Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor – Paper copy of a letter to the editor of the Houston Chronicle criticizing the article, endorsing Judge Jimmy Duncan and insisting that it was biased and inaccurate. John J. Herrera argues that the editorial leaves out some important facts about the judge and misrepresents his character.

This letter is part of a collection entitled Texas Cultures Online and was made available by the Houston Metropolitan Research Center at the Houston Public Library to Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by UNT Libraries. It was viewed 231 times, 14 of them in the last month. More information about this letter can be found below.

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

A person of some significance to the content of this letter. Additional names may appear in the topics below.

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Visit our Educator Resource Site! We have identified this letter as the main source in our collections. Researchers, teachers and students may find this letter useful in their work.

The Houston Metropolitan Research Center (HMRC) is part of the Special Collections Division of the Houston Public Library System, which also includes the Clayton Library Genealogical Research Center and the African American Library at Gregory School.

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Texas Cultures Online features local history material from eighteen institutions depicting the diverse cultures of Texas in the 19th and 20th centuries. Funding provided by the Amon Carter Foundation.

First Amendment Handbook

Correspondence and personal belongings of John J. Herrera, prominent lawyer and civil rights advocate for Mexican Americans. Known for his role in school desegregation, he fought against the exclusion of Hispanics from juries.

Herrera, John J. [Letter from John J. Herrera to the Editor of the Houston Chronicle – April 13, 1974], letter dated April 13, 1974; (https:///ark:/67531/metapth248351/: accessed September 17, 2022), University of North Texas Libraries, Texas History Portal, https://; with reference to the Houston Metropolitan Research Center at the Houston Public Library. Letters to the Editor and Opinion Articles LTE and Opinion Articles (also known as Guest Points of View) are the tools we use to raise awareness and educate the public on pressing issues. These publications offer a space for a permanent community, and with their broad readership, can offer key ways to engage the public and inspire people to take action. Why we write LTE:

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Who – define who you are and why your point of view is important. You can also determine who else is affected by the problem.

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

When – describe the relevance of the issue today and possibly the impact on the future. You can also mention past cases where the problem was ignored or handled differently.

Bias And Fairness

Why? Why is this question important? This is where you can really get to the bottom of the problem. Make readers feel it by illustrating your problem, giving tangible examples, and connecting with emotion.

How – how should the readers act and how should the solution be developed? – for example, join a march, leave a comment to an agency, get more information, etc.

In Eugene, the main media are the Registration Guard and Eugene Weekly. In addition to these local publications, there are other good publications to consult: the Oregonian and the Statesmans Journal. Application instructions for each of these publications are provided below:

*All publications require your real name and address. The address will not be printed, but your hometown will be listed.

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250 word limit. Please indicate the subject or title and the date of the article, editorial or author’s article to which your letter relates.

150 word limit. Must link to an article that appeared within the last seven days and must include the author’s address and phone numbers. No investment please.

200 word limit. Must take as a starting point an article or other material published in The Post. They could not be presented, posted or published in any other media. They must indicate the full name of the author – anonymous letters and letters written under pseudonyms will not be considered. For verification purposes, they should also include the author’s home address, email address, and phone numbers.

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

200 word limit. The author’s name, email address, home address, daytime and evening phone numbers must be included for verification purposes. icleShow moreHide

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2of 15Former icle columnist Leon Hale (left) with former editor Jack Loftis at Hale’s 90th birthday dinner in 2011. Karen Warren/Houston icleShow moreHide

4of 15Emil Mezinger with Beverly and Jack Loftis at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Dinner of Champions. Maxine Mezinger Thursday 12 January 2005

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Page 5 of 15. CONTACT: HOUSTON PRESS CLUB Jack Loftis (left) presents Clyde Peterson (right) with the Lifetime Achievement Award during the Houston Press Club’s annual Gridiron Show, Saturday, September 21, 2001, at the George Convention Center R. Brown. (Melissa Phillip/icle)Melissa Phillip/Houston icleShow moreHide

7of 15Houston Magazine Editor Jack Loftis introduces Dan Rather at the 2002 Texas Daily Association Annual Meeting, Monday, March 18, 2002, at the Omni Hotel. Dave Rossman/Magazine SpecialShow moreHide

Tnt Letters, 02/11/2022

Page 8of 15Houston Magazine Editor Jack Loftis introduces Dan Rather at the 2002 Texas Daily Association Annual Meeting, Monday, March 18, 2002, at the Omni Hotel.

10 of 15Jack Loftis, Sherry Adams, Dick Johnson, Steve Earles and Jack Sweeney after the Hearst Eagle Awards were announced on April 4, 2000 for Ikle. Buster Dean/Houston IcleShow moreHide

Page 11 of 15. Jack Loftis and his wife Beverly Loftis with Vince and Mary Kickerillo during the MS Dinner at the Hornberger Convention Center on September 25, 1999 in Houston. BRETT COOMER/SPECIAL TO THE ICLESShow moreShow less

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

13 of 15. Texas Lieutenant Governor Bob Bullock holds the 1998 James Madison Award as he speaks with Jack Loftis (left) and Paul Watler as Senator John Whitmire (right) looks at this September 11, 1998 file photo. HARRY KABLAK/APShow MoreHide

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Jack D. Loftis, who ran the Houston icle newsroom through the space shuttle flights, the Enron scandal, and the 9/11 attacks, has died at the age of 80 after a long illness.

Loftis, vice president and editor of the magazine from 1987 to 2002, died around 10:00 pm. Monday at the Gardens of Bellaire Nursing Home.

Loftis joined icle in 1965 as a text editor, often working until 10:00 pm. until 6 a.m. shift. He was soon named editor of Texas Magazine, the magazine’s Sunday supplement. Among the stories he published was that of con man Frank Abagnale, who later became the subject of the movie Catch Me If You Can.

Loftis quickly rose through the ranks: Feature Editor, Assistant Managing Editor/Features, Assistant Editor, and Editor. After leaving the newspaper, he held the title of honorary editor.

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Tony Pederson, who joined icle in 1974 and became executive editor of Loftis in 2000, said that Loftis embodies the strong values ​​of Central Texas.

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“As a journalist, Jack just had an incredible sense of justice,” he said. “He respected everyone. He strove to be fair, and that permeated the newsroom.”

Pederson said Loftis was responsible for the relatively smooth transition of ownership of the paper from the Houston Endowment, a philanthropic foundation, to Hearst Corp., which bought the paper in 1987. local residents and institutions associated with the donation.

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

In 1995, Icle acquired the assets of its competitor, the Houston Post, which then closed. In one of his most unusual moves, when he saw the 9,000 mail volume of comic book pages, Loftis decided to move all of the Post’s comics to icle, giving him four full comic pages.

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Loftis presided over an era when newspapers had the luxury of being quixotic. In 2008, he told the Houston Oral History Project about a photographer who was certain he would find a long-believed extinct white-billed woodpecker in the Great Bush in East Texas.

“And I don’t know how many trips we’ve authorized for him to go up there and hang out in the thicket,” Loftis said, “but we haven’t seen a picture of a woodpecker yet.”

Over the years, he has met with presidents and would-be presidents, Hollywood stars and young prospects such as the flamboyant young governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton.

Not all days were good. Stories of the serial murders of young Houston men by Dean Corll, Elmer Wayne Henley, and David Brooks in the 1970s shocked Loftis.

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“I will never forget,” Loftis recalled in an oral history. “One of the photographers entered the office, and someone asked: “How many bodies?” and he said: “27”. And to this day, I still remember how goosebumps ran down my back.

But Loftis had a temperament that allowed him to cope with such a life. “He was such a mischievous guy,” Pederson said. “He loved to laugh and had a wicked, dry sense of humour. He personified the humor of the newspaper gallows.

According to Pederson, Baylor played an important role in Loftis’s life, especially when the school named him an outstanding alumnus in 1988. During the 2000 baseball season, Baylor named the press box “The Jack Loftis Baseball Press Box”.

Houston Chronicle Letters To The Editor

Jeff Cohen, who replaced Loftis as editor in 2002, said that Loftis

Gone To Texas

Devano Mahardika

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