Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters

Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters – It is very difficult to teach long words because there are many ways to spell a long sound and there are no rules or generalities. Spelling takes longer, requiring students to practice and engage with the words until they understand them. I will break down each of the eight ways to write a long sound that will help you understand and teach the long sound to your students.

Looking for a long list of words? You can download the list of images by joining my email list below. Available to download from my free library.

Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters

Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters

Most of these are vowel teams, so students should already know vowels, mutes, and vowel sounds. Students also need to know how to find the main word, as some of these rules apply to the main word even if it has a suffix.

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It produces the long e sound (as its name suggests) and this is the correct way to write the long e sound. Some examples are

) so it is not a rule that a long sound always marks the end of a syllable and is correct.

The student is silent and spelling is not common. This is usually in the middle of the keyword. It’s in the examples

EE and EA sometimes write a long sound at the beginning, middle, or end of the main word. Nothing is more common, so just keep these in mind.

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One trick is to use lead words with each spelling when entering these. Then you enter

. When your students ask which spelling to use for a long word, you can say ‘/ee/ good

Y is usually written as a long sound at the end of a word followed by a consonant or in a word that is more than one syllable long. This writing of length is very common. It’s in the examples

Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters

. A long e sound can also occur before another vowel, as in a word

Activity Page With Two Puzzles. Black And White, Printable. Answers Included. Stock Vector

Often precedes and follows consonants. It is usually in the middle of the word but at the end. It’s in the examples

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When you start teaching long, you need to focus on exposure, lots of practice, and homophones. Teach one writing pattern at a time, and when one is complete you can add another. Learning to read these is easier than learning to write. Since they all sound the same and appear in the same place, choosing the right writing model can be difficult.

This way you want to point them out but the thing is you don’t give the answer without thinking about them.

Decide on a guideline for each writing sample. This is the word you point out to your students when they are not sure how to spell a word and it sounds too long.

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For length write y. When students ask which word to write, you say ‘as long as the word baby’ or which word is spelled correctly.

Students should always break the word into its words and try to eliminate some spelling options. So for example, if they are trying to spell the word

Because those are at the end of the main word. If they keep asking, you can point to them with something like ‘it’s the end of the sentence so why do you think it goes there?’ right

Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters

Also, because there are so many options expect students to make mistakes sometimes, talk to them! It’s okay if it’s wrong if it’s a valid information option, it doesn’t mean it’s illegal. Exposure and practice will keep them in the correct spelling pattern for words.

A Letter Of Advice Worksheet

Lots of practice and regular feedback is the name of the game and the sound will last. Do different activities and repeat the words as often as you can.

Call Graph Planning– This is a great activity that really takes the students’ work out of it. You can get the Phonics & Spelling Through Grapheme Mapping book and follow the long lesson, or use my long vocabulary list to do the same thing using a sound box. See below for an example.

Create short stories to help writing samples. – Group similar words and create a short story to help students remember. This is similar to

, you can say ‘John drank tea on the beach when the eagle flew’ or something like that. Draw a picture or create your own poster with pictures of words with this drawing template and place it in your room.

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Capitalization Interactive Worksheet

SOS- If you don’t know what is Real Time Sharing, check out this post here. I love this multi-spelling method for practicing spelling. And you can do this whole class or one on one so it’s really easy to use anywhere.

Tip— This is a really fun activity but I would do it after you spend a lot of time as it is more difficult for some students. And when marking words, give students clues about how to write words such as telling them they have vowel teams or open words. I often order words that have the same spelling pattern to avoid these problems.

Formatting- Formatting is always useful when there are many options for writing. You can play matching games like memory, just sort them into piles/columns, or create games that require you to sort them out using a draw pattern. This builds phonetic awareness so it’s a great activity for all students.

Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters

The worksheet below is included in my Long E Word Work worksheets and activities, as well as other handouts.

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You can also sort by color coding the vowel group and spelling pattern in the words. I took the list from the SOS activity and then had my student mark each vowel group with a specific color to highlight the groups.

I’ll include 3 different types of long-term sound splitting exercises in my Long Do’s & Don’ts set.

Picture flashcards– Create visual graphics of synonyms, homophones, and homographs. These picture clues really help students remember which pattern to use. I suggest you make these using index cards and keep them in a bag or box for reference. Check out an example below (it might sound long but you get the idea).

Games– Of course, I always include games because it’s so easy to add a stack of flashcards to a game and it’s educational! Use a simple board game where students pick up a card and turn it over and add an activity such as reading the word and sorting the word, or asking another player to spell, whatever easy to write the word. word after read aloud. Or print out a teacher-created game from Teachers Pay Teachers like the ones I’ve described below from my Long E Activities set.

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Regular Review– Remember to keep these writing samples for regular review after studying, lest they be forgotten. Using phonogram sound wallor exercises is a great way to do this without spending a lot of time.

Check out my Long E Word Worksheets & Activities resource in my TPT store for ready to use long worksheets, reference sheets and posters, and printable worksheets.

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Words Starting With Tea 5 Letters

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