Dear Abby Letters About Family Issues

Dear Abby Letters About Family Issues – In the late 1960’s, a woman wrote a letter to Dear Abby and asked the following question: “Since God alone can create life and since God alone knows what tomorrow will bring, He alone is often qualified as the ‘Planner of the Family.’ How was a lovely, beautiful girl like you ever taken to Planned Parenthood? Dear Abby responded: “I read the numbers of the population explosion and saw pictures of thousands of starving children born to unwilling and unfed parents. I then concluded that a righteous God could not have given life to innocent children only to condemn them to starve to death at an early age.”

Reading this exchange made me wish that Pauline Phillips, aka Abigail Van Buren, now deceased, was sitting on the Supreme Court. Last week the court decided to remand a lower court case brought by Christian nonprofit employers that challenged Obamacare’s 2010 requirement that insurance cover birth control for women. the employee. If they had ruled 4-4, which they likely would have (four liberals and four conservatives), then the lower court’s ruling would stand, and employers could decide to pick and choose which remedies to cover — in this case birth control. .

Dear Abby Letters About Family Issues

Dear Abby Letters About Family Issues

This is not a column about Obamacare or Christianity. This is a case of freedom and making good choices for your family. If you truly believe that God is the one who determines whether you or your teen will get pregnant through promiscuous sex, then this column may not be for you. We believe that nature and time play a big role in whether a child is pregnant and that every woman has the ability to delay this decision by using birth control pills. Conservative justices would vote to deny birth control coverage. This seems to be the opposite of what they should stand for. Protecting the rights of the American people and protecting the constitution is supposed to be the job of all justices, not just conservatives. First, the Constitution clearly calls for the separation of church and state, and prohibits the making of any law respecting the establishment of religion.

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I feel that our freedom is in jeopardy when a ruling that seems to me like the color of the sky is hard on politics and people who campaign for it. Employers who provide health insurance before and after Obamacare do not provide prescriptions or tell their employees what medications they support. The employer is there to provide important coverage for all kinds of issues. The health insurance company is responsible for determining how much to pay for each prescription and the pharmacy is responsible for paying. If we truly live in a country where freedom and the constitution are respected, then how can a religious group come in and refuse to cover something as simple as birth control?

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The pill simply works to control the body’s natural cycle hormones to prevent pregnancy. It does not destroy fertilized eggs. It prevents the egg from fertilizing. Responsible parents trying to plan their families and even unmarried couples responsible for preventing pregnancy use the pill to limit people and make difficult choices about how many children to have. should they give birth and when should they give birth. How has this become a liberal-versus-conservative issue – and even more importantly, how is it that liberal justices are those who believe that employers should stay out of employees’ bedrooms instead of judges? Conservative? Doesn’t the Republican Party stand for small government?

The Supreme Court ruling should be 8-0 in favor of employers allowing health insurance plans that cover pregnancy protection. If the company owner does not support birth control, then they should not take it and can only rely on contraception or God’s plan for their family. They should not be allowed to impose their religious beliefs on their employees and make them unable to accept them. We are losing freedoms in this country and most people want to blame free thinkers for the loss of these freedoms. I want the government out of my bedroom at all times, and I certainly want the right to pay for my prescriptions and have my health insurance cover them.

Fewer pregnancies mean fewer people decide to abort those pregnancies. Last time I checked, the Republican Party is also very anti-abortion, so encouraging people to use birth control should be on their list. If people can access it at a reasonable cost, we solve many gaps in social issues. I don’t think we should trust God to prevent pregnancy. I think we need the pill and every employee should have health insurance that covers it. The Supreme Court has never looked less judicial than it does now, and it’s a shame that every branch of government continues to let the American people down.

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Abby Letters And Quotes. Quotesgram

Katie Coombs is the host of the radio show “The Uncommon Sense of Katie Coombs.” You can connect with her on Facebook at Copyright 2022, Los Angeles Times | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | CA Collection Notice | Don’t Sell My Personal Information

Pauline Friedman Phillips, aka Abigail Van Buren, takes a break from reading the papers for her “Dear Abby” column in her Beverly Hills home office. (Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times)

“Dear Abby” author Pauline Friedman Phillips, left, and her twin sister, Eppie Lederer — professionally known as Ann Landers — attend their 50th high school reunion in Sioux City, Iowa. (John Gaps III/Associated Press)

Dear Abby Letters About Family Issues

Pauline Friedman Phillips — also known as Abigail Van Buren, the first author of the “Dear Abby” column — holds a photo of her mother and father. (Doug Pisac/Associated Press)

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Jeanne Phillips, left, and her mother Pauline Friedman Phillips — the original author of the “Dear Abby” column — attend the unveiling of the “Dear Abby” star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (J.P. Aussend/WireImage)

Pauline Friedman Phillips signs autographs after dedicating her “Dear Abby” star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (Reed Saxon/Associated Press)

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The harsh response of Abigail Van Buren – the pen name of Pauline Friedman Phillips – was one of the advice she gave for more than 40 years to the readers of newspapers around the world through the column “Dear Abby”, which appeared in 1956 Francisco History.

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She got the bug to write about her identical twin, who was already giving plenty of homespun advice in syndicated newspaper columns like Ann Landers. In recent decades, Philips’ wise exchange with readers about snoring or advertising dates gives way to serious topics as society has fallen into an upheaval.

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Dear Abby covered the sexual revolution (one reader actually asked where it was happening and how to get there), the women’s movement (she actively campaigned for the Equal Rights Amendment), the legalization of abortion (she favored abortion rights), and the advent of AIDS (she argued for continuous testing and education).

Phillips, 94, died Wednesday in Minneapolis, according to a statement from the Universal Press Association Uclick. Her family announced she had Alzheimer’s disease in 2002, the year her twin sister died.

Dear Abby Letters About Family Issues

In 1957, Time magazine declared “Dear Abby” “Journalism’s Rising Star.” The sisters’ rivalries caused a years-long rift between them – and turned them into two of the most famous and influential women of their generation.

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“Dear Abby” is the largest column in the world, appearing in more than 1,400 newspapers and producing about 10,000 letters a week, according to the organization.

From 1939 until her death, she was married to Morton B. Phillips, sion of the National Pressure Cooker Co. From an office in their Beverly Hills home, she edited the column until the 80s. She began sharing a column with her daughter, Jeanne Phillips, in 2000 and transferred the column two years later.

“My mother leaves very big shoes to fill, with a legacy of kindness, commitment and positive social change,” Jeanne said in a statement. “Every day I will honor her memory by continuing this legacy.”

Phillips’s influence can be surprising. When she urged readers to commemorate President Reagan’s birthday in 1985 by sending $1 to the White House March of Dimes, the president wrote her to ask that donations be sent directly to the charity. Within a month, he had deposited $41,000.

January 9, 1956: Abigail Van Buren’s

The single largest number of responses – 300,000 – came in response to a 1992 column that asked: “Where were you when President John F. Kennedy was shot?” She turned these into one of six books she wrote. She was also proud of the greatness

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