Self Referential Crossword 4 Letters

Self Referential Crossword 4 Letters – Historic town in Veszprem district / WED 4-1-20 / Short line on top of column in typesetting / Classic camera mark / Letters on brandy bottle

SUBJECT: “No idea!”— seriously, there are only phrases that mean “no idea!” clues like the answers to ridiculously vague-seeming clues that you could actually answer “no idea!”:

Self Referential Crossword 4 Letters

Self Referential Crossword 4 Letters

Cara Jocelyn Delevingne (/ˈ k ɑː r ə ˌ d ɛ l ə ˈ viː n / KAH -rəDEL -ə-VEEN ; born 12 August 1992) is an English model, actress and singer. She signed with Storm Management after 2009 school. .Delevingne won Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014. Delevingne began her acting career with a minor role in the 2012 film adaptation of Anna Karenina. Her most notable roles include Margo Roth Spiegelman in the romantic mystery film Paper Towns (2015), the Enchantress in the comic book film Suicide Squad (2016), and Laureline in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) by Luc Besson (Wikipedia)

Person / Place / Thing

Not really in the mood for this one, or for April Fools jokes in general, as you can see for yourself if you play this video—a real-time recording of me solving this puzzle on my computer, minutes after it appeared (10 p.m. night)

The video is not an April Fool’s joke, I assure you. It’s me, rather tired and eager to solve the puzzle and comment on it. If I ever do something like this again, I’ll need better lighting and a real microphone, for starters. But whatever. It’s different. There’s something you haven’t seen. And if it’s something you’d rather not see again because reading is better than watching, don’t worry. I’ll get back to writing tomorrow.

Here’s the tl;dr version of the solution video: no thanks. The gag works the first time, with the first issue, but with the subsequent issues, I didn’t even look at the clues because I didn’t have to. I just got crosses and searched for phrases meaning “no idea!” So I had an early moment of “ah, nice,” and then, well, that was almost a peak experience. After that, it was just a morass of subpage filler to wade through. Finally So watch the video. Or don’t. I’ll be back tomorrow. Take good care, everyone!

P.S. I could not find the Village between Krszyna and Jacków in Silesian Voivodeship, Poland (pop. 305) that the puzzle asked about. Or, rather … well, I found *something*. Let’s zoom in, shall we:

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

P.P.S. I’m told the *actual* theme answers are mom, dad, and … baby … like the bears … For. Some. Reason. April Fools? I think the riddle doesn’t know how April Fools work.Amonasro’s opera daughter / FRI 8-19-22 / Jazz big Evans / Putdown to a klutz in dated slang / A large supplier of frozen desserts / Author of the six-book poem Fasti / Bigwig in the reception section.

Word of the Day: META(59A: Like playing Michael Keaton in “Birdman” as an actor who used to play a superhero) — adjective US (of a creative work) referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential (google/Oxford Languages)

So far the main thing this puzzle has done is drive me crazy trying to remember the pop song I know that contains the lyrics “All good things are wild and free” which I only recently learned, from this puzzle, is a quote from Thoreau. There is another song in my head blocking the song I want to remember. Has that ever happened to you? You want to remember a song and you’re trying to say the lyrics to yourself but then suddenly, whatever tune is in your head is followed by “La Macarena” or something? It’s terrible. Anyway, I have “The High Road” by Broken Bells stuck in my head and it won’t go away, and I have no idea why. I think I heard it once in a beer bar in Los Angeles last week, and I haven’t thought about it since. And yet here it is, blocking the song I want to remember [UPDATE: The song I want to remember is Madonna’s “La Isla Bonita”! Thanks reader “Miranda! It looks like she’s actually singing “All Nature, Wild and Free” but that’s definitely the song I was trying to remember]. Whatever song it is, it’s weird to find lyrics that you just thought were lyrics is actually a famous literary quote. I also forgot that OVID wrote “Fasti” even though I took a whole course on Ovid and wrote about him and everything. It’s true that “Fasti” is a minor work for him, but still, I should know, and instead I was like “… RUMI?” My literary brain is BAT ting .000 today, really. I mean, I get one bookish thing right away and it’s RAND ?

