Editor Letters By Rick Knight Of Henrico Va

Editor Letters By Rick Knight Of Henrico Va – I read your article [“A History of Women at UVA, ” Spring 2011], but I was disappointed that there was no mention of women in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. I have always been interested in the first women and the first black women to enter the School of Engineering. When I joined in 1977, it was still a very male-dominated area. Thornton Hall was a world where non-engineering students dared not set foot. It would be great to see Engineering share such an important part of the University’s history.

You have not listed any alumni profiles from the School of Engineering. As a female engineering graduate and working in the profession, it is common to attend seminars or similar functions and be one of two women out of 50 or 100 people. This oversight in the article does a disservice to all female engineering graduates who are pioneers in a profession that still has a long way to go.

Editor Letters By Rick Knight Of Henrico Va

Editor Letters By Rick Knight Of Henrico Va

[I’m] blessed to be one of those 450 women in 1970. I had already finished two years at Ohio State, married to ne’er-do-well Duke, who had joined the army for a shot he had taken in battle. pants. After serving a year in Vietnam, UVA was kind enough to accept him into the School of Engineering. UVA, thank you so much for giving my husband a chance, not for accepting me.

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From September 1969 to May 1971, I was a graduate student in the planning program at the School of Architecture. The difference between the fall of 1969, when there were no undergraduate ladies, and the fall of 1970, when 150 were admitted, was so marked. At the time, almost [one-third] of the student body was graduate students, and there were many ladies among them, but the addition of undergraduate ladies changed UVA forever.

As a nursing graduate in 1960, most of my classes were in the humanities, as I came in with an advanced position to earn a master’s degree. I was married with a young child and just wanted to continue my education after my R.N. The men were respectful and helpful, but the faculty left much to be desired. In my weekly chemistry lab lecture, the teacher would address the class as “Ladies and Gentlemen” and then laugh out loud – every week!

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I am blessed to have received a good education from such a distinguished university, but my memories leave much to be desired.

I was an undergraduate at UVA in 1970 when the inaugural class of freshman women was admitted. Rumor at the time was that University officials applied the same “yield rate” (percentage of accepted students who actually enrolled). women that they historically used for men. Rumor has it that as a result of their historical status, the number of women who actually chose to enroll at UVA was higher than predicted, thus resulting in overcrowding in the first-year dorms.

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Ernest Ern, who was the dean of admissions during the transition to fully coeducation, explains, “Obviously, we really didn’t know what to expect in terms of the profitability of offering admissions to women in that first coeducational class, so we planned to go back. as we receive from male applicants. This sign proved to be true. In the previous class that entered the University in 1969, there were 1,528 (male) applicants. In 1970, 2,005 men and women were enrolled, a figure that was planned to include 450 women. The following year we added 550 women to our class size of 2,162. “The demand for university housing has taken a huge turn and it has taken several years to meet this demand by building new dormitories.” -Ed.

I appreciated the “History of Women at UVA” article, but the lens was a little rosy. I was in my transfer class in 1973 and noticed that most of the boys were offended by ambitious girls who were more interested in academics than admired. I said that I made wonderful male and female friends. While I taught at the University of Washington, I also cherished the excellent pedagogy and impressive faculty that inspire me to this day.

On the front page of the Cavalier Daily [page 23, Spring 2011] The beautiful young woman in the process of moving into the Webb dorm is my beautiful wife and best friend of 39 years, Martha Sandlin Walton (Colonel ’74). We met for the first time about three days later. Her hair is a little short now, but still as beautiful and beautiful as it was in 1970.

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Editor Letters By Rick Knight Of Henrico Va

I was disappointed to see that Charlotte H. Scott, professor of commerce and education, was not mentioned. When she arrived at the University in 1976, she and her husband, Nathan, were the first African-American faculty members appointed to tenured positions. Before coming to Charlottesville, she was the first African-American woman to serve as a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank. Scott was widely regarded as a pioneering scholar and his contributions to the life of our University deserve wider recognition.

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I graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences in 1967 with a B.A. I am a woman, but neither the professor’s daughter nor his wife. Women were allowed to enroll in minor courses in any bachelor’s degree-granting program. degree and completed my B.S. In chemistry at university, I spent my first two years at another college. I then continued at University and earned my Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1972. I could tell a few anecdotes about life in Mary Munford Hall and in my class where I was mostly the only female. After moving to Pennsylvania with my husband, Walter Frank Lee (Grad ’69), I began teaching chemistry at Bucks County Community College and am in my 36th year as a full-time faculty member.

I read your article on the history of women at UVA with interest. While reflecting on the many positive stories of the early pioneers, there were other experiences that were not mentioned. I studied at the University from 1967 to 1969 and at the end of those two years I received a master’s degree in sociology. I lived in Mary Munford during one of those years. My roommates included the only woman in the business school and several other women in graduate school, like me, other than education and nursing. During this time there were also several women I met in a criminology class I took in law school. While we were often reminded that we were at university, it was not generally an inviting and supportive place for women. I was told directly that I was not accepted for the position of Ph.D. program “because this advanced degree is spent on women.” I was bullied by male teachers and male colleagues and left after two years, believing I was unworthy of a graduate degree and professional career.

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Looking back on my years at UVA, I know that my own cultural naivete and age contributed to my limited effectiveness as a student. Ironically, I grew up learning what it means to be a minority during those years, and that experience has served me well personally and professionally.

One area not covered was the evolving role of women in the musical life of the University.

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As historians of the Virginia Glee Club Alumnae and Friends Association, our first reference to women from the University community participating in Glee Club performances comes in 1944, when an all-female “Madrigal Band” from the University joined the Glee Club. at the fourth annual Christmas concert. The Madrigal Band lasted two seasons, disbanding after the end of World War II. Except for a brief revival in the 1950s, there is no mention of a women’s choir until the formation of the University of Virginia Women’s Chorus in 1974.

It would be great if any of the original members of this Madrigal Group would share their stories.

Any idea who the young woman on the cover of the current issue is? I’m really surprised I won’t be a student! I took a series of graduate courses in the English department last summer. Our little apartment was in Preston Place, and I walked between Wilson Hall and our apartment many times. So far we’ve recognized the features, the large aviator glasses, and the small gold Gruen watch my husband gave me as a wedding present.

Editor Letters By Rick Knight Of Henrico Va

I’m pretty sure the woman on the chair is on the cover of the Spring 2011 issue

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My wife is Linda M. Mills. In 1976, I was here in Medical School and he was working on his master’s degree in English.

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