Extreme Mechanics Letters Impact Factor

Extreme Mechanics Letters Impact Factor – 159 Shape-changing microgel automata controlled by DNA sequence instructions, R. Shi, K.-L. Chen, J. Fern, S. Deng, I, Liu, D. Scalise, K. Huang, N. Covan, D.H. Gracias‡, R. Schulman‡, [‡co-corresponding author] bioRkiv2022.09.21.508918;DOI: 10.1101/2022.09.21.508918

158. Unbound unidirectional creep gels driven by asymmetry of contact forces, A. Pantula, B. Datta, I. Shi, M. Wang, J. Liu, S. Deng, N. Covan, T. Nguyen, D.H. Gracias, chemRkiv2022 ; DOI:10.26434/chemrkiv-2022-7j4pd

Extreme Mechanics Letters Impact Factor

Extreme Mechanics Letters Impact Factor

157 Autonomous unbound microinjectors for gastrointestinal delivery of insulin, A. Ghosh, V. Liu, L. Lee, G. Pahapale, SI. Choi, K. Huang, F. M. Selaru‡, D.H. Gracias‡, [co-corresponding author] bioRkiv2022.05.05.490821;DOI:10.1101/2022.05.05.490821

Compressive Strength–density Ashby Map. This Chart Compares The…

Papers in peer-reviewed academic journals 156. Shell microelectrode arrays (MEAs) for brain organoids, K. Huang, B. Tang, J. C. Romero, I. Yang, S. K. Elsaied, G. Pahapale, T.-J. Lee, I. E. Morales Pantoja, F. Hahn, C. Berlinicke, T. Xiang, M. Sollazo, T. Hartung, Z. Kin, B. Caffo, L. Smirnova, D.H. Gracias, Science Advances 8, eabk5031 (2022).

155. Direction of multicellular organization by variable aspect ratio of soft hydrogel microbubbles, G. J. Pahapale, J. Tao, M. Nikolić, S. Gao, G. Scarcelli, S. Sun, L. H. Romer‡, D.H. Gracias‡, Advanced Science 9, 2104649 (2022): [co-corresponding author] [On back]

154. Label-free spectroscopic detection of SARS-CoV-2 on various nanoimprinted substrates, D. Paria, * K. S. Kwok, * P. Raj, P. Zheng, D. H. Gracias‡, I. Barman‡, [*Equal contribution;‡co-corresponding author] Nano Letters 22, 3620-3627 (2022). [Featured as a bonus cover]

153. Integrated nanotechnology 2.0: 3D, smart, flexible and dynamic, D.H. Gracias, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (Highlights) 1, 11-15 (2022).

Full Article: Application Of Deep Neural Network Learning In Composites Design

152. Controlled cracking of graphene ribbons at the nanoscale by polymer shrinkage, A. Sarkar, D. Paria, I. Barman, D.H. Gracias, ACS Applied Nano Materials 4, 2, 1529–1539 (2021). 151. Solution-Responsive Self-Assembly of 3D Photosensitive Graphene Architectures, K. Huang, T. Deng, V. Xu, C.K. Yoon, Z. Kin, I. Lin, T. Lee, I. Yang, M. Shen, S. M. Thon, J. B. Khurgin, D.H. Gracias, Advanced Intelligent Systems (2021).

150. Magnetic resonance-guided navigation of untethered microcaptures, A. Ghosh, I. Liu, D. Artemov, ‡ D.H. Gracias, ‡ Advanced Healthcare Materials 10, 4, 20000869 (2021), [‡author]co-corresponding

149. Gastrointestinal resident, shape-changing microdevices prolong drug release in vivo, A. Ghosh, L. Lee, R.P. Dash, N. Gupta, J. Lam, K. Yin, V. Akshinatala, G. Pahapale, V. Liu, A. Sarkar. R. Rais, D.H. Gracias‡, F.M. Selaru‡ Science Advances, 6, eabb4133 (2020) [‡ corresponding author].[Featured as cover article]

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Extreme Mechanics Letters Impact Factor

148. Arrays of quasi-3D large-area Au nanostructures for polarization-selective mid-infrared metasurfaces, V. Nagal, T. Lee, J. Khurgin, ‡ D.H. Gracias, ‡ ACS Applied Nano Materials 3, 7029-700 [co-corresponding author] . 147. Multicomponent motor gels for DNA polymerization, R. Shi, J. Fern, V. Xu, S. Jia, K. Huang, G. Pahapale, R. Schulman, ‡ D. H. Gracias, ‡ Small 16, 37, 2002946 (2020) [co-corresponding author] .

