Amelia Earhart Eleanor Roosevelt Letters

Amelia Earhart Eleanor Roosevelt Letters – Today, the legendary first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, would have turned 133 years old. Although she may be one of the most quoted and respected women in American history, Eleanor Roosevelt’s life is often questioned about her lesbian identity.

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884 to wealthy socialite parents in Manhattan, New York. As a child, she preferred to be called Eleanor, but her mother nicknamed her “Grandma” for her oddly mature and serious demeanor. Despite her privileged beginnings, Eleanor’s childhood turns out to be traumatic, leading to chronic depression that will follow her for the rest of her life. After her mother and little brother Eliot died of diphtheria in 1892 and 1893, Eleanor’s father became an alcoholic and died of a seizure in 1894; Three deaths in three years. For the rest of her childhood, Eleanor lived with her grandmother in Tivoli, New York, when she was not finishing school at the prestigious Allenswood Academy in London.

Amelia Earhart Eleanor Roosevelt Letters

Amelia Earhart Eleanor Roosevelt Letters

Eleanor’s life changed when she accidentally bumped into her father’s fifth cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on a train returning to Tivoli in 1902. Despite the opposition of several members of their family, Eleanor and Franklin were married on March 17, 1905. The couple settled in the Hyde Park area of ​​New York and remained there for many years, having six children between 1906 and 1916. Things changed for Eleanor once again when her husband became President of the United States on March 4, 1933. The First Lady, ” Eleanor was appalled at the thought of being so publicly shunned from the private, “womanly” realm of the home and spending her days playing housewife; However, Eleanor continued to reinvent the role of First Lady and pursue her feminist passions in the White House.

Letter, 1933 Dec. 4, Washington, To Miss Earhart

Although she had six children throughout her life, Eleonora privately told her daughter Ena that she did not like having sex with her husband and that it was an “ordeal”. Today it is widely believed that Eleonora was a lesbian. He had a long-term relationship with lesbian journalist Lorena Hickok, whose love story with Eleanor we blogged about earlier! He was also rumored to have had a brief affair with the famous aviator Amelia Earhart, who was a close friend of Eleanor’s during her lifetime and who once snuck her out of the White House so they could attend a party together. The letters between Amelia and Lorena and the fact that she was close friends with several famous lesbian couples, such as Nancy Cook and Marion Dickerman, and Esther Lapp and Elizabeth Redd, attest to Eleanor’s lesbianism and her understanding of this culture and identity. undeniable.

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Side by side photos of Eleanor and her longtime girlfriend Lorena Hickok. The letters between the two were not studied as evidence of a clear love affair until Eleanor and Hickey was published by Susan Quinn in 2016 (x).

Even after her time in the White House ended and her husband lost his battle with polio, Eleanor maintained a career as a social activist. She became the first United States representative to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and chaired the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. The laundry list of progressive and feminist organizations Eleanor either supported or was directly involved with is almost endless, and her contribution to mainstream American understanding of women’s rights is immeasurable. He died of cardiac arrest on November 7, 1962, an American hero.

Eleanor Roosevelt Lorraine Hickok Amelia Earhart Lesbian History Gay History wlw History lgbt History lgbtq History Lesbian wlw Sapphic Gay lgbt lgbtq People USA 1930s 20th Century On the 88th anniversary of Elohart’s first flight by a woman. A remarkable result, we return to a recurring theme in Earhart’s saga – the possible location of Amelia’s final resting place. “Garapan Castle . . . Another Incident” appeared in the November 1998 issue

Loving Eleanor By Susan Wittig Albert

[Enigma Press, 1994] received a letter from [a person] who was on Saipan in 1953, before public interest in AE’s disappearance grew in the early 1960s.” Enclosed is a letter from an unknown person. Bold emphasis is all mine.

I arrived on Saipan in the early summer of 1953 for a tour of duty. After two or three months, when the others and I had studied the island quite thoroughly, the subject of Amelia Earhart came up, probably over dinner. We all remembered the story of Amelia’s disappearance many years ago and that she might have been captured by the Japanese and taken to Saipan, with the assumption that her plane had crashed somewhere other than Saipan. A few days later I spoke to a resident of Chamorro, a man in his thirties, and asked about Amelia. He offered to take me and one or two other friends to the prison where he and Fred Noonan were being held. A day or two later we followed Chamoran to a rather heavily overcrowded area where the pre-war headquarters of the Japanese sugar and tapioca business were located.

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The smaller of the two blocks at Garapan Prison, often reserved for “special” prisoners and women, some reports, with several eyewitnesses reporting that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan were detained after arriving on Saipan in the summer of 1937. “this was. Also, the consensus seems to be that she [Earhart] is being held in the cell on the left,” Guam researcher Tony Gochar wrote in July 2015. “This cell is a closet in an office building and would be the fastest for the Japanese. to have access to it. After seeing the building, I was sure that he was in a small building and his cell was on the left side. (Tony Gotchar himself.)

Amelia Earhart Eleanor Roosevelt Letters

The main building was roofless and the walls were in poor condition due to the bombing that took place during the American invasion. Beyond the headquarters building in the direction of Garapan, but thinking we were halfway between Chalan Canoa and Garapan, we came to a small clearing in which stood the remains of a fort. As I recall there were four cells and the second cell from the right was told as the one in which Amelia was kept. Fred was in the one on the left.

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As I recall the cells were about five by eight feet in dimension, so the entire cell block was only twenty feet long. The paint on the interior of the cells was worn and chipped and open to the elements as the roof was missing. There was no floor, only sand and coral. The wall of “his” cell had faded writing, scratches that were unintelligible except by American Giga, a corporal who might have been locked up for a few days for some crime or, more likely, just scratched. Name and date when visiting the cells as I was.

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Father Sylvan Conover with eyewitness Jesús Bacha Sala, a Chamorro farmer who was imprisoned in Garapan Prison from 1937-1944 for fighting a Japanese soldier. Fred Goerner reported that, “During 1937, a white woman was placed in the next cell [next to Salas], but only kept there for a few hours. He only saw the woman once, but gave a description of her that matched other witnesses. The guards told him that the woman was an American pilot who had been captured by the Japanese. (Photo by Fred Goerner, courtesy Lance Goerner.)

My Chamorran guide said that Amelia was kept there for an unspecified period, then executed and buried in the jungle about fifty yards outside the cell block. According to him, Fred had a similar fate.

Please note two things: One is that I was not looking for Amelia at the time. It was just curious that I happened to be in a place where a very interesting event happened. Now I wish I had spent more time questioning my Chamorian friend and searched far and wide for other locals who might have knowledge. Second, in 1953 there was no public interest that I know of in Amelia’s fate, and certainly no enthusiasm on the part of the local population for the story to whet their appetites and imaginations and produce excessive detail.

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It appears to be the rear of the same prison block. Wilson’s photo caption simply reads: “Amelia’s cell window – closest.”

The attitude at that time among all of us, including the Chamorles, was kind of, isn’t it interesting. So I’m totally willing to accept the story that Chamoran told me.

Devano Mahardika

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