Noble Italian Family 4 Letters

Noble Italian Family 4 Letters – Genealogist Lynn Serafinn discusses the origins of several Martini families in Trentino, including those in Val Giudicarie, Val di Sole, Val di Non and Vallagarina.

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Noble Italian Family 4 Letters

Noble Italian Family 4 Letters

Martini is one of several patronymic surnames derived from the male personal name Martino, which Bertoluzza says means ‘sacred, dedicated to the god Mars’.[1] However, the popularity of the personal name is certainly an homage to Saint Martin of Tours, a 4

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Century Roman soldier stationed in Gaul (modern France), who later became a Catholic Bishop. Among Catholics, he is most famous for a legend in which, approached by a beggar who lacked clothing, Martin cut his own cloak in half and gave the other half to the poor man. According to legend, Martin had a dream that night in which Jesus came to him, wearing half of the cloak he had given to the beggar. Therefore, among his many patronages today, Martin is first and foremost the patron against poverty.

Like many other patronymic surnames, Martini is very common, not only in Trentino, but throughout the Italian peninsula. As of this writing, there are reported to be over 9,300 Martini families living in almost every province of Italy, with only 191 of them living in Trentino.[2] In Trentino itself, the surname is widely distributed; the Nati in Trentino website lists 2,762 Martinis born in no less than 37 different parishes in Trentino between the years 1815-1923, with the heaviest concentration in Revò in Val di Non, and a significant number also in parts of Val Giudicarie and Valsugana. [3] Bertoluzza also points out that there is a

Called Martini In Vallarsa (Val di Leno), indicating that there was an old local concentration of the surname there.[4]

While time prevents me from discussing all the Martini families in Trentino, in this article, we will briefly explore the Martini of Ragoli and Santa Croce del Bleggio (Val Giudcarie), and Riva / Calliano (Vallagarina), and then look at the more detailed. of Martini in Peio (Val di Sole), and Revò (Val di Non), including some noble lines.

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Of Preore, the villages in the area may have been linked to Preore or Ragoli in the early centuries. You should also cross-reference the events with the records from the parish of Tione di Trento, since Ragoli records can be found in either parish.

The first documents show the presence of the Martini family in Ragoli for at least the last 600 years. The priest-historian don Ivo Leonardi tells us about a ‘Martino of Bulzana (a

) for Priore in 1388, before which surnames were widely used. As the Martini family was later often associated with

Noble Italian Family 4 Letters

Of Bulzana, he suggested that this was an indication of a possible patriarch of the family that later bore the surname Martini.[5] The author Paolo Scalfi Baito tells us about a ‘Pietro, son of the late Martini’ who is cited in the Statute of Spinale e Manez (which is part of

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By Priore) in 1410.[6] He further tells us that the surname is found in fragments of Tione parish records in 1603.[7] In addition, the surname Martini was included in those compiled by the notary Orazio Bertelli of Preore, when he recorded the names of families that survived the plague of 1630, which destroyed most of that part of the province.[8] The surname still exists in Ragoli today.

The author Paolo Gasperi wrote a short biography of the multi-talented artisan, woodworker and musician, Domenico Martini, born in Ragoli on 19 September 1915, in which he included an excerpt of the artist’s family tree, since in the late 1500s. [9]

Martini in Santa Croce del Bleggio is a branch of Martini in Ragoli. Their patriarch was one Giuseppe Martini of Vigo (a

Of Ragoli), who moved to Cavrasto in the parish of Santa Croce some time after marrying Maria Bertelli (also of Vigo) on 30 April 1764.[10] The couple has at least three sons. After Maria’s death, Giuseppe remarried Domenica Santoni of Ceniga (parish of Drò)[11], with whom he had at least one daughter, Cattarina Luigia, in 1773.

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Shortly after the birth of Cattarina Luigia, the Martini family moved from Cavrasto to settle in an area of ​​the parish that used to be called ‘Spiazzo’ (not to be confused with Spiazzo Rendena), referring to the area near the parish church of Santa Croce. , which is not part of a specification

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The sons of Giuseppe and his first wife Maria grew up to have families of their own, [12] thus spreading the Martini surname in Santa Croce, where their descendants still flourish today.[13] ] From this generation comes the famous vernacular poet Aldo Martini, who was born in Santa Croce on September 11, 1911, and died in 1979.[14]

This line is an ancient Trentino family, known at least since the mid-1500s, from Riva, Calliano (Vallagarina), and Mezzocorona.[15] I have not personally researched this family from a genealogical perspective, but I will share what I have gathered from other historians about their noble titles.