Review On Modeling For Chemo Mechanical Behavior At Interfaces Of All Solid State Lithium Ion Batteries And Beyond

146. 3D printing of in situ grown MOF hydrogel with tunable mechanical properties, V. Liu, O. Errol, D.H. Gracias, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, 33267-33275 (2020). 145. Unbound single-cell scavengers for active biopsy, K. Jin, I. Yang, J.A. Jackson, C. Yoon, D.H. Gracias, Nano Letters, 20, 7, 5383-5390 (2020) [Video] 144. Bidirectional propulsion of arc-shaped microswimmers driven by forward magnetic fields, S. Mohanty, * K Jin, * G.P. Furtado, A. Ghosh, G. Pahapale, I.S.M. Khalil, D.H. Gracias, S. Misra, Advanced Intelligent Systems 2, 9, 2000064 (2020).

143. 3D printing and characterization of a soft and biostable elastomer with high flexibility and strength for biomedical applications, E. ABOUT. Bakhtiar, O. Erol, M. Millrod, R. Tao, D.H. Gracias, L.H. Romer, S.H. Kang, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 104, 103649 (2020)

141. Biomimetic human small muscular pulmonary arteries, K. Yin, * A. Bhatta, * J. Pagaduan, * Ks. Chen, * H. West-Foyle, J. Liu, A. Howe, D. Berkowitz, A. Howe, F. B. Askin, T. D. Nguyen, D. H. Gracias, ‡ L. H. Romer, ‡ Science Advances 6, 13, eaaz2598 (2020) [* Equal contribution; ‡ co-corresponding author].

140. Self-folding using capillary forces, K. S. Kwok, * K. Huang, * M. Mastrangeli, $ D. H. Gracias, $ Advanced Materials Interfaces 7, 5, 1901677 (2020) [*Equal contribution;‡]co-corresponding 139. Substrate directed synthesis of MoS2 nanocrystals with tunable dimensionality and optical properties, T. Chovdhuri, J. Kim, E. C. Sadler, C. Li, S.-V. Lee, K. Jo, V. Xu, D.H. Gracias, N.V. Drichko, D. Jarivala, T.H. Britlinger, T. Mueller, H.-G. Park, T.J. Kempa, Nature Nanotechnology 15, 29-34, (2020).

Micro Architectured Materials: Past, Present And Future

138. Nano-bent gold catalysts for the electroreduction of carbon dioxide, K.S. Kwok*, I. Wang*, M. Hello, H. Shen, Z. Hey, Mr. Poirier, B.E. McCandless, K.J. Livy, D.A. Müller, C. Wang‡, D.H. Gracias‡, Nano Letters 19, 12, 9154-9159 (2019) [*Equal contribution;‡co-corresponding author] 137. Hierarchically curved cell culture 3Dlami biotic culture , G.J. Pahapale, S. Gao, L.H. Romer, ‡ D.H. Gracias, ‡ ACS Applied Bio Materials 2, 12, 6004-6012 (2019) [co-corresponding author] . 136. Reversible MoS2 origami with spatially resolved and reconfigurable photosensitivity, V. Xu, T. Li, Z. Kin, K. Huang, H. Gao, Hui, K. Kang, J. Park, M. Buehler, J. Khurgin, D.H. Gracias, Nano Letters 19, 7941-7949 (2019).

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135. Direct writing with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) ink with tunable mechanical properties, Z. Jiang, O. Erol, D. Chatterjee, V. Xu, N. Hibino, L.H. Romer, S.H. Kang, D.H. Gracias, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11, 31, 28289-28295 (2019). 134. Periodic buckling of soft 3D printed bioinspired tubes, J. Liu, V. Liu, A. Pantula, Z. Wang, D.H. Gracias, T.D. Nugien, Extreme Mechanics Letters 30, 100514, (2019) [Featured on cover].

133. Soft three-dimensional robots with hard two-dimensional materials, V. Xu, D.H. Gracias, ACS Nano 13, 4883-4892 (2019). 132. Force characterization and analysis of thin film actuators for uncoupled microdevices, F. Ongaro, K. Jin, U. Siciliani de Cumis, A. Ghosh, A. Denassi, D.H. Gracias, S. Misra, AIP Advances 9, 055011 (2019). 131. Transformer hydrogels: Overview, O. Erol, A. Pantula, * V. Liu, * D.H. Gracias, Advanced Materials Technologies 4, 4, 900043, (2019) (Invited: Special Virtual Issue on Advanced Intelligent Systems) [*Equal contribution] .

