Feathered Mimic 5 Letters

Feathered Mimic 5 Letters – Boards, today’s theme is the Christmas robin redbreast that features on many Christmas cards and today makes a special appearance on our Advent calendar for PC.

In this long article we’ll focus on the ways computer scientists learn about our feathered friends and we’ll make room for some of the funniest April Fools in computer science.

Feathered Mimic 5 Letters

Feathered Mimic 5 Letters

Our free magazine, Computing Sounds Wild (you can download a copy here ), has the word “bird” 60 times so it definitely has a bird theme.

Florida Considers Switching Its State Bird From The Mockingbird

Interest in nature and interest in computers do not go well together. For a group of computer scientists interested in sound they do a lot, though. In this issue we explore the work of scientists and engineers who use computers to understand, identify and recreate the sounds of the wild, especially those of birds. We see that sophisticated algorithms that allow machines to learn, which can help recognize birds even if they are invisible, thus helping conservation efforts. We see how computer models are helping biologists understand animal behaviour, and we look at how electronic and computer generated sounds, have changed music, are now set to change the sound of films. Making electronic sounds is also a great, fun way to become a computer scientist and learn to program

This article was first published on the website and can be found on page 15 of the magazine linked above.

“I’m in the choir”. “Really, what are you singing?” “I made a bird last week, but I think I’ll be a woodpecker today, I like a robin though!”

This is not a game! Marcus Coates, a British artist, woke up early in the morning, and working with a wildlife sound recorder, Geoff Sample, used 14 pipes to record a morning song on many cold mornings. They slowed down the sounds and combined each type of bird with different types of human voices. Then they filmed 19 people singing birds, each person singing a different bird, their place of residence, a car, a shed and even a lady in the bath! 19 songs are played together to make a morning song. See it on YouTube below.

Evidence Of Integumentary Scale Diversity In The Late Jurassic Sauropod Diplodocus Sp. From The Mother’s Day Quarry, Montana [peerj]

Marcus didn’t stop there, he wrote a new song for the birds. Yes, so that people can sing the new song of ten birds, but they have to do it slowly. Humans sing ‘bird’ 20 times slower than birds sing ‘bird’ ‘whoooooop’, ‘whoooooop’, ‘tweeeeet’. For a special performance, the choir learned a new song, a new morning choir, they sang a slow live version, which was recorded, sped up and played to the audience, I was there! It was amazing! A personal performance, it was a moment of tweeting joy. Close your eyes and ‘whoop’ you were in the forest, at dawn!

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Computational thinking is at the heart of how computer scientists solve problems. Marcus Coates, a self-professed computer scientist, is an artist looking for ways to see how humans are similar to other animals. But we can get an idea of ​​what computer thinking is by looking at how he created his sounds. First, he and the wildlife sound recordist, Geoff Sample, had to focus on each of the bird sounds in the recordings, ignoring the details they didn’t need, making observations, listening to each bird, finding out which aspects of the bird’s sound were important. They looked for patterns that distinguished each voice, sometimes the bird’s performance was messy and they couldn’t hear certain types clearly, so they kept checking the quality. For each bird, they listened and listened until they found the right speed to ‘take it down’. Different birds needed different speeds so people could match and different types of human voices suited each type of bird: attention to detail is very important. They had to look at the results carefully, testing them, making sure that each sounded like the right bird and that they all came together in the Dawn Chorus soundscape. They had to make a bird’s language, another abstract, notes like song notes, and that’s an algorithm to make sounds!

This article was first published on the website and can be found on page 14 of the magazine linked above.

Feathered Mimic 5 Letters

How do songbirds make complex sounds? The answer is in a different branch of the evolutionary tree…

First Articulated Ornithomimid Specimens From The Upper Maastrichtian Scollard Formation Of Alberta, Canada

We humans have vocal cords (or vocal cords) in our throat, and they vibrate when we speak to make sound. The air that comes out of your lungs passes over them and cuts through the column of air that allows more or less to enter and create sound waves. This vocal ‘tool’ is similar to mammals such as monkeys and dogs, our evolutionary neighbors. But songbirds are not like us. They make sounds too, but they have developed this technique separately, and so their ‘tool’ is different: they actually have two sets of vocal folds, one for each lung.

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Sometimes if you hear a loud, complex sound from a bird, it’s because the bird is actually using two sides of the voice box together to make what appears to be one additional or sweet sound. Songbirds have strong throat muscles that help them change sound quickly. Biologists believe that this ability evolved so that these birds could tell their mates and competitors how healthy and efficient they were.

So if you’ve ever wondered why you can’t sing like a blackbird, now you have a good reason!

Computers are great ways to transfer data from one place to another and the internet can allow you to download or share files quickly. Before I had internet at home if I wanted to work on a file on my home computer I had to save a copy on my work computer on a memory stick and plug it into my laptop at home. Once I was ‘connected’ at home I was able to email myself with an attachment and use my home broadband to download a file. Now I don’t have to do that. I can save the file on my work computer, it’s compatible with the ‘cloud’ and when I get home I can pick up where I left off. When I used the memory stick my data transfer rate was absolutely low at traffic speed as I was sitting on the bus on the way to work. Fairly slow, but the data definitely arrived in one piece.

A Complete List Of Every Dinosaur

In 1990 an April Fool’s Day joke memo was published that suggested using pigeons as a form of internet, where birds could carry small packets of data. The memo, called ‘IP over Avian Carriers’ (that is, internet based on birds), was written in a humorous tone (you can read it here) but although it was written to entertain the idea has already been used. real life too. Photographers in remote locations with little internet signal use homing pigeons to send their images back.

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A beautiful (and possibly good wi-fi, and antennae) Victoria Crown Pigeon. Not a carrier pigeon, but very photogenic. Image by Foto-Rabe from Pixabay

A US company that offers adventure holidays including rafting used pigeons to return the films (before digital film took over) back to the company’s base. The guides and their guests would take loads of photos while enjoying the river ride and the birds would rush the photos back to the base, where they could be developed, so that when interested guests arrived later their photos would be ready for them.

Feathered Mimic 5 Letters

On April Fool’s Day 2002 Google ‘admitted’ to its users that the reason their web search results appeared so quickly and accurately was because, rather than using automated systems to capture the best results, Google used a pigeon bank to select the best results. Millions of pigeons browse web pages together

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In a surprising non-April Fool’s twist some researchers decided to test how well pigeons could distinguish different types of information from hospital photos. They trained the pigeons by having them look at medical pictures of tissue samples taken from healthy people and pictures taken from people who were sick. The pigeons had to press another two-colored button and thereby learn which pictures contained healthy and diseased tissues. If they click the correct button they get an extra food reward.

The researchers then tested the pigeons with new sets of images, to see if they could apply their learning to images they had never seen before. The pigeons were surprisingly good at separating the images into healthy and unhealthy, with an 80 percent hit rate.

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