Noble Italian Family 4 Letters

In Innsbruck on 10 May 1566, Archduke and Emperor Ferdinando I granted royal privileges to Baldassare, Giovanni Maria and Nicolò Martini of Calliano.[16] Later, the Prince-Bishop Domenico Antonio of the Counts of Thun granted these same privileges to the Martini of Riva.[17]

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(coat-of-arms) to one Pietro Martini of Calliano, who served as chaplain at the court of Innsbruck, and granted this privilege also to the brothers of Pietro Cristiano, Melchiore, Giovanni Cristoforo, Valentino and Nicolò, all in Calliano.[18]

On 5 February 1746, Prince-Bishop Domenico Antonio Thun gave permission to Giovanni Maria and Nicolò Martini to add the

1746 STEMMA (coat-of-arms) of Martini von Griengarten und Neuhof, combining their original stemma with the extinct Zanardi family.

On 24 September 1790, the brothers Carlo and Giovanni Martini were raised to the rank of Counts of the Holy Roman Empire, with the predication ‘von Griengarten und Neuhof’ (sometimes Italianized as ‘de Griengarten e Neuhof’) by the Imperial Vicar, Carol Teodoro. The family was again elevated to the rank of Counts until 18 January 1844, by the Austrian Emperor, Franz Josef. [20]

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The Martini of Peio in Val di Sole has a long and well-documented history. Tabarelli de Fatis and Borelli tell us that the founding father was a Martino, who came to Peio in the late 1400s,

From Valtellina in Lombardia, where there was a family of notaries of the same name.[21] Among his sons, we find the notary Giovanni Antonio Martini (cited in records as early as 1545), another notary Giovanni Battista Martini (cited in 1550), and the priest Fabiano Martini, who was priest of Peio until his death in 1564. .[22]

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One of Martino’s later descendants, another Martino Martini (1614-1661), [24] was a Jesuit priest, who, around 1500, became the first missionary to go to China. During his extensive travels, he made a detailed study of the geography of the country, which he later published in a work entitled

Noble Italian Family 4 Letters

In 1559, the family was granted the right to use a stemma by Emperor Ferdinando I (through one Pietro Martini). They were later granted the dignity of the Holy Roman Empire in 1566. [26]

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There is a black eagle perched on a five-pointed mountain in the upper half, and a silver lily (

To Giuseppe Martini, who was originally from Peio, but lived as a citizen in the city of Trento, where he served as a spice seller for the principality. Two generations later, the family was granted the imperial predicate ‘di Valle Aperta’ by Maximilian, Prince of Dietrichstein (on the authority of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III) on 27 November 1641.[28]

(pastor) of the parish of Revò in Val di Non from 17 December 1647[29] until his death on 5 April 1666.[30]

The notary Gerolamo Martini di Valle Aperta di Peio spent most of his long life in the city of Trento, where he served as secretary to at least five Prince-Bishops until at least 1680. [31]

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A branch of Martini di Valle Aperta in Peio moved to Salorno in South Tyrol. From this line, one Giovanni Antonio, a merchant, was later transferred to the city of Trento, where he was elevated to the rank of Knight of the Holy Roman Empire (Cavaliere del S.R.I.) on 30 September 1790 by Carlo Teodoro (Charles Theodore), Elector of Bavaria.[33]

Almost every historian I have consulted says that the branch of the Martini of Revò which later became the noble Martini de Wasserperg (also spelled ‘Wasserberg’) was originally a branch of the Martini di Valle Aperta of Peio, who settled in the Val di Not at least. in the late 1400s.[34] However, in none of these histories have I found any mention of documentary evidence that specifies the name of the person who migrated to Revò from Peio, nor precisely when he did it.

The surname Martini has been a part of the Revò landscape for as long as the surviving records relate. We will definitely find it in

Noble Italian Family 4 Letters

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