Extreme Mechanics Letters Impact Factor

130. Dual-gel 4D printing of bioinspired tubes, J. Liu, O. Erol, A. Pantula, V. Liu, Z. Jiang, K. Kobayashi, D. Chatterjee, N. Hibino, L.H. Romer, S.H. Kang, D.H. Gracias, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11, 8, 8492-8498 (2019). 129. Biodegradable thermomagnetically sensitive soft unbound grippers, K. Kobayashi, * C.K. June, * S.H. Hyun, J. Pagaduan, D.H. Gracias, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11, 151-159 (2019) [*Equal contribution]. 128. Electrocatalytic oxidation of glycerol on platinum, I. Liu, * V. Yu, * D. Raciti, D.H. Gracias, ‡ C. Wang, ‡ Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 426-432 (2019) [* Equal contribution; ‡co-corresponding author] 127. Self-folding hybrid graphene skin for 3D biosensing, V. Xu, S. Paidi, Z. Kin, K. Huang, C. H. Yu, J. Pagaduan, M. J. Buehler, I. Barman, D.H. Gracias, Nano Letters 19, 3, 1409-1417, (2019). 126. Subwavelength field enhancement in the mid-IR: photonics vs. plasmonics vs. phononics, T. Lee, V. Nagal, D. H. Gracias, J. B. Khurgin, Optics Letters 43, 18, 4465-4468 (2018). 125. Origami Biosystems: 3D assembly methods for biomedical applications, V. A. Bolanos Quinones, * H. Zhu, * A. Soloviev, I. Mei and D.H. Gracias, Advanced Biosystems 2, 12, 1800230 (2018); [*Equal contribution] [Shown on back cover].

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Ajayan Research Group

124. 3D Hybrid Small Scale Devices, J. V. Pagaduan, * A. Bhatta, * L.H. Romer, $ D.H. Gracias, $ Small 14, 27, 1702497 (2018) [$ co-corresponding author, qual.] 123. Shape-changing ultrathin smart materials, V. Xu, K. S. Kwok, D. H. Gracias, Accounts of Chemical Research 51, 436-444 (2018).

122. Comparative studies of ethanol and ethylene glycol oxidation on platinum electrocatalysts, S. Devan, * D. Raciti, * I. Liu, D.H. Gracias, ‡ C. Wang, ‡ Topics in Catalysis 61, 9, 1038 (1035-210) [*Equal contribution;‡co-corresponding author] (Invited, special issue in honor of Prof. Gabor Somorjai) . 121. A micropatterned multielectrode shell for 3D spatiotemporal imaging from living cells, J. Cools, K. Yin, E. Yoon, D.A. Burbano, Z. Luo, D. Cuipers, G. Callevaert, D. Braeken‡, D.H. Gracias‡, Advanced Science 5, 4, 1700731 (2018) [‡co-corresponding author]. [Shown on back cover]. 120. A GPU-accelerated tracking model for untethered submillimeter grippers, S. Scheggi, C. K. Yoon, A. Ghosh, D.H. Gracias and S. Misra, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 103, 111-121 (2018). 119. Soft biomimetic structures that react to multiple temperatures, K. Kobaiashi, * S.H. Oh, * C.K. Yoon, D.H. Gracias, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 39, 4, 1700692 (2018) [*F Equal cover] on cover].

118. Steering and control of miniaturized untethered soft magnetic grippers with haptic assistance, C. Pacchierotti, F. Ongaro, F. van den Brink, C. Yoon, D. Prattichizzo, D.H. Gracias and S. Misra, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE) 15, 1, 290-306 (2018). watch the video

117. Design, characterization and control of thermally sensitive and magnetically activated micro-catchers at the air-water interface, F. Ongaro, S. Scheggi, * A. Ghosh, * A. Denasi, D. H. Gracias, S. Misra, PLoS One 12 (12) e0187441, (2017) [*Equal contribution]. watch the video

Soft Machines & Electronics Lab

116. Ultrathin thermoreactive self-bending 3D graphene, V. Xu, Z. Keen, C. T. Chen, H. R. Quag, K. Oh, A. J. Sarkar, M. J. Buehler, D. H. Gracias, Science Advances 3, e1701084, (2701084).

115. DNA sequence directed shape change of photopatterned hydrogels via high degree swelling, A. Cangialosi, * C. K. Ion, * J. Liu, K. Huang, J. Guo, T. D. Nguyen, D.H. Gracias, ‡ R. Schulman, ‡ ‡ R. Science 357, 6356, 1126-1130 (2017) [*Equal contribution;$ co-corresponding

Devano Mahardika

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