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Self Referential Crossword 4 Letters

This puzzle has two very worthy answers. The rest is just okay. I wonder what the age cutoff is for “SMOOTH MOVE, EX-LAX” being a super-known “putdown to a klutz.” Ex-Lax is still around, so there’s no real reason for the slang to be “dated,” but it sure is, so … I’m pretty sure Gen-X (and older) people know it well. If you are younger, please intervene. It’s great slang 15, my ho. “I DON’T MINE WORDS” also has a nice colloquial quality. I didn’t look at the answer, having crossed it many times before ever bothering to look at the clue. Still good. Clue shmue. Outside of the grates, though, this one is a bit weak. “I HAD IT!” retains some of the same energy as the longer responses, but the rest is mostly just adequate. The only real objection I have is (and still is) to TASE , which I find increasingly (and aptly?) cheesy. I received an email from reader Arjun Byju the other day about this word, which I quoted at length because it is so clear and intelligent. I don’t like TASE because it evokes police brutality specifically, but Arjun’s email elaborates on the term:

How To Make A Crossword Puzzle

I’m writing because, like you, I was bothered by today’s inclusion of TASE, which I’ve seen pop up a time or two in the puzzle. You may already be aware of this (so apologies in advance) but I only recently learned that the company that makes Taser – Axon International – has a rather shady history of involvement with law enforcement, courts and doctors. This Reuters investigation examines many of Taser/Axon’s connections to doctors and researchers who have advocated for the safety of the stun gun and the pressure felt by doctors from the company. Last year, I wrote an article about Excited Delirium, a very dubious “diagnosis” that is often invoked when people die in police custody and was supported by Axon/Taser as a way to shift blame from their devices. E.g.: “No, this person did not die of cardiac arrhythmia induced by multiple shocks from our gun. They died of excited delirium.” Axon has used this defense quite successfully in court. So yes, there’s a lot to feel bad about when I see TASE in the NYT Crossword, and I thought I’d share some of the reasons why—beyond the basic nastiness of shocking civilians, it’s tied into a broader medico-legal. a controversy that allows police to avoid blame for what would otherwise be considered murder. So even if you love seeing TASE in your grid, you now have more context for why others might not be so happy to see it.

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I entered this grid easily. Wanted GUAM initially for 1A: Former British colony whose national flag includes the Union Jack, but that’s only because it’s a four-letter colonized place. FAST (1D: Fading) put me on the road to Fiji and then NEW and IWO JIMA and left. Wanted ZOO for ADO (7D: Big scene) and had TIVA before TEVA there at the end (38A: Big name in sandals), but otherwise, no real struggles. And the revealer at 36d [Where you might find the ends of 17- , 26-, 44-, and 60-trans]: THERE. BELIEF, FILLING, SIGN and THEME = PUZZLE. Beautiful!

Me, I didn’t enjoy this puzzle much—too many Scowl-o-Meter Moments. But another solver tweeted that she found the puzzle fun, so my opinion is definitely not unanimous.

The 15s — a stacked trio with two uprights — are all solid: SPACE TELESCOPES, A LITTLE FACE TO A NAME, and ARTISTIC PERMISSION crossed by CRY FOR ATTENTION and SCENIC PANORAMAS. Other nice filling includes IMPASTO, BEAM UP and SHETLAND. I bet I wasn’t the only one who sped into SCOTLAND for 24d. [Northernmost part of the U.K.]. I didn’t know that the Shetland Islands were also just called

Rex Parker Does The Nyt Crossword Puzzle: 13th Century Persian Mystic Who Is One Of The Best Selling Poets In The U.s. / Wed 6 23 21 / Decorative Items Washed Up On The Beach /

. It’s wild how close Shetland is to Norway. (I grumbled about having a TELESCOPE there, and didn’t look at the 30th clue so BAC was almost as believable as BAH.

Didn’t know: 55a. [Headquarters of the club], ROOM. It is inferable, but from my knowledge. now me

Once go to First Avenue in Minneapolis, but not the Main Room, just the 7th Street Entrance. Didn’t love that corner of the grill either. IN ONE DAY felt contrived, and AN I, ON RED, and ATE AT did the section

Self Referential Crossword 4 Letters

Devano Mahardika

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