Marblehead Reporter Letters To The Editor

Marblehead Reporter Letters To The Editor – This spring, Marblehead voters will be asked to approve funds to build a new elementary school to serve half of kindergarten through third graders in the city. VOTE YES to MHD Kids is a grassroots organization formed to advocate for the passage of this vital project, which took years to prepare. We are parents, grandparents, educators and civic leaders who know how much our city needs this school, and understand the serious financial ramifications of not moving forward with this project. This campaign and this school are not about the outgoing superintendent or the current school committee: it’s about completing a master facilities plan formulated 20 years ago and giving every child and teacher in this city a chance to learn and work in a building that meets the educational needs of the 21st century.

Today, half of Marblehead’s top primary students attend Glover School – a state-of-the-art school facility with classrooms that meet government educational standards in size and equipment, enough private learning space to meet the needs of all students, a full-size gymnasium, and a cafeteria that allows meals to be prepared in Location (breakfast and lunch), pre- and post-school programs, and community building promotion. The other half of students attend Coffin and Bell Schools, which have been under construction for more than 50 years, have significant maintenance and rehabilitation needs, and will lack the amenities of Glover even if the city spends tens of millions of dollars on capital improvements to make it happen. Buildings reach minimum acceptable standards.

Marblehead Reporter Letters To The Editor

Marblehead Reporter Letters To The Editor

For the past three years, the Bill Coffin Geary Building Commission (the “Building Committee”) has engaged in a feasibility study designed to determine the most educationally and financially responsible solution to Marblehead’s initial building needs. The Committee has held more than 40 meetings and multiple plenary sessions; I looked at 6 building sites and 24 potential options; Enrollment expectations, traffic studies, and the diverse needs of both schools and the city as a whole were considered. In the end, the construction committee voted unanimously to build a new school for 450 students on the site of the existing Bell School.

The Port Times Record

The new school building by injunction will be in Town Meeting on May 6, and on the ballot paper in June if it is passed by Town Meeting. This project would solve four failed school buildings—the Geary (1906), Ark (1948/1963 addition), Upper Bell (1969), and Lower Bell (1958)—into a single project, and absolve the city of major school building projects in favor of Genel. By partnering with the Massachusetts School Building Authority on this project, the city is eligible for $14 million in government compensation for construction costs. This means that the cost of this project to the taxpayer is less than 41 million dollars; The building committee had previously decided that renovating/adding Coffin School alone (which will only have 160 students) would cost the city $33 million (before any MSBA was repaid). This will do nothing to meet the needs of the elderly Bell School and the more than 300 students it serves. Potential renovations and additions at the Coffin and Bell Schools would require several separate capital projects, over the next decade at least, at a significant cost to the city and taxpayers. This project, with MSBA paid off, is clearly the most financially responsible solution to this huge problem that is only getting worse as the year goes on.

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As parents of children currently enrolled in Bell and Coffin Schools, we understand that school buildings loom large in the memories of the children and families who attend them, as well as in the lives of teachers and staff who spend years of their lives teaching and working in them, and that changes of this kind are difficult . However, we firmly believe that the status quo is not an acceptable option for any of the children of this city and that failure to move forward with this project will mean that children, families and teachers are stuck in the status quo for the foreseeable future. If this project does not pass this year, Marblehead will lose $14 million in government reimbursement and leave over $41 million in construction needs for existing facilities that will have to be paid by Marblehead taxpayers without any compensation from the state.

You can find more information about our campaign and this important project on our website ( and by following us on Facebook. Please join us and our amazing and vibrant committee in encouraging all Marbleheads to vote YES!

Once upon a time, millisecond subliminal messages were introduced into television advertisements. This practice is supposed to have been banned but may have been repeated considering that addiction to game screens and worse social problems exist when technology invades our cerebellum.

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Some commercials are charming, some are clever and some are informative, but where was the customer when the ad text called for a man to scratch Fido’s back while eating the dog? Someone wanted to save face, but the actor did not last long. X rated for kids!

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A shivering pup abandoned in the snow will soon come back inside with a chew and treat when the photo shoot is perfect.

“He looks a lot like me,” said the man, holding a portrait of one of his ancestors. This definitely distorts the time of eggs or chickens. Or is it intentional to mention?

Marblehead Reporter Letters To The Editor

We may gladly suffer from dermatosis because we are surrounded by the slow-motion, pastel-loving family, butterflies, and sunrises of the pharmaceutical industry. They should go back to school doing good old arithmetic, adding more vowels to XQV meds and subtracting high prices.

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I salute President Robert Picariello and Principal Dan Power for handling the intersection safety at the exit corner of Marblehead High School and Humphrey Street. Police added a “no right turn on red” restriction to test its effect. “We removed it because it appears to have unintended consequences with backing up traffic,” Chief Picariello told me.

The state’s “Right Turn on Red” laws are a product of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. In response to the fuel crisis of the 1970s, the idea was to reduce gasoline consumption by slowing down and allowing drivers to flow through intersections without stopping. Fuel economy was more important than pedestrian accommodation.

It pays to remember this date each time you enjoy the privilege of being a driver. As I discuss in my forthcoming book (Are We There Yet? WW Norton, June), traffic engineers began promoting the flow on traffic management in the 1930s. Forcing states to adopt red laws in the right direction during My Decade makes sense in this context. But today, new engineering ideologies such as Vision Zero and Complete Streets seek to rebalance the pedestrian and driver equation.

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It adopted Marblehead Street Street last year. It will take years, even decades, to reformulate our infrastructure according to Complete Streets principles. Meanwhile, thank you to our city officials for immediately doing what they can to improve pedestrian comfort and safety. I look forward to the next iteration of the test.

Ynn Hi Res Stock Photography And Images

Lately, a lot has been said about the lack of maintenance at Marblehead Public Schools. As a registered professional engineer who has worked in every boiler and mechanical room in the area, I can tell you firsthand that nothing could be further from the truth. Maintenance – cleaning, painting, scheduled tasks and repairs – is performed every day by Operations Manager Ken Lord and his hardworking staff. Millions of Dollars Capital Improvements Replacing heating systems, roofs and windows has already been delayed as Marblehead is working thoughtfully through the school building’s long-term master plan. Can you imagine if the city sunk millions into the old Glover and Eveleth schools only to demolish Old Glover a few years later? It was foolish with taxpayer rebellion. The same would have happened at Bell/Coffin/Gerry. Due diligence has been done to study the options for the Bell/Coffin/Gerry Schools, and now it is time to move on with the new combined elementary school without losing good money.

Someone recently posted a comment in an online discussion about the new school that really surprised me, “The city asked the construction committee to do a feasibility study and present us with the best option. Not our preferred option. Not our expected option. Best option.” I’ve been thinking about these words for the past several days. Every parent, grandparent, and guardian wants what is best for our children, and I believe those without children of their own also want future generations set up for success. I am proud to live in Marblehead and raise my children in this wonderful community. But I’m not proud of the circumstances in which we expect our children to learn and our teachers to teach at Jerry, Coffin and Bell, or that taxpayers pay the same regardless of whether their child attends Coffin or Bell for Glover.

As a parent of three children at Marblehead Schools and a former Coffin Gerry PTO co-chair, I have been involved in the schools, and have volunteered in

Marblehead Reporter Letters To The Editor

Devano Mahardika

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