Fabric Covered Wall Letters

Fabric Covered Wall Letters – Learn how to make fabric-covered letters with this easy, step-by-step, no-sew picture tutorial. Chipboard letters, fabric and ModPodge are the only materials needed.

Thanks to Waverly Inspirationsat Walmart for sponsoring this post. The positive opinions about the incredibly lovely fabrics, ribbons and colors are 100% my own. This post contains affiliate links.

Fabric Covered Wall Letters

Fabric Covered Wall Letters

Each month, Waverly Inspirations from Walmart sends me a surprise box of fabric, ribbon, and paint, challenging me to create something inspiring with their products. It’s a fun little game that I look forward to every month! This month my challenge theme was “Thanksgiving Decorations”. I decided to create some fabric covered letters and a fabric banner for my Thanksgiving mantle. I love replacing my mantle decor with inexpensive DIY decor.

Amazon.com: Vinyl Wall Art Decal

Step 1: Before you begin, determine which letters will be covered with which fabric. Step 2: Turn the letter wrong side up and place the letter on the wrong side of the fabric. Lightly outline the letter.

When tracing over the letter, leave just enough fabric to wrap around the back of the letter.

Cutting slits in the fabric will allow the fabric to wrap nicely around the curves of the letter.

Step 4: Using a small brush, apply Mod Podge to the edges of the fabric. Use your hands to smooth the edges of the fabric on the back of the letters.

Larissa Another Day: Fabric Wrapped Holiday Letters

As you can see, I didn’t worry about making the backs of my letters perfect. No one will see the back of your letters, so there’s no need to bother with this step. If the unfinished look bothers you, simply trace the letter (right side up) onto a piece of felt and glue to cover the messy edges.

Step 5: Embellish the letters with ribbon. Step 6 (Optional): To create free-standing letters, hot glue a small square piece of wood vertically to the back of each letter.

I simply used square pieces of balsa wood that I had in my stash of scrap wood. You can hot glue any small piece of scrap wood to create a support for each letter. Or you can stick them on the board to make a sign.

Fabric Covered Wall Letters

Wondering how to make a cute banner out of scrap fabric? Tomorrow I will share a quick tutorial on how to make your own. It’s so simple and anyone can do it!

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Diy Signs And Letter Crafts For Wall Decor

Feel free to pin this project for later and check out my other fabric projects in the “Related Posts” below!

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content on this website, the information is provided without any warranty of any kind. Home Stories from A to Z assumes no direct or indirect responsibility or liability for the timeliness or accuracy of the information, nor any consequences of its use. This website is not intended to replace professional advice. This site often uses affiliate links. Here is our full privacy policy. Faith from Design Fixation wanted to update her daughter’s playroom, so she used our custom Baltic birch wood letters to make DIY fabric covered wood letters.

As her daughter got older, she realized that she needed to have a special playroom at home.

Faith turned a formal living room that was rarely used into a place to create and entertain!

How To Make Fabric Covered Letters

She found four black and white fabrics that play off each other and used them to cover the face of our Wooden Letters.

Watch how Faith made DIY fabric-covered wood letters that spell out GAME for her daughter’s new space.

For this project, Faith wanted the wood letters to be spaced wider than the paper template, so she used painter’s tape and a spirit level to help her get the alignment and spacing correct.

Fabric Covered Wall Letters

You may remember Faith from some of our previous projects together, such as: DIY Two-Tone Wood Wall Mural, DIY Nursery Letters, DIY Month Milestone Markers, First Birthday Decorations, and our most recent post, How to Make a DIY Wine Stain Cheers Sign.

Diy Wall Coverings To Transform Your Home With

Mariyah is our marketing coordinator, social media expert and full-time DIYer. She is the mother of a rainbow girl, a blogger, content creator, traveler and animal lover. I wanted to add a little color to my daughter’s room, so I decided to use fabric, canvases and block letters to create her name on the wall.

The list of items I had to buy or gather around the house was pretty short:

To save time, I picked up my goods from two dollar bins. I loved the combination of blue and teal and the patterns that varied from simple to bold. Make sure all the folds in the fabric are well ironed.

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If you’ve never covered your canvases before, I recommend you find a how-to video on you tube. I usually start with one clip in the top center and one clip in the bottom center. Make sure the fabric is taut around the canvas, but not so tight that it puckers. Then work your way around the top (from the center moving out to one corner… then from the center moving out to the other corner) and continue to staple tightly.

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Once you have clips at the top and bottom, folding the corners nicely is simple, but not necessarily intuitive. The good thing about fabric is that you can keep folding it until it’s perfect – and then staple.

I start by folding two 45 degree angles as shown in the image above. Since the first fold is all the excess fabric on the back of the canvas, it shouldn’t be visible at all. The second fold, when pulled around the canvas, should leave just one stitch (per corner) – which should be barely visible when you tighten and staple it.

Once the canvases are created, it’s time to glue the letters to the front. If you have chosen different fabrics and prints, lay out the canvases and letters on the table before gluing to make sure in what order they appear.

Fabric Covered Wall Letters

(NOTE: I originally tried using a hot glue gun to attach the letters, but the glue peeled off the fabric too easily. I used super glue – at least one tube per letter – to attach the letters to my canvases. Super glue requires at least 24 hours to set setting before hanging – so make sure you have a place where they can stand undisturbed.)

Meihua Wall Art

TIP: I added a small piece of sticky tape to both bottom corners of each canvas. This is to keep them hanging straight / to prevent them from sliding down the nail on the wall. Sticky tack adheres well to walls and fabrics.

My daughter’s reaction was great! She just turned three and can recognize/read her name. She was thrilled to see him in such big, bold letters on her bedroom wall.

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Birthday, Wedding, Champagne, Chocolate, Cocoa Cookies, Crayons, Decoration, DIY Fabric, Favored Flute, Girardelli, Heart, Nursery Letters, Mint Monogram, Play-Dough, Rainbow Recipe, Shower, Zebra, Print . I show you how to make your own simple fabric covered wall letters that are the perfect children’s decoration. Thanks to Aden + Anais for sending me some covers for this project.

I mentioned a while back that I had a bit of a love affair with some of the prints from Aden + Anais. I still am. In fact, I think it became a great love. But I’m not keen on kids’ rooms with a strict theme. So making DIY nursery fabric letters with their subtle yet beautiful prints seemed like a no-brainer. Want to know how to make your own fabric letters? I’ll show you how!

Lunarable Sunflower Tapestry Romantic Flowers On Old Fashioned Letters Postcards Newspapers Fabric Wall Hanging Decor For Bedroom Living Room Dorm 23

I started with some high quality kraft letters. On rare occasions I’ve seen the odd letter hanging in the dollar section at Target, but good luck spelling anything with what’s available. So I used smaller kraft letters from Land Of Nod which are about $4 apiece. They have hanging holes on the back and are basically worth the bargain price considering where they come from. Now excuse me while I look at this bedding for Kayla.

I grabbed some cotton wool to make the letters fluffy and plush and then had a Sophie’s Choice moment trying to decide which of the super cute Up, Up & Away diapers by Aden + Anais to cut up. Call me a wuss because I couldn’t bring myself to use the elephant and star balloon bottom as it was my original inspiration for the nursery and I just love it.

I cut off pieces of cotton wool, making sure to leave plenty of excess around the letters. Remember this – if you’re working with letters that have cutouts or empty centers, make sure you pull the cotton a bit through those slits or holes before you cut along the edges. Finally, you will want to glue the batting around the letters so that it covers the entire front surface and

Fabric Covered Wall Letters

Devano Mahardika

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