Letters To Punika Quest Lost Ark

Letters To Punika Quest Lost Ark – It doesn’t always happen, but it does. The island is full of outrageous beautiful people, the Guardian, one of the most annoying field bosses, and plenty of story quests. And funnily enough, this is one of the only places in the game where bots are safe from spamming Area Chat.

Now, players at Tier 3 in terms of item levels know this, but blitzkrieg through the onslaught of endless story missions that Rohendel, Yorn, Feiton, and even Punika have to offer can be pretty boring. I’m just trying to catch up with my friends. And probably because not many people have come this far yet, there aren’t many resources that tell you exactly where the player is and how much is left in relation to the ending of each continent’s story.

Letters To Punika Quest Lost Ark

Letters To Punika Quest Lost Ark

Punika has some sort of idea of ​​when the player will win it, and how much Continent is involved, usually how long it takes to win the continent, so that the player can run Chaos Dungeon to see if they break into the realm of Tier 3.

Lost Ark Rohendel Hidden Story Guide

Without further ado, here is a list of all 32 Punika missions from start to finish. Obviously, as you can see in the image above, Punika offers over 32 quests in total, but these are the quests needed to “win” the area and unlock the Chaos Dungeon to get Tier 3 gear. Players who want a concrete picture of how far they are from the story can find a decent idea by looking for the name of the quest they’re currently working on and then see how far down in this list they are.

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Now players will be wondering how many instance areas or dungeons are involved in these missions. Because compared to places like Rohendel, this number can be as small as 2 or as large as 5. Well, don’t worry. Punika is very light-hearted about that. There are only two dungeons you can run into: Naruna Hot Springs and Oreha’s Well. And even better, both of these dungeons are fairly short, especially compared to Artetin’s dungeons.

After telling and completing everything, how long does it take for the average player to reach Lailai through the story of this tropical island? Well, if players spam “G” through every dialogue, move mission points as efficiently as possible, and ignore side quests, they can be completed in an hour and a half to two hours.

And thankfully Punika’s side quests don’t take much time to complete or require additional emotes/songs, so they don’t add more than 30 minutes to completion time. As a rough estimate, players should expect anywhere from an hour and a half to two and a half hours to devote themselves to the Punika story.

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Devano Mahardika

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