Lesco Spreader Settings Letters To Numbers

Lesco Spreader Settings Letters To Numbers – The customer just gave me 2 scotts diffusers. Brand new in box. These are tense spreaders by homeowners but hey… free.

They are assembled and I calibrated them. Can’t find any information on their distribution rates. Does the number mean lbs/1000 sq ft? (1 = 1lbs/1000 sq ft, 5 = 5lbs/1000 sq ft, etc). After all, I think I have all the basic information and I can do the 10×10 tarp method.

Lesco Spreader Settings Letters To Numbers

Lesco Spreader Settings Letters To Numbers

Scott’s speedy green 2000 – Put it on the “2” setting. “Squeeze the trigger against the handle. The calibration line on the top of the trigger plate should line up with the rear edge of the magazine opening.” Or basically, pull the handle to open the hole and watch for a small line on the black opener to light up with the green container.

Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer For Multiple Grass Types 15000 Sq Ft

Scott’s grass builder edge guard DLX – set the spreader to “4”. A 9/13 drill bit should fit snugly/tightly inside the opening when the handle is pushed down.

These numbers are not how many pounds per 1,000. They are just a setting number. Some fertilizers will have the calibration number on the bag but more often than not you have to calibrate it yourself by marking an area and applying the fertilizer and then picking it up and weighing it to see how much you are putting down. There have been guides posted here to explain it in more depth.

Nunyabisnes said: These numbers are not how many pounds per 1000. They are just a setting number. Some fertilizers will have the calibration number on the bag but more often than not you have to calibrate it yourself by marking an area and applying the fertilizer and then picking it up and weighing it to see how much you are putting down. There have been guides posted here to explain it in more depth. Posted via Mobile Device Click to expand… Damn…I was afraid of that. The idiot on the phone w scotts assured me it is lbs/1000 settings.

Anyone else able to confirm or deny this? It’s a lot of work for these spindly things that last about a season.

Untitled — Ez Seed Spreader Settings

Crusty_crab80 said: Damn…I was afraid of that. The idiot on the phone w scotts assured me it is lbs/1000 settings. Anyone else able to confirm or deny this? It’s a lot of work for these spindly things that last about a season. Click to expand… It can be per 1000 with some fertilizers, but if you were to use a micro pellet versus your typical large ones, they will have different settings to put out X lbs per 1000.

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Nunyabisnes said: It can be per 1000 with some fertilizers but if you were to use a micro pellet versus your typical large ones, they will have different settings to put out X lbs per 1000. Posted via mobile Click to expand… Exactly. I was hoping to calibrate (done) the spreaders using the Scotts method. So they would be like new from the factory. Then hopefully use the dial setting (hope it was lbs/1000) and then calibrate it with my fertilizers and compare how accurate the dial is/was.

Usually says on the bag what attitude to you. most of the time the setting is 3 or 3 1/2 on the dial.

Lesco Spreader Settings Letters To Numbers

My Speedy Green 3000 has lasted 14 years of heavy use, cheap HO model or not. I always use the setting # required on the bag. If it doesn’t have a setting number, I judge it by the size of the pellets compared to Scott’s products that show a number.

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Ridin’ Green said: My Speedy Green 3000 has lasted 14 years of heavy use, cheap HO model or not. I always use the setting # required on the bag. If it doesn’t have a setting number, I judge it by the size of the pellets compared to Scott’s products that show a number. Click to expand… Have you ever calibrated it with actual weights, tarp, measuring an area etc etc?

Crusty_crab80 said: Have you ever calibrated it with actual weights, tarp, measuring an area etc etc? Do you know if the dial is only set to lbs/1000 sq ft? Click to expand… No, I’ve never tried it with Scott’s spreader because I use a lot of Scott’s products anyway, and the price is always on the bag, but most other ferts I use also show the setting number for Scott’s spreader because it’s so common. I can tell you this though, the numbers work out close to being 1K for each setting number.

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I have been trying to determine the speed with my Earthway spreader. In the end I gave up because there are so many granules of different sizes with different densities, even from the same source, that I got the original sheet from Earthway which tells many about the setting for different brands of fert.

You may be able to go here and then enter the required information to view the information. It can tell you the relationship between interest rate and number of

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Crusty_crab80 said: Do you know if the knob is only set to lbs/1000 sq ft? Click to expand… Experts here have already said it’s not about pounds per thousand. Why do you keep asking?

If you must use the spreaders that you obtained, then follow the spreader settings as described on the bag of material you intend to spread. You can dial it in precisely by knowing the size of the area you’re spreading and then adjust the flow rate depending on how much material you’re actually applying to that area.

If you’re supposed to apply 50 pounds of material to 9,000 square feet of lawn but you’re only covering 8,000 square feet, then you know you need to close the tank a notch or two. If you’re covering 12,000 sq ft with a 9,000 sq ft bag, you know you need to open the container a bit.

Lesco Spreader Settings Letters To Numbers

The most important thing is to keep records. Write down your actual spreader settings, the details of the material applied (annual ryegrass seed, Scott’s crabgrass preemergence 0-0-7, Scott’s Southern Turf Weed and Feed 29-0-10, etc), the approximate speed you were going, and the turf conditions (wet grass, just cut, just before it rained etc).

Lesco Number/letter Conversion

The reason for the journals is so that the next time you need to apply material to your lawn, you don’t have to guess what you did last time and have to start the calibration process all over again. You can also note down what works and what doesn’t.

If you spread Pre-em in early March but you notice crabgrass starting to emerge in mid-July, know that you need to apply another application of Pre-em about 2 to 3 weeks before you start to notice crabgrass sprouting. This of course relies on you being able to identify the different types of grass and weeds growing in your lawn.

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What happens when you don’t use Scott’s products?! I prefer Hi-Yield and they have no setting for my spreader!

Cyrus6161984 said: What happens when you don’t use Scott’s products?! I prefer Hi-Yield and they have no setting for my spreader! Click to expand… Then either calibrate the thing via the 10×10 tarp method or guess the setting (always better to guess low and have to walk the property twice instead of over applying some areas and falling short in other areas).

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Crusty_crab80 said: Customer just gave me 2 scotts spreaders. Brand new in box. These are tense spreaders by homeowners but hey… free. They are assembled and I calibrated them. Can’t find any information on their distribution rates. Does the number mean lbs/1000 sq ft? (1 = 1lbs/1000 sq ft, 5 = 5lbs/1000 sq ft, etc). After all, I think I have all the basic information and I can do the 10×10 tarp method. The two models are a “Scotts speedy green 2000” and a “Scotts turf builder edge guard DLX” If anyone else needs to calibrate with scott’s method: Scotts speedy green 2000 – Put it on the “2” setting. “Squeeze the trigger against the handle. The calibration line on the top of the trigger plate should line up with the rear edge of the magazine opening.” Or basically, pull the handle to open the hole and watch for a small line on the black opener to light up with the green container. Scott’s grass builder edge guard DLX – set the spreader to “4”. A 9/13 drill bit should fit snugly/tightly inside the opening when the handle is pushed down. Click to expand… Hank Hill would be ashamed of you for using his picture as your avatar.

The next question I have is do you all think Scott’s product is superior to others and if so what makes them more superior I am considering using them but it doesn’t seem like the price is as good as other products when you go to use them in a commercial fashion IE not on your own lawn! I don’t have many clients who want to pay for something to do their garden

Devano Mahardika

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