C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes – C. S. Lewis is one of the most cited authors on Twitter. On the anniversary of his birthday, November 29, we decided to celebrate his life by sharing the 100 most popular quotes from C.S. Lewis.

This Top 100 list is a compilation of the most retweeted and interchanged quotes provided by CSLewisDaily. Each quote is presented in this gallery as a Pinterest image.

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “If the children are so likely to encounter cruel enemies, at least let them hear of brave knights and heroic courage.”

C.s. Lewis Quotes — Best C.s. Lewis Quotes

Quote: “There is only one good; it is God. Everything else is good to look at Him, and bad to turn away from Him. “

Quote: “Jesus Christ did not say, ‘Go into the whole world and tell the world that he is quite right.’

Quote: “The housekeeper has the best career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career. ”

Quote: “The future is something everyone achieves at a rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever they do, whoever they are.”

Finally Finished My May Read: “the Screwtape Letters,” By C. S. Lewis

Quote: “There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, so have it your way’.”

Quote: “A terrible, almost impossible thing is to give your whole self – all your wishes and precautions – to Christ.”

Quote: “Isn’t it funny that nothing changes overnight, but when you look back, everything is different …”

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “When we Christians behave badly or do not behave well, we make Christianity incredible to the outside world.”

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Quote: “Love is not a tender feeling, but a constant desire for the ultimate good of a loved one, if possible.”

Quote: “It’s safe to tell pure-hearted people that they will see God, because that’s what only pure-hearted people want.”

Quote: “Being in love” first prompted them to promise fidelity: this silent love allows them to keep their promise.

Quote: “All their lives in this world and all their adventures in Narnia were just a cover and a title page: now they are finally starting chapter one of a Great History that no one in the world has read: that lasts forever: where each chapter is better than the previous. “

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Top 100 C.s. Lewis Quotes

Quote: “The sun looks at nothing half as good as the householders laughing together over the meal.”

Quote: “Miracles are the lowercase repetition of the same story that is written all over the world in letters too large for some of us to see.”

Quote: “It was precisely the reason you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me a little bit, you can get to know me better there.”

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “God cannot give us happiness and peace apart from Him, because He is not there. There is no such thing. “

C. S. Lewis: The Christian & Money

Quote: “We don’t just want to see beauty … We want something else that is difficult to put into words – uniting ourselves with the beauty we see, becoming into it, taking it into ourselves, bathing in it to become part of it.”

Quote: “What you see and hear depends a lot on where you stand. It also depends on what kind of person you are. “

Quote: “The instrument through which you see God is your whole self. And if a man’s self is not kept pure and clear, his glimmer of God will be blurred. “

Quote: “It’s not a compliment that lovers keep telling themselves how beautiful they are; joy is incomplete until it is expressed. “

C.s. Lewis Quotes About Love, Life, God, And Friendship

Quote: “A man cannot diminish God’s glory more by refusing to worship him than a madman can put out the sun by writing the word” darkness “on the walls of his cell.”

Quote: “Friendship is born the moment one person says to another,” What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ‘”

Quote: “The past is frozen and no longer flows, and the present is all lit up with eternal rays.”

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “If I find in myself desires that nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was created for another world.”

Quotes By C.s. Lewis, Screwtape Letters, P

Quote: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but screams in our pains; it is his megaphone that is supposed to wake up the deaf world ”.

Quote: “I have learned now that while those who talk about their misfortunes usually hurt, those who keep silence suffer more.”

Quote: “When Christ died, He died for you individually as if you were the only person in the world.”

Quote: “In our case, we take excuses too easily; in others we do not accept them easily enough ”.

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Quote: “If God forgives us, we must forgive ourselves, otherwise it’s like making ourselves a higher tribunal than he is.”

Quote: “All these toys were never meant to capture my heart. My true good is in another world and my only real treasure is Christ. “

Quote: “The God who foresaw your tribulation specially armed you to pass through it, not without pain, but without blemish.”

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “We can ignore, but nowhere can we avoid God’s presence. The world is full of it. He goes incognito everywhere. “

The Screwtape Letters

Quote: “Relying on God must start over every day, as if nothing has been done yet.”

Quote: “If God would grant all the silly prayers that I have said in my life, where should I be now?”

Quote: “Once upon a time, a stable in our world had something greater than our world.”

Quote: “It’s not your business to be successful, but to do the right thing; when you do, the rest is up to God. “

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Quote: “Faith is the art of sticking to what your mind once accepted despite changing moods.”

Quote: “If you are thinking of becoming a Christian, I warn you that you are starting something that will take you whole.”

Quote: “Now is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us this chance. It won’t last forever. We have to take it or leave it. “

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “You must ask God for help. … After each failure, ask for forgiveness, get up and try again. “

The Screwtape Letters Is Packed Full Of Thought Provoking And Self Reflective Quotes Such As This One. I Highly Recommend It If You Haven’t Read It.

Quote: “Aim for the sky and you will be thrown to the ground. Aim for the ground and you will get none.

Quote: “Free will, although it makes possible evil, is also the only thing that makes possible any love, good or joy worth having.”

Quote: “When all the suns and nebulae have passed away, each of you will still be alive.”

Quote: “When you argue against God, you are arguing with the same power that makes you even able to argue.”

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Quote: “We have no doubts that God will do the best for us; we wonder how the painful will turn out to be the best ”.

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Quote: “God has infinite attention to devote to each of us. You are as much the same with him as if you were the only being he ever created.

Quote: “God cannot give us happiness and peace outside of himself, because he is not there. There is no such thing. “

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “We consider God like an aviator, we look at his parachute; is there in case of emergency but hopes never to have to use it.

Impactful C.s. Lewis Quotes That Will Give You A New Perspective

Quote: “If I find a desire within myself that cannot be satisfied by any experience in this world, the most likely explanation is that I was made for another world.”

Quote: “As far as we know, God costs nothing to create nice things; but the conversion of his rebellious will cost him his crucifixion.

Quote: “There would be no point in saying you trust Jesus unless you follow his advice.”

Quote: “The history of mankind is a long, terrible story of a man who tries to find something other than God to make him happy.”

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Quote: “Don’t waste time bothering about whether you“ love ”your neighbor; act as if you do it and soon you will love it ”.

Quote: “God allows us to experience low life points to teach us lessons that we could not learn any other way.”

Quote: “Christianity, if it is false, does not matter, and if it is true, it has infinite meaning. The only thing that cannot be is moderately important. “

C.s. Lewis Screwtape Letters Quotes

Quote: “Pride does not take pleasure in having something, but in having more than the next man.”

C.s. Lewis Quotes

Quote: “To be a Christian means to forgive the unforgivable because God has forgiven the unforgivable in you.”

Quote: “I believe in Christianity just as I believe the sun has risen – not only because I can see it, but because it makes me see everything else.”

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