Pester Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Pester Crossword Clue 6 Letters – The classic 1982 science fiction film “E.T. the Extraterrestrial” was directed by Steven Spielberg. The idea behind the film came from Spielberg himself, and the character E.T. was based on an imaginary friend he conjured up as a child after his parents divorced in 1960.

“It” is a 2017 horror film that is an adaptation of Stephen King’s 1986 novel of the same name.

Pester Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Pester Crossword Clue 6 Letters

“Up” was the tenth film released by Pixar studios, and features the amazing animation we’ve come to expect from Pixar. The film won two Academy Awards. The main voice actor is Ed Asner, whose animated character as Carl Fredricksen was created to resemble Spencer Tracy, since Tracy appeared in his last film, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”.

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A camisole (also “cami”) is a sleeveless undergarment worn by women that extends to the waist. “Camisole” is a French word that we imported into English, which ultimately comes from the Latin “camisia” meaning “shirt, nightgown.”

“Purt” is a French word meaning “mischief, injury or wrong”. In common law, a tort is a civil wrong that results in the injured party suffering loss or damage, and the injured party having legal liability. Criminal law differs from criminal law in that crimes can result from negligence and not just intentional acts. Also, legal cases can be decided on a preponderance of evidence, without the need for proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

“Lil Nas X” is the stage name of rapper Montero Lamar Hill. He was born and raised just outside of Atlanta. His first success was “Old Town Road”, which is classified as country rap.

We are most familiar with medicinal leeches, which feed on the blood of primarily vertebrates. However, most leeches are predatory and swallow other invertebrates for food.

Ny Times Crossword 6 Jul 22, Wednesday

An over-under bet is a bet that a number will be above or below a particular value. A common over-under bet is made on the combined points scored by two teams in a game.

I think Aretha Franklin, the “Queen of Soul,” had a hard life. Franklin had her first son when she was only 13 years old, and her second at 15. In 2008, “Rolling Stone” magazine ranked Franklin as number one on its list of the greatest singers of all time.

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James Dole lent his name to today’s Dole Food Company. He was known as the Pineapple King, because he developed the pineapple industry in Hawaii and founded the Hawaiian Pineapple Company, the forerunner to the Dole Food Company. Dole may have had some help along the way, as he was a cousin of Sanford B, Dole, President of the Republic of Hawaii from 1894 to 1900.

Pester Crossword Clue 6 Letters

“Rugrats” is a cartoon show that aired on Nickelodeon from 1991 to 2004. The show spawned a series of movies, starting with 1998’s “The Rugrats Movie”.

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Irene Dunne was a wonderful Hollywood actress. She played various roles, but I always think of her as the leading lady with Cary Grant in the movies “The Awful Truth”, “My Favorite Wife” and “Penny Serenade”. Irene Dunne was great friends with fellow actress Loretta Young, and the two often attended church together. Dunne is often described as the best actress to never win an Oscar, although she has been nominated five times for the Best Actress Academy Award.

A Torah scroll (also “Sefer Torah”) is a handwritten copy of the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.

The middle ear is the part of the ear just behind the eardrum. The middle ear contains three small bones called ossicles, the three smallest bones in the human body. The job of the ossicles is to transmit sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The shape of the bones gives rise to their names: the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus) and stirrup (stapas).

In the Christian tradition, a nativity scene (also “chalky place”) is a screen representing the scene of the birth of Jesus. Nativity scenes might be subjects for paintings