Silent Night On Piano Letters

Silent Night On Piano Letters – Silent Night here is written and played in the key of C major and is in 3/4 (waltz) time (as is Away in a Manger).

The first phrase, to which the words “Silent Night” are sung, is repeated twice. The third and fourth lines have the same 4-bar melody.

Silent Night On Piano Letters

Silent Night On Piano Letters

Those notes are: G A G : E : G A G : E : D D : B : C C : G : A A : C B A : G A G : E : A A : C B A : G A G : E : D D : F D B : C : E : C G E : G F D : C

Silent Night (easy) Sheet Music For Piano

Note that there are several places with a similar rhythm, formed by dotted crochet (a quarter note), followed by a quaver (an eighth note) and a crochet (a quarter note). They take a while. Imagine that a beat is divided into 6 half-beats. The first note (dot crochet/quarter) takes 3 of them; the second note (quaver/eighth note) occupies only 1 of these; the last crochet (a quarter) takes the remaining 2 half-beats.

Below is a simple bass line for a song that uses only one note. It’s written so that you only have to play one note per measure, and in fact only three different notes are used: C, F, and G.

In the third version of Silent Night, I added two-note chords in the right hand, always with the melody as the top note. The bass line remains the same.

The last two versions of Silent Night use some alternative left hand chord structures to give the piece a different feel. They can prove obnoxious if you’re following singers (depending on the situation), but if you’re playing the song yourself for enjoyment or performance, you might find one or both interesting alternatives. See how you like them!

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Christmas. Silent Night, Holy Night Piano Duet Classical Sheet Music

Finally, here is a very simple lead sheet for Silent Night. Note that you only need three chords to play it: C major, F major and G major: “Silent Night” is a popular Austrian Christmas carol, translated into many languages ​​and covered by many artists. The text of this famous song was written by Father Joseph More, while the beautiful melody was composed by organist and school teacher Franz Xaver Gruber in 1818.

On this page you can find sheet music, chords, a printable PDF of sheet music for free download, and a simple piano tutorial video.

To save this free “Silent Night” music track to your computer, right-click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and select “Save Image As…”.

Silent Night On Piano Letters

To download a printable PDF of this music activity song with sheet music, lyrics and a drawing for kids to paint, click the button above or the link below.

Silent Night (jazz Piano) Sheet Music For Piano (solo)

To download the Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht printable PDF for music activities with sheet music, lyrics and coloring sheet for kids, click the button above or the following link.

To download a printable PDF of this song with easy piano sheet music for beginners, click the button above or the link below.

The result, if we sing in A, sounds like this: E— E— B— A— / F#— E— F#— E— / B— A— A—E— A—

In the second verse, continue to sing this line while playing the original melody on the instrument (piano, guitar, etc.).

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Joseph Mohr

When they are ready to hold this voice on their own, the teacher begins to sing the melody. Silent Night here is written and played in the key of A major and is in 3/4 (waltz) time (like Away in a Manger).

The first phrase, to which the words “Silent Night” are sung, is repeated twice. The third and fourth lines have the same 4-bar melody.

Note that there are several places with a similar rhythm, formed by dotted crochet (a quarter note), followed by a quaver (an eighth note) and a crochet (a quarter note). They take a while. Imagine that a beat is divided into 6 half-beats. The first note (dot crochet/quarter) takes 3 of them; the second note (quaver/eighth note) occupies only 1 of these; the last crochet (a quarter) takes the remaining 2 half-beats.

Silent Night On Piano Letters

Below is a simple bass line for a song that uses only one note. It’s written so that you only have to play one note per bar, and in fact only three different notes are used: A, D, and E.

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In the third version of Silent Night, I added two-note chords in the right hand, always with the melody as the top note. The bass line remains the same.

The last two versions of Silent Night use some alternative left hand chord structures to give the piece a different feel. They can prove obnoxious if you’re following singers (depending on the situation), but if you’re playing the song yourself for enjoyment or performance, you might find one or both interesting alternatives. See how you like them!

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Finally, here is a very simple lead sheet for Silent Night. Note that you only need three chords to play it: A major, D major and E major:

Want more ideas and inspiration for playing simple versions of Silent Night? Check out our video (this was recorded for the C major version, but can be adapted to A major):

Watch Me Play!

Devano Mahardika

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