Eleanor Roosevelt And Amelia Earhart Letters

Eleanor Roosevelt And Amelia Earhart Letters – On the 88th anniversary of Amelia Earhart’s solo flight across the Atlantic, in which she became the first woman and the second person to achieve that remarkable feat, we return to a recurring theme in the Earhart saga – the possible place of Amelia’s final resting place. “GARAPAN PRISON . . . Another incident” appeared in November 1998.

[Enigma Press, 1994] received a letter from [a person] who had been in Saipan in 1953, long before public interest in the waning AE took off in the early 1960s. The letters are anonymous. Boldface my emphasis throughout.

Eleanor Roosevelt And Amelia Earhart Letters

Eleanor Roosevelt And Amelia Earhart Letters

I came to Saipan in the first summer of 1953, because of the job. Two or three months later, during which days I and others had sufficiently explored the island, the subject of Amelia Earhart came up, probably at a party. We all remember the story of the Amelie’s defection many years ago, and that she was captured by the Japanese and taken to Saipan if her plane had gone down anywhere other than Saipan. A few days later I spoke with a native of Chamorran, a male about the middle of his thirties, and asked him about Aemilia. And she offered me and one or two other friends to the prison where she and Fred Noonan were being held. A day or two later we followed the Chamorran into a fairly heavily covered area near where the prewar Japanese sugar headquarters and tapioca business was located.

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The smaller of the two cells of the Garapan prison, often reserved for “special” prisoners and women, according to some reports, where several witnesses reported that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan were held after their arrival in Saipan in the summer of 1937. “It also seems to be the consensus that she [Earhart] was kept in the sarcophagus room on the left,” Guam researcher Tony Gochar wrote in July 2015. “This room is a closet at the office building and would have been the fastest Japanese to get to it. He was convinced that she was in a small building and that her cell was on the left.” (Courtesy of Tony Gochar.)

The main building’s roof and walls were in bad shape from the bombings that took place during the American invasion. Beyond the headquarters building in the direction of Garapan, but I guess it was about halfway between Chalan Kanoa and Garapan, we came to a small defense where the remnants of the guard stood. As I remember, there were four cells, and the second cell from the right was shown to us as the one in which Aurelia was kept. Fred was on the one to the left.

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The cells, as I remember, measured about five feet by eight, so the whole cell enclosure was only twenty-some feet long. The paint on the interior of the cells had flowed away and they were cut open to the elements because the roof was missing. There was only one, just and the price. The wall of “his” cell had old writings, really cards that weren’t dark, except for those made by an American GI, a corporal, who may have been in prison for some crime or, more likely, for some days. name and date while I was visiting the cells.

Father Sylvan Conover witnessed Jesús Bacha Salas, a Chamorro farmer who was held in Garapan prison between 1937 and 1944, fighting with a Japanese soldier. Fred Goerner reported that “sometime in 1937 a white woman was placed in the next cell, but kept there for a few hours.” He saw the woman once, but gave a description of her that was given by other witnesses. The guards reported that the American female pilot had been captured by the Japanese.” (Photo by Fred Goerner, Courtesy Lance Goerner.)

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My Chamorran leader said that Emilia was kept there for a certain period of time and then executed and buried in the forest fifty yards or so beyond the cell. A similar fate met Fred next to him.

Please remember two things: one thing is that I did not ask for Aemilia then. It was just curious that I happened to find myself in a place where something very interesting was happening. Now I would like to spend a lot of time interviewing my Chamorran friend and looking further afield for other natives who might have knowledge. Secondly, in 1953 there was no public interest that I am aware of in the fate of Aemilia, and certainly there was no population upheaval in history that would have raised their appetite or imagination and accentuated the details.

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It appears that this is the back of the same prison. Wilson’s photo caption only says, “Emilia’s cell window – the one next door.”

Eleanor Roosevelt And Amelia Earhart Letters

The attitude at that time among all of us Chamorros was of a ho-hum kind, this is not the difference. So I gladly accept the story told to me by the Chamorran. I do not know whether he acquired the story from other credible sources, whether he used the stories from the Japanese around him, or whether he saw some parts of the story himself. In this case, there was no time for the policy. Aurelia and Fred went down in 1937. I was there after 16 years. My Chamorran friend did not say when Amelia and Fred were brought there, where or when they were killed. If he did, I forgot that part. Do not scratch on the graves. the bush was much thicker than that. I only took his word for it, what he said, because there would have been no further reason. I had not taken it to pay, nor was I admitted.

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Yes, Don, as far as my memory goes. I understand that I have nothing new to offer you, and only confuse things even more than they are now. I wish it would have been more useful. I will now open your book for the first time, and read with interest.

This is the inside of the cell at Saipan’s old Garapan prison that is said to have been occupied by Amelia Earhart. Former Marine and Saipan veteran Henry Duda visited Saipan on the 50th anniversary of the historic 1944 Battle of Saipan. Note the large square area in the bottom center of the closed door window, which is where the fuel door is located.

I really appreciate the detailed information you sent me about your experience on Saipan regarding the accounts of Amelia Earhart. You said, “We all remember the story of the Amelie’s disappearance many years ago and that she was captured by Japan and taken to Saipan.” This statement surprised me because I didn’t know that people had talked much about it being brought to Saipan until after the research began in the 1960’s. As I mention in my book, there were some Americans serving in both the Marshalls and Saipan who had some information about Amelia during WWII. However, these methods were not widely disseminated to my knowledge in the 50s.

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He held to read from your memory a prison and four cells in one cell. It is very interesting to read that your source indicated different cells for both Frede and Amelia than my source. But it is well, and he does not blame that Amelia and Fred are well incarcerated.

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You wrote that you wish you could have been more helpful. In fact, your account is remarkable to me because of the antiquity of the day — 1953 — in which your experiences took place. Many have been interviewed over the years, but yours is the first account I am aware of where Americans with the islands talked about Amelia and Fred WWII. None of these things would bring about any desire.

If you have the chance, I would like to make some of your comments about my book. You may or may not agree with my conclusions, but I would like to know your thoughts.

Don Wilson believed this photograph was taken from the interior of the cabin occupied by Amelia Earhart. The guard is said to have been made by a Japanese artist, but not the date of its creation. for who can say?

Eleanor Roosevelt And Amelia Earhart Letters

I would like to share what you wrote to me with other Amelia Earhart Friends. A newsletter is published several times a year for the benefit of the 100 or so members who are interested in the fortunes of Emily and Fred, and who arrive from time to time with tidbits of information that they share with members. A lot of my support material has come from financial resources

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Devano Mahardika

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