA, REBA, REY, RIO de la Plata, RST, SRI, “Mazel TOV!”, UGLI.

Remaining clues – Opposite: 1. Hungry mouth; 4.

Rex Parker Does The Nyt Crossword Puzzle: Self Help Guru Ferriss / Fri 3 12 21 / 1996 Book On Grammar Whose Title Corrects A Melodramatic Cry / Frozen Food Famously Lampooned By Comedian Jim

Devano Mahardika

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