Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily

Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily – This seems like a pretty thin theme for a Fireball puzzle. It’s more like a Tuesday NYT than a Thursday, and as my time shows, there is nothing to fill it more challenging. I knew it with the first theme answer (circles make it hard to miss) and kept waiting for more….but nope. There are three theme answers and a revealer.

Which reveals (so to speak): 3d [With 38-Down, the theme of this puzzle] is NECKLINE PLUNGING. SWEETHEART neckline, V-neck, and CREW neck. The necklines move down across the grid, and so do two revealers. It’s solid and consistent and all the other things I regularly praise in the Monday NYT theme, and it’s all well and good. I want more from Fireball, and Peter usually delivers. Not this time (unless I missed it. Did I miss it?)

Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily

Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily

What I didn’t know before I did this puzzle: that anyone would put a GIVEE in a puzzle. I also didn’t know that “Without a Trace” came after CSI, or that MAR–A–LAGO was a National Historic Landmark. This designation predates its current ownership.

The Crossword: Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Today’s puzzle from Ed Sessa has a lot more going on beneath the surface than it might at first seem:

This is all well and good, but the reveal reveals that the theme is actually RED (63A, “Traffic ahead that must be followed four times in this puzzle”). Looking at the bottom that cuts into [RED] squares, the entries will not work without a few right turns when pressing [RED]:

I thought it was funny, although I caught on to what happened first and slashed through the majority of the grid.

Fill other notes: A shout-out to Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to be Anti-RACIST” in 1A, Stage Actors, ABE JJUR, Don’t Panic, KARL Lagerfeld, INGOTS, and SPLOTCH

Northwest Press 06/23/21 By Enquirer Media

The central disclosure is the PYRAMID SCHEME (33a, [Financial Fraud, and clues to the circled letters]). The letters encircled in the four corners of the grid are shaped like small pyramids and contain words synonymous with “schema”.

Wall St Journal crossword solution · “Dodgy Figures” · Zachary David Levy & Bruce Haight · Thu, 5.6.21

Cute, but once you figure it out, there isn’t much enjoyment to be squeezed out of the theme. The Grokking theme helped me with the bottom half of the grid—which is the main job of the theme—but I need to look at the fill for further entertainment.

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Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily

I found some at APPLE PAY, BOWL GAME, BUDDY UP, LOCK ONTO, MUPPET, and Aziz ANSARI. I’ve never heard MEAT AXES as another term for a creeper, but it’s interesting to learn.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What’s not interesting is the RATE CARD [Ad rep offer] that feels like only people in the business know, and I’ve never heard of LIPPI painters. Also, the NE corner is saddled with some crustal stuff like ECLAT, ENSEAL, and ATINGE. Blurh.

Lots of ups and downs in this grid, which is quite appropriate for a pyramid-based theme. 3.5 stars.

This is pretty nifty. At first, I thought it was an “unscramble-the-hidden-word” theme since I entered SOLID GROUND and saw IDGR circled. I anagram it to the GRID and spend a few seconds thinking of the revealer that will show to mix up the letters.

Then I realized I spelled GROUND wrong to make it fit. When I corrected it and looked at IDEA the theme was visible.

March 28, 2019 By The Daily Pennsylvanian

I can’t enter the recurring complaint that this puzzle would be better served with circles, and I find that odd.

Does not address the inability to include circles on a wider platform available faster (I was told that a fix will come, but it was over a year ago). For me, the experience of answering is completely different from the circle. Here is an example screenshot:

Without reading the instructions, I was able to enter MAC from C in MANIC because the theme, fill, and circle work synergistically. I won’t be able to do that with the “workaround” where

Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily

Is confident with the workaround solution, then why bother offering a different experience by including a grid with circled letters on this site?

December 2021 Thumbnails

I love a Klingon as much as the next casual Trekker, but the last one does not sit right with me.

By one’s nails, for sure. Hug? Not so much. Google Ngram viewer agrees with me. I can’t say anything more about this than “all punnified answers are funny.” When someone tells me what the Doctor Who reference is based on, I’ll know what I think about it.

What I didn’t know before I did this puzzle: never heard Coldplay’s album “Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends.” Also didn’t know that Kirsten DUNST appeared in “On Becoming a God in Central Florida,” which has to be one of the great TV series titles of all time. It looks like it’s on Showtime, which we don’t have, so I need to know if it’s worth tracking down. Opinion?

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Another day with a fairly basic theme concept, but with interesting answers to keep it from feeling stale. The revealer is DUSTJACKET, and as seen in the circle added, four two part answers flanked by DU / ST. I like all the entries – DUMMYWHIST, DUNKCONTEST, DUALEXHAUST plus DUEWEST as a clever way to include a fourth entry without weakening the grid design.

Rex Parker Does The Nyt Crossword Puzzle: Red Accessory For Cartoondom’s Huckleberry Hound / Sun 1 9 22 / All In One Purchase From A Smoke Shop / Mineral Used As A Flame Retardant / Aromatic

This entry was posted in Daily Puzzle and tagged Brendan Emmett Quigley, Bruce Haight, Ed Sessa, Joe Deeney, Kyle Dolan, Peter Gordon, Zachary David Levy. Bookmark the permalink. I’m not a big fan of the vocal progression theme. It’s just not so much fun. It’s good, I guess, for the theme of vocal progression, which is a nice theme for Monday even if it’s not my taste.

What I didn’t know before I got this puzzle: I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t know that OLGA Tokarczuk was the winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature.

The signs are everywhere in this Monday puzzle – four of them, to be exact. Directly to the revelation that is in the middle of the grid tells us that: 36-All [Request divine guidance… and hints to the end of the answer to the starry hints] cause us GIVE me a SIGN. And, in fact, each theme entry is a two-word phrase in which the second word is a type of sign.

Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily

So… let’s talk about EZRA POUND. I do not know he is a fascist; Part of me thinks, why bring it up at all? I feel for the constructor; As much as I wish he’d gone with DAWG POUND or FOOT-POUND instead, I totally get it when you’re brainstorming theme entries and you forget to check them for bad habits. I have this feeling that it does not come to this puzzle to be test-solved or fact-checked, at which point someone says, “Hey, this literary lion is very influential as well as a very bad political exercise.” And at that point, what do you do? Pull acceptance from the puzzle? Clue entry without reference to the nature of the problem? Why as done here and admit bad actions and achievements? I don’t think the answer is the same every time – depending on how egregious the behavior is, how long the person has been dead, etc. – but I think I would have gone with the second option in this case.

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Volume 102, Issue 15 By The Stuyvesant Spectator

Today’s reveal is a phrase I’ve never heard before, LANE SPLITTING [Riding a motorcycle between cars, with hints for the circled letters], but it makes sense, and I’m excited to learn.

In every other theme answer, the word that can precede “path” is “split” between the first and last letter.

I like that. EXPERT DIRECTOR feels a little creepy, but you have to have Memory Lane here, so I’m cool with that. And I especially like how it is split exactly in half like one of the others.

As for the real life activity of LANE SPLITTING, where do you stand? When people started doing it back when, I was shocked at their disregard for safety, and it seemed fair if the rest of us schlubs have to sit in traffic. These days I’m more mellow about it, and I definitely make room for motorcyclists when I’m in that situation.

Clallam10122011 By Peninsula Daily News & Sequim Gazette

Back to the grid! I like KEEP CALM [Beginning of the British war slogan] and I also like ORANGINA, especially when I can get it in cute little bottles. It’s about doing it to fill the long sparkly, but those two are really sparkly, and the rest are quite solid.

One note: 9d. [Like Span. “El,” Fr. “le” and Ger. “der”]. MASC. It’s a pretty good guide, and I didn’t bother to read it all. I got the gist of it, saw that the entry ended in C, and guessed correctly.

Penny Lane is part of the theme, and we are celebrating 10 years of our dog, Penny, coming home with us from the shelter, so I could not resist sharing the latest pictures. He is a lemon-colored Basset/beagle mix, aka a lemon bagel.

Like All The Answers With Circled Letters Punnily


Bethel Journal 06/23/21 By Enquirer Media

Devano Mahardika

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