Uchicago Law Letters And Society

Uchicago Law Letters And Society – Former United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens in a 2011 discussion co-sponsored by the university’s Law, Letters, and Society program.

This interdisciplinary program subscribes to the idea that law is an instrument of social organization and control that can be best understood by studying its rhetorical artifacts (letters) and the empirical consequences of its application (society). The courses are led by faculty members from the law school and the departments of anthropology, history, and classics. Students have access to the 600,000-volume D’Angelo Law Library, one of the nation’s leading centers of legal scholarship. After completing introductory work in legal reasoning, students take additional courses in law and society and other courses that support related topics, areas, skills, or concerns. Majors produce two substantial research papers in their junior and senior years.

Uchicago Law Letters And Society

Uchicago Law Letters And Society

This major is not open to transfer students and has a competitive application process during the student’s second year.

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The introductory course should precede all other coursework in the major because it establishes the intellectual moorings of the program. The importance of the introductory course lies not in its content (indeed, its precise focus and scope may vary from time to time) but in its approach to the nature of law. In 2010-11, for example, the introductory course Legal Reasoning is a primarily case-based study of the classic conventions of legal reasoning in the Anglo-American legal system. In other years, the introductory course may be Roman law or Greek law, medieval law, a text-based course on ancient legal philosophy, or a comparison of modern legal categories and policies with earlier societies and cultures. The aim is not to establish a historical foundation for modern studies to demonstrate that legal systems are culturally rooted. Urgent and present concerns may obscure important features of legal concepts and behavior; Many recurring themes in Western legal thought are shaped or driven by common and extraordinary features. Unlike many legal studies programs, typically in the field of American constitutional law, which seek to study law primarily in contemporary debates, the program seeks to organize its exploration of law as a system rather than as a forum or tool. , Letters and Society Student Board consists of 10-12 current students from diverse backgrounds, academic and professional interests in majors. The Student Board represents the main student voice. It meets once a quarter to promote the program’s various initiatives, from organizing public lectures to serving as a resource for prospective students. Applications to join the board open each spring quarter.

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“The major offers tremendous flexibility for your interdisciplinary interests, while providing access and structure to an integrative intellectual experience.” – Jack V.

“It provides an excellent environment for rigorously exploring the gravity of law and legal systems without requiring a future legal career. It is a distinctive program that bridges a variety of disciplines with classes dealing with topics ranging from case law to American classics. Its multidisciplinary nature allows students to examine a variety of interests while pursuing a challenging course of study. – Chloe B.

“I think the camaraderie of a major is second to none. You really get to know everyone, which helps you understand their perspective better than a big or impersonal major would allow you to. The program not only introduces you to others. You can relate academically or based on your goals, but it challenges the assumptions you have about education and the reasoning others apply. I The major really enriched my understanding of those around me by illuminating things that had never been seen before and explaining points of view at one point. I felt inconceivable.” – Kegan W.

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“My friend and I often joke that the major should be called Law, Letters, _______, Society; what matters is your own adventure. I would strongly encourage anyone with a defined academic interest and interest in law to apply. Your ability to create a schedule that allows you to really question the questions that fascinate you is very important. Great. I highly recommend.” – Peter B. The College’s September Law, Letters, and Society (LLSO) Paris course offers undergraduate students the opportunity to earn upper-level LLSO credit by exploring European perspectives and institutions focused on economy, law, and globalization.

The September 2022 program will run from Friday, August 26, 2022 to Sunday, September 18, 2022. Participants are required to commit to the full duration of the program in accordance with these dates.

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This course will examine the theory and practice of neoliberalism in Europe, with particular attention to its intellectual architects and critics. Readings are subject to change, but may include Hayek, Roepke, Foucault, Dardot & Laval, Streeck, and Slobodian.

Uchicago Law Letters And Society

In addition to classroom work, the September LLSO program offers excursions to sites of academic and cultural interest in and around Paris. Indeed, Paris itself plays an important role in the curriculum components as described above, and students are expected to make full use of its cultural resources.

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The College of Paris’ study abroad programs are headquartered at the University of Chicago Center in Paris, the university’s research and teaching arm in Europe. Located in the 13th arrondissement, the Center in Paris is part of an intellectual project along the Seine River that includes the Bibliothèque Nationale and a new home for the Université de Paris (formerly Université Denis Diderot – Paris VII). The center in Paris includes classrooms, offices for faculty and graduate students, computer facilities, a small library, and an apartment for the faculty director. For participants in Chicago’s programs, the center in Paris provides a focus on academic activities, a central meeting place, and a continuing Chicago “presence” within one of Europe’s major capitals.

Students on the September LLSO course are housed in residence halls at Cité Internationale Universitaire (Cité). A park-like residential complex in the 14th arrondissement, Cité is Paris’s international student campus, although French students also live there. Students live in a single room with a private bath and have access to Cité facilities, including the library, theater, laundry and athletic facilities. Students have access to common kitchens in the residence halls and can purchase inexpensive meals from Cité’s.

Participants in the Paris program will take and receive credit for a Law, Letters and Society course (100 units). This course counts as part of students’ fall quarter course load and is recorded as course enrollment in their fall quarter registration. Course credit is an upper level credit for LLSO majors. The course title, credit unit, and grade are placed on the college transcript.

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Three (3) additional 100-unit courses in the fall quarter following the Paris program, the tuition cost of the Paris course will be part of the student’s regular college tuition for the quarter. Students participating in a fall study abroad program after the Paris September course will be allowed to use the Paris course as a fifth course without a tuition surcharge.

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In addition to fall tuition, students pay a non-refundable study abroad Paris program fee and administrative fee. Tuition and Paris program fees are paid through myUChicago in accordance with the home campus payment schedule, and a nonrefundable study abroad administrative fee is submitted upon acceptance of a position in the program. The exact figures for the 2022–2023 academic year are listed below:

Previous program participants report spending between $200 and $250 per week, although frugal students may spend less and others may spend more. Keep in mind that the cost of living in Paris is relatively high, and while it’s possible to live frugally, you can run out of cash if you’re careless. Therefore, it is essential that you budget your funds wisely so that your resources last for the duration of the program. If you plan to travel before or after the program or on weekends, you should budget accordingly.

Because participants are fully registered with the College, they maintain financial aid eligibility for fall quarter tuition while attending this course.

Uchicago Law Letters And Society

While the Paris September LLSO program is open to all University of Chicago undergraduate students, preference is given to law, letters, and society majors. Applications from outside the University will not be accepted.

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The program is designed for graduate students with excellent academic and disciplinary standing beyond their first year of college. Although the program does not impose a minimum grade point average, an applicant’s transcript must demonstrate that they are a serious student who will make the most of this opportunity. As the course is taught in English, there are no language prerequisites.

Each application is reviewed based on the student’s scholastic record and personal statement. If you are interested in applying to this program, please fill out

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