Paper Letters Hobby Lobby

Paper Letters Hobby Lobby – Posted in: New House, Projects. Tagged: Hobby Lobby Mache Letters, Liquid Nails for Small Projects, SNAKE BITE LAKE. 16 Comments

But it is the place that all the “Lady-Bloggers” have been going. Row upon row of plastic Christmas balls (in July, mind you), a ceramic hippo next to a pipe cleaner, and almost everything has scripture printed on it. What could be more wholesome?

Paper Letters Hobby Lobby

Paper Letters Hobby Lobby

They are 3 bucks each. Which isn’t bad….but I knew there would be a 50 off promotion if I could wait long enough.

Gold Foil Gracie Moon Alphabet Stickers

The other morning I checked the site… Half off. A short road trip later, we returned with 3 words complete.

NO, I’m not going to spray paint them silver and explain the E.A.T. that hangs in the kitchen…….If I ever do, shoot me.

I didn’t like the choice for I, it looked too Roman numeral, so I made mine with H.

(Used a Dremel to cut the side, traced the open side on a grocery bag, cut the piece out of the bag and attached it to Elmer’s)

Silver Glitter Alphabet Stickers

I started with primed cedar from Home Depot. It is about 1 1/2 inches wide and 1/2 inch thick. OOOOhhh, and about 10 feet tall.

Shot it all together with a brad nailer… and added a few small pieces for support in the middle.

To sharpen and “age” my arrow, I sanded as much as I could with 60 grit sandpaper.

Paper Letters Hobby Lobby

OK, Now to make my sign look exactly like it’s been hanging on the side of the road for a few years…..

See Also  Names With 8 Letters

Silver Glitter & Rhinestone Letter Sticker

Craft paint color, Trail Tan,  with about a cup of hot water in a spray bottle. With my sign standing straight, I watered the entire surface to simulate rain, or dust…or something like that.

Devano Mahardika

Halo, Saya adalah penulis artikel dengan judul Paper Letters Hobby Lobby yang dipublish pada November 27, 2022 di website Caipm

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