Craft Brewery Letters Crossword

Craft Brewery Letters Crossword – . It was Presidents Day; the topic was the memoirs of first ladies. Like many subcultures of nerds, the crossword puzzle has a vibrant ecosystem, and it’s taken off. Hoelscher posted a photo of the newspaper her husband had picked up early on his day off to buy, and the veteran crossword puzzlers, as they’re called, were congratulated in a Facebook group for underrepresented crossword puzzle designers. Some of

The digital crossword’s 600,000 subscribers completed Hoelscher’s puzzle with their thumbs, extending the crossword puzzle streak, and crossword bloggers (yes, there are those) praised the puzzle’s theme, off-theme vocabulary and clues.

Craft Brewery Letters Crossword

Craft Brewery Letters Crossword

In the comment sections of crossword blogs, a debate has erupted alongside ugly jokes about the hypothetical titles of Melania Trump’s memoirs. Jenny Levy, MD and reviewer for Diary of a Crossword Fiend, applauded how Hoelscher’s puzzle “passed the Bechdel crossword.” But Levy lamented the “missed opportunity.”

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“I searched for male names with increasing excitement: what if there were none?” she wrote. Unfortunately, 66-Across, DEE, was named “Billy ___ Williams” and not as a letter or mark. In response to Levy’s complaint, a commenter wondered, “Why is it desirable/necessary for female names to predominate in crosswords…I’m ignoring the number of males and females.” Levy’s response was a pitch-perfect, heartfelt call to arms for inclusiveness in an international world:

Because women are underrepresented in puzzle content and creation. Clues and answers that are stereotypically male are of “general interest”; clues and answers stereotypically female are “niche” or “obscure” … We are so far from [parity] that a few riddles with exclusively female names won’t get us there … [and feminism here means] “we recognize the systemic forces that threaten women, we speak up when we see those forces represented in crossword puzzles, and we challenge our community to do better.”

Hoelscher appeared, answered Levy, and said that she had asked the riddle without men, but was not surprised when

Crossword editors are amazing arbiters of cultural relevance. Read Awkwafina’s or Olivia Wilde’s tweets, only to discover they’ve been immortalized in a black-and-white grid—a book version of the handprints on the plaque outside Grauman’s Chinese Theater. But any pub-goer who’s been introduced to the craft beer categories, or things that smell like sourdough, or whatever the host is passionate about, will tell you that staff are politics. This crossword puzzle supports such as

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Mostly written, edited, fact-checked, and test-solved by older white men, determines what makes the 15×15 grid and what doesn’t.

When editors review a puzzle, they mark it—minus signs next to ambiguity or variant spellings, checkmarks next to vivid vocabulary. But what one editor lacks is another solver’s lexicon. Designers constantly argue with editors that their culture is worth the puzzle, only to hear feedback smeared with bias and sometimes outright sexism or racism. (Posts are anonymous in the editor’s comments that follow.) MARIE KONDO would not be familiar enough to “most people, especially with such an unusual last name.” GAY EROTICA is an “envelope that risks the solver’s reaction”. (According to XWord Info, a blog that tracks crossword statistics, EROTICA appeared in

Puzzles, for example, more than 40 times since 1950) BLACK GIRLS ROCK “may cause adverse reviews.” FLAVOR FLAV, got a minus sign in the puzzle I wrote.

Craft Brewery Letters Crossword

“Popular music,” American Values ​​Club crossword editor Ben Taussig told me, “that features a lot of young women and people of color is regularly dismissed as too ephemeral for the Big Crossword.” He added: “Ephemerality is a code word; the exception is the result.’

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And while some corners of the culture stay away from crosswords, some disturbing aspects of the language are creeping in.

The puzzle has recently faced deep sensitivity issues, including allowing a racial slur online in January 2019, despite unequivocal protests from those who had seen the puzzle previously published. Other offenses include clues about ILLEGAL (“Caught by a border guard”); MEN (“A Feminist’s Angry Comment”); and HUD (“Place of Humps”). In many cases, editorial changes distort the original innocuous designer’s prompt.

, cited low submission rates from underrepresented groups as one of the reasons for the lack of designer parity, but the tone-deafness and lack of transparency can scare designers away from the paper. (I was once an assistant editor for Shortz and add crossword puzzles to

.) In a Facebook thread with Shortz and other commenters, Rebecca Falcon, a 30-year-old designer, wrote, “I can’t feel good about putting my work on an outlet that I feel has very different values ​​than has » She continued: “Is anything being done to address these issues?” Shortz gave a thoughtful response, citing the recent increase in female authorships, saying that parity was “an important issue for us.” But when pushed about the insensitive edits, he balked at them, adding: “If a puzzle creator is unhappy with our editing style, they should submit their work elsewhere (or self-publish to retain full control).”

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Crossword Puzzle: Issue 78

Inclusivity efforts require triangulation between insider and outsider tactics, striving for unity between the camp of those who fix the system and the camp of those who start anew. Many designers I’ve spoken to still obey such publications

Crosswords, after a few months he’s already “brought something pretty radical,” according to Andy Kravis, the amazing designer and assistant

The author was a woman or a person of color, thanks to Agard’s active recruitment. “It’s a model that people would say, ‘Of course you can’t mean it; [of course we’ll] make compromises along the way,” says Kravis, and yet, under Agard’s leadership,

Craft Brewery Letters Crossword

Part of this diversity is procedural, a millennial tendency to clear hierarchies for collaboration. Agard has held networking workshops with new designers countless times, providing “a level of support and mentorship that no other editor offers,” says Rachel Fabi, a bioethicist and crossword designer. “The construction process [with Eric] is much more efficient and respectful,” agreed another designer, Stella Zawistowski, arguing that editors like Agard prove that collaboration doesn’t have to be cumbersome or slow, and doesn’t have to sacrifice the author’s voice.

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The decision-makers noticed. Agard, who once wore a PUBLISH MORE WOMEN shirt to a crossword tournament, believes Shortz and other old editors “could grab [their] infinity gauntlets like Thanos and 50 percent of the puzzles would be women.” But for now, Agard’s focus is on creating puzzles for communities rarely represented in puzzles—it’s an outreach project, not an education one. A solver who praised Agard for using

Hint. Even solving quirky crosswords like OLE through the song “Big Ole Freak” wins new followers and brings generations together; as one person remarked on Twitter, “Meghan Ty Stallion was in my grandma’s crossword puzzle today.”

And while sensitive wunderkinds like Agard and David Steinberg, puzzle and games editor at Andrews McMeel Universal

Added crossword in 2018; its editor, Liz Mines-Aminzadeh, is the first woman to edit puzzles in a major publication since

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, a transparent collaborative process. Importantly, since codification in handbooks and Wikipedia can lag behind popular usage in, say, queer or POC conversations, a quick office survey on Slack—provided the group surveyed is diverse—can confirm something that a search engine’s algorithm may be underestimating. .

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Outside of traditional publications, subscription puzzle series like Inkubator, Women of Letters, and Queer Qrosswords create space for links or topics created for and by women and queers themselves. Rebecca Falcon recently analyzed an Inkubator puzzle called “Immerse” by Allegra Cooney. His theme included the letters B, O, O, and B, which go beyond the traditional 15×15 crossword grid; SPONGEBOB’s B terminal was literally part of the SIDE SIS. Falcone’s enthusiasm for the puzzle was more than an admiration for a well-done crossword puzzle; she extolled just the kind of playful theme you won’t see at most outlets, and one that could encourage a new crop of designers.

Role models are doubly encouraging, and the Falcon has made waves there as well. While brainstorming the topic, she came up with the idea of ​​holding a “Women’s March”—in this case, a month of puzzles with as many women’s crosswords as possible. After coordinating with various publications and helping to find new voices, Falcon estimates that more than 100 crossword puzzles written by women will be published.

Craft Brewery Letters Crossword

Signed up for the first week (“We’re making progress,” Shortz told me). Ben Taussig will represent the female guest editors. And Steinberg will dedicate more than 30 puzzles to female authors. Fabi and Zavistovsky will be among the designers; Hölscher, st

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Constructor; and, making her Universal debut, Karen Steinberg, who is David’s mother. “Yes, that’s my mom!” the younger Steinberg wrote on Twitter. “I mentored her!” The letters in the circles in the grid are slanted UP AND DOWN and represent synonyms for the word “gradient”. The theme answers each start on the left side of the gradient, move UP or DOWN that gradient, and end on the right side:

Agar (also “agar-agar”) is a jelly made from seaweed that has many uses. Agar is found in Japanese desserts and can also be used as a food thickener or even as a laxative. In the world of science, this is the most common medium used to grow bacteria in petri dishes.

Domestic cats with white fur and flecks of brown and black color are called Calico in this country.

Devano Mahardika

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