Acta Metallurgica Sinica English Letters Impact Factor

Acta Metallurgica Sinica English Letters Impact Factor – Determine the importance of a journal by measuring how often the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year.

Measure the weighted citations received by the journal. Citation weight depends on the category and reputation of the journal cited.

Acta Metallurgica Sinica English Letters Impact Factor

Acta Metallurgica Sinica English Letters Impact Factor

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Mind Your Assays: Misleading Cytotoxicity With The Wst 1 Assay In The Presence Of Manganese.

Acta Metallurtica Sinica (English Letter) mainly contains short reports of important, original and timely research that reflect progress in the fields of metallurgy, materials science and engineering. This includes materials physics, physical metallurgy and process metallurgy including the fields of mining and ore smelting, production metallurgy, foundry, metalworking, test methods, powder metallurgy, composites, welding and splicing, oxidation and corrosion. Articles must appeal to an international audience. Read less

Acta Metallurtica Sinica (English Letter) mainly contains short reports of important, original and timely research that reflect progress in the fields of metallurgy, materials science and engineering. This includes material physics, physical metallurgy and metallurgical processes……Read more

Abstract: The current research and development of magnesium alloys is summarized. Several aspects of magnesium alloy are described: cast Mg alloy, wrought Mg alloy, and new processing. Topics are discussed individually and recommendations for further study are listed in the final section. The current research and development of magnesium alloys is summarized. Several aspects of magnesium alloy are described: cast Mg alloy, wrought Mg alloy, and new processing. Topics are discussed individually and recommendations for further study are listed in the final section. read more read less

Abstract: The influence of pH value on crystal size and optical properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles prepared by chemical precipitation method was investigated. The prepared samples were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, visible and ultraviolet spectrometers, and luminescence spectroscopy. From X … The influence of pH value on crystal size and optical properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles prepared by chemical precipitation method was investigated. The prepared samples were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, visible and ultraviolet spectrometers, and luminescence spectroscopy. From the X-ray diffraction profile, it was found that the particle size of the sample increased from 13.8 to 33 nm when the pH value of the solution was increased from 6 to 13. The microstructure study also revealed the particle size. increase with pH value. The hexagonal shape of zinc oxide nanoparticles was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy images. The recorded ultraviolet-visible spectra showed excitonic absorption peaks around 381 nm. The energy gaps of the prepared samples were determined from the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum, the effective mass model equation and the Tauc relationship. It was found that the energy gap of the prepared samples decreased as the pH value increased. The recorded blue color shift confirmed the quantum confinement effect in the prepared zinc oxide samples. The luminescence spectroscopy infers that an increase in the pH value changes the visible UV emission but not the purple and green emission. read more read less

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Acta Metall Sin

Topics: Absorption spectroscopy (54%) 54% paper related, Photoluminescence (53%) 53% paper related, Zinc (51%) 51% paper related, Electron Microscopy scan (50%) 50% related to paper

Summary: Manganese-incorporated high ductility steel (TWIP) is a new type of structural material and has both high strength and outstanding ductility and can meet the light weight requirement for bodywork. . The excellent formability of TWIP steel comes from its special strain-hardening effect d … Manganese twinning high ductility (TWIP) steel is a new type of structural material and possesses both high strength and high strength. and outstanding ductility and can meet the light weight requirements of the chassis production. The excellent formability of TWIP steel comes from the special strain hardening effect during plastic deformation. The reduction in specific gravity by aluminum alloys and the strain-hardening effect can lead to an effective weight reduction of steel components and a better choice of materials in the body design. The TWIP effect in high Mn steel is usually related to the successive sintering processes produced by the twins and is influenced by several factors, such as the Mn content, the Al addition as revealed by the superimposed fracture quantity (SFE), grain size, strain temperature and strain rate. The present review introduces several aspects of TWIP steels in relation to their physical metallurgy, the influencing factors related to their deformation mechanism, and the prospects for future investigation. also described. Furthermore, as a potential candidate to replace Ni-Cr austenitic stainless steel, studies on oxidation properties and corrosion resistance of Fe-Mn-Al-C steel are also conducted. consider. read more read less

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Subject: Twip (65%) 65% paper related, Austenitic stainless steel (55%) 55% paper related, Hardening exponent (53%) 53% paper related, Distortion (engineering) ) (53%) 53% related to paper, Mechanism of deformation (51%) 51% related to paper

Acta Metallurgica Sinica English Letters Impact Factor

Abstract: Aluminum has become the most popular non-ferrous metal and is widely used in many fields such as packaging, transportation of construction and electrical materials due to its rich resources, light weight, good mechanical properties, and resistance. suitable corrosion and excellent electrical conductivity. Refining the grain, obtained … excellent electrical conductivity. Grain refining, obtained by resizing the grain structure using different techniques, is a favored method to simultaneously improve the strength and ductility of metallic materials. Therefore, refining aluminum granules is considered as a key technique in the aluminum processing industry. Up to now, there have been several techniques for refining aluminum granules. All techniques can be classified into four categories as follows: grain refining by vibration and stirring during solidification, rapid solidification, addition of particulate filters and severe plastic deformation. Each of them has its own merits and weaknesses as well as conditions of application, and there is still some debate in understanding the mechanics of these techniques. In this paper, the research progress and challenges encountered in current techniques as well as future research problems and directions are summarized. read more read less

La Metallurgia Italiana

Abstract: A new semi-solid stirring process and rheological coiling process to prepare mixed range of Mg – 3Sn – 1Mn – 3SiC (wt%) have been proposed, and the influence of semi-solid stirring process parameters on the microstructure of Mg – 3Sn – 1Mn – 3SiC (wt %) of the mixed band was investigated The average particle size and roundness decreased, and the distribution… Influence of process parameters of the process The semi-solid stirring process on the microstructure of the mixed range of Mg – 3Sn – 1Mn – 3SiC (wt%) was investigated. The average particle size and roundness decreased, and the distribution of SiC became more uniform with the decrease in stirring temperature and increase in stirring speed As stirring time is increased, the distribution of SiC particles tends to be uniform, and the mean particle diameter and roundness of α-Mg particles decrease According to the process parameters following: temperature stirring coefficient at 640 °C, stirring speed at 1100 rpm, stirring time at 30 min and coil speed at 02 m/s, range of Mg – 3Sn – 1Mn – 3SiC (wt%) with prepared cross-sectional dimensions 4 mm × 160 mm Tensile and the final elongation of the mixed range Mg – 3Sn – 1Mn – 3SiC (wt%) reached 226 ± 6 MPa and (74 ± 02)%, which was clearly improved compared with Mg – 3Sn – 1Mn (wt%) reading more read less

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Acta Metallurgica Sinica English Letters Impact Factor

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Pdf) Positive Strain Rate Sensitivity And Deformation Behavior Of A Fe–29mn–3al–3si Twip Steel

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