Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum – As little Gabriel Fernandez breathed his last in the intensive care unit, his broken body was filled with more injuries than any of the doctors had ever seen — from his shattered skull to burns and bruises all over his skin.

There’s no question that eight-year-old Gabriel suffered, but there are unanswered questions about how his parents got away with torturing him for so long.

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

Gabriel Fernandez was eight years old when she was tortured to death by her mother and her boyfriendCredit: KTLA

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Pearl Fernandez was given life without parole for her involvement in the crimes – Isauro Aguirre was sentenced to deathCredit: KTLA

In a new Netflix documentary series about his terrifying story, Gabriel Fernandez’s ordeal reveals the painful truth.

The sick mother, Pearl Fernandez, and her accomplice, Isauro Aguirre, beat Gabriel with a belt and sometimes burned him with cigarettes in front of his siblings.

They also locked the vulnerable boy in a cupboard his family called a ‘box’ and forced him to eat cat faeces – all because they thought he was gay.

The Trials Of Gabriel Fernandez Is Netflix’s Most Harrowing True Crime Documentary Yet

Christine Estes, a nurse who treated Gabriel before his death in May 2013, says the abuse she saw was worse than anything she’s ever seen.

Seven years have passed since his death, and there are still many uncertainties surrounding Gabriel’s case – not least about his murderous parents.

Many people played an unwitting role in what would become one of the worst cases of child abuse in American history.

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

When paramedics found Gabriel, they thought he had a severe skin infection because he had so many injuriesCredit: Netflix

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Mother Monster Pearl and her partner Isauro, also known as “Tony”, were both convicted of the horrors they inflicted on Gabriel.

But the question remains whether it was one of the thugs who caused the violence or whether both were equally to blame.

Although the 19-stone guard Isauro is known to have beaten the four-stone Gabriel into unconsciousness, Pearl’s loved ones suspect that he was truly the mastermind when it came to the most gruesome tortures.

“I’ve heard from a few people that she was a victim and didn’t know how to get out of it. If you know Pearl, Pearl was never a victim.

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Before Gabriel lives with his grandparents Sandra and Robert Fernandez with his murderous mother Credit: Netflix

When Gabriel was born, Pearl, a drug addict, gave him up to be raised by others because she didn’t love him.

One of the most heartbreaking facts about her case is that she was raised in two different loving homes before being returned to her sadistic mother.

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

Gabriel was first given to his older brother Michael Lemos Carranza and his partner David Martinez, where he spent about four years.

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But his grandparents, Robert and Sandra Fernandez, say they always took care of Gabriel and eventually took him in as their own.

In the documentary, the couple were said to have been watching Gabriel until they were told that Isauro had kidnapped him.

He said he was going to take Gabrielle to a barbecue, but later found out he was lying.

But despite his grandparents’ pleas, the unprotected boy was finally allowed to stay with Pearl and Isauro.

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According to the LA Times, Robert and Sandra alerted the police about Pearl’s violent behavior with their other children, but they let Gabriel stay with her anyway.

Social worker Stephanie Rodriguez and other child welfare officials also visited Gabriel’s home several times.

They said they never found any signs of violence serious enough to remove Gabriel from the home.

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

Later investigations revealed that Rodriguez was never informed of previous allegations that Pearl Rodriguez had neglected her other children.

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At her sentencing, she said: “Every day I pray that I made a better decision. I want my children to know that I forgive them and that I love them.”

But Isauro denied the charges and was eventually sentenced to death in 2018 — he is currently on death row.

But why would he deny the crime knowing that he could be given a lethal injection?

At the beginning of his trial, Isauro was secretly recorded talking to a priest in prison, and the tape was leaked to the press.

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Seven Stories Press

In Spanish, he can be heard saying: “They want me to plead guilty to something I didn’t do.

Given the extent of Gabriel’s injuries, prosecutors wondered why Isauro had no blood when paramedics arrivedCredit: Netflix

The logic is that if Isauro tried to save the boy’s life, he did not intend to kill him, so he was not guilty of murder.

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

He told the 911 operator that he was performing chest compressions, but witnesses doubted that he actually received life-saving treatment.

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Isauro had no blood on his hands or anywhere else on his body, which was surprising given the amount of blood Gabriel was covered in when paramedics found him.

“Part of knowing how to do CPR is don’t stop until the paramedics arrive,” said John Hatami, the prosecutor in Gabriel’s case.

Social workers Patricia Clement, Stephanie Rodriguez, Gregory Merritt and Kevin Bohm have been charged with child endangerment that resulted in deathCredit: CBS LA

But she claims the LAPD told Gabriel to stop lying, disbelieving the horrors that happened to him.

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“When I heard the Sheriffs came out and threatened Gabrielle like she was lying, it really pissed me off,” Elizabeth said.

According to her theory, Pearl told authorities that older children were hurting her son, not her and her partner.

“They put him in the back of the car and told him if he kept lying, he would go to jail,” Elizabeth said.

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

“All the workers that came, the therapists, why did they all believe the kid with the symptoms?”

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One of the saddest elements of Gabriel was when he wrote a suicide note at the age of eight.

However, there are speculations that the note found was part of an unimaginably nefarious plan to kill Gabriel and get rid of him.

Prosecutor Khatami initially thought it was suspicious that he showed the letter to his house counsellor, Carmen Le Norgant, less than three months before her death, when she was leaving for a visit.

Why is he concerned about her mental state now, having never tried to take care of her before? Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | CA Collection Notice | Do not sell my personal information

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To the Editor: It is great that the Catholic Church will be worshiping again at Mission San Gabriel with its restored church that was badly damaged by fire two years ago. It is also great that the mission is celebrating its 250th anniversary.

The 6,000 Tongva Indians buried at the mission were still exterminated, and the Catholic Church still wants to celebrate colonialism with its fantastical legacy and air the atrocities committed against Indians here and at other missions.

To the Editor: Your article states that Mission San Gabriel was “founded by the controversial saint Junipero Serra, who was seen by some as a colonizer and by others as a protector of indigenous peoples.”

Letters To Gabriel The True Story Of Gabriel Michael Santorum

I don’t see how forced labor, imprisonment, coercion, and cruel and harsh punishment for practicing their religion or speaking their languages ​​can be described as “protection” for native Californians.

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Serra’s mission system is comparable to China’s systematic repression of its own minority Muslim population. The prisons where Uyghurs are imprisoned, forcibly “re-educated” and their labor exploited are considered by human rights organizations to be a system of concentration camps and genocide. and the Saviour, Jesus Christ, and found 18 miles from Iconium, 25 years after the crucifixion of our blessed Saviour, delivered and faithfully translated by a converted Jew from the Holy City.

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