Walk To Emmaus Letters Of Encouragement

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Description: Manual “Face-to-Face” (A hybrid adaptation of Walk to Emmaus for residents of senior care centers.) Danny E. Morris 04/07/2010

Walk To Emmaus Letters Of Encouragement

Walk To Emmaus Letters Of Encouragement

Communities are the fastest growing segment of the US housing market. • Individuals range in age from 65 to 90 (and older). • Their health risks and energy levels require a longer schedule than three days and shorter sessions than regular Emmaus. • In theory, there is a compatible interface of Emmaus values ​​and rituals and the needs and wants of seniors. This hybrid adaptation of the original “Walk to Emmaus” is about women and men retiring. Adaptation is necessary due to attendant physical and energy limitations, typical of this age demographic. 8 This format has been approved by the International Office of the Upper Room Ministry Walk to Emmaus. It shall be scheduled, implemented and evaluated under the supervision of each local Emmaus Board, and shall be open to all denominations and ethnic groups. The goal for a group in the Christian community is to provide leadership in spiritual experiences for individuals in the community that are customized to meet the needs and wants of retired individuals. Its main theme is “Living in Grace!” to go This manual is the planning manual to guide the selected leaders in preparing for this HybridModel of Emmaus. The manual is available online and may be reproduced for use by designated committees. A representative of the sponsoring Emmaus board will present the one-time fee of $125 for two trainers covering the virtual training sessions as prescribed by the manual. (Manuals are not available in hard copy.) A code to open this document will be sent to coaches designated by the sponsor. Proposals for Printing the Handbook (see page 51) Once everyone is registered, the fee of $80.00 per pilgrim should be remitted to the International Office at Emmaus in the Upper Room with completed applications. (All team members remit $20 to Upper Room. Participation.) (A print-friendly version of the application is on pages 52-53.) The registration fee covers the following • Initial development of the new “Face to Face” program. • A prototype brochure to be customized and printed in bulk to invite participation. • Weekly preparation of approximately twenty team members over a three-month period. • Funds required to use the facilities of the “Excitement Center” or sponsoring church (if any). • Refreshments for eight sessions. • Printed materials for eight sessions. • Personal Emmaus crosses and lanyards for each pilgrim. 9 Basic Guidelines Sponsoring Emmaus Community Sponsoring “Face to Face” by Emmaus Community is similar to sponsoring a three-day walk but spread over eight Wednesday mornings instead of three days. Team Members The leadership team for the first event should consist of members of the Nashville Emmaus community and national Emmaus staff. A group of pilgrims selected by the Emmaus Board is invited to plan and manage the initial event. The leadership team of 33 serve under the EMS Board in the following capacities: 2 Coaches, 1 Lay Director, 1 Assistant Lay Director (ALD), 1 Spiritual Director, 1 Worship Leader, 1 Music Leader, 1 AgapeLeader, 1 Logistics Leader, 7 Table Leaders, 16 Prayer Team Members (4 out of 4 Prayer Teams) and Emmaus Prayer Support Team Leader. When you assemble your team, call their email address and their phone number. Spiritual Director (Clergy). 5 ________________________________________________________________ Table Leader 6 ________________________________________________________________ Table Leader 7 ____ ___________________________________ The Following Four Prayer Teams consist of a minimum of 4 persons who will be present for two successive Wednesday mornings______________________________ Prayer Team 1 ____________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 1 ____________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 1 ________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 2 ________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 2 ________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 2 ________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 2 ________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 3 _______________________________________ ____________________________ Prayer Team 3 ___________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 3 ___________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 3 ___________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 4 ___________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 4 ___________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 4 ___________________________________________________________________ Prayer Team 4 __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Team Responsibilities. Coaches: designated by the “local” Emmaus board as co-team managers, and contact persons. Coaches lead through the first session of this training module as the lay director becomes the functional leader. (If a team member has to interrupt service during the event, the coach will assume those duties.)2. Lay Director: (Opposite gender from Spiritual Director.) Coordinates the entire process of previewing stories; Becomes the guide for team meetings (with SD) in preparation for the first day, and the following; Pushes “consequence buttons” (see p. 0); Drives the spirit and flow of the sessions.3. Spiritual Director: Teams with Lay Director in morning session management; Spiritual guidance is available to provide; Contact and coordinate additional spiritual guides when necessary; Coordinates the flow between prayer chapels; Worship in the Conference Hall; and table visits to the Chapel. (Assistant receives various duty assignments for overall coordination!) Chaplains will work with SD in offering talks, support and prayer.4. Worship Leader: Coordinates and/or leads expressions of worship. Designs creative worship centers that reflect the movement of the community from week to week. “Worship Services” is responsible for enhancing worship aids as well as Eucharistic services.5. Music Leader: Teaches Music Appropriate for Worship and Fun! Searches for pilgrims willing to share their musical talents. Assists in leading and coordinating worship. Remain sensitive to the ways in which people, times, and music can enhance the spirit and mood of the community. Sings solo! Provides copies of songs and prayers. 6. Agape Leader: • Choose four people to be responsible for growing, obtaining and preparing Agape for two Wednesday mornings. • Select an additional person to coordinate the collection, processing, and submission of personal letters. • Print gender/bible table cards for table names. • Give the purple book for the “moment of dying” and other communion offerings. Print copies of four “Living to the Whole” lectures. 127. Logistics Leader: • Prepare venue for “table service” and refreshments on site. • Discuss table and chair arrangements and what spaces and services they can provide with on-site liaisons. • Serve as the primary contact link between the community and the site. • Generate and display refreshments for registered pilgrims for eight Wednesday mornings. • Arrange for the photographer on the last day for the group photo • Ask four people from the Emmaus community during the first week to do the following: First person – Refreshments Strategist Ask one person to plan and lead a strategy for inviting the Emmaus community. Reunion Groups and other groups in “Send-offs” to provide “Agape Goodies” cookies/cakes/candy etc. to 40 pilgrims and 32 group members for eight sessions and “willing workers”. (Determine delivery and score drop dates.) Second Person – Cookie Monster Ask the “Cookie Monster” to arrange for the “treats” to be picked up/delivered on time. Create a list of willing employees to support. Third Person – Agape Letters 1. Get referrals from the Pilgrims application. • Ask four “Will Workers” to contact the spouses (or someone else if a spouse is not listed) of the ten pilgrims. • Emphasize that these letters are a surprise to the pilgrim! • Ask these people to write a letter of appreciation (friends) or love (spouse and/or family members) naming the good qualities they see and appreciate in this person! • Write the pilgrim’s name on the envelope, seal it and send all the sealed envelopes to (list your address.) • You will need all the letters by the time the seventh session begins. (If five or seven letters have not arrived for one pilgrim, call the person you contacted. 2. At the beginning of the eighth session, package all the letters for distribution at the end of the session. 3. Starting at the seventh session, ask the group members what letters they like. Another person to silently request to write: See that printing pages 52-62 of this handbook are printed and distributed to appropriate people to help them discuss at their table 9. Four prayer groups request the logistics leader to find a room to serve as the prayer chapel. , invite a prayer group of at least four people to be in the prayer hall for two consecutive Wednesday mornings. Coordinate the production of a prayer poster and keep it up for eight weeks. Have all prayer group participants on the week-by-week prayer poster to illustrate the “acts of agape.” Listed. Prayers for Pilgrims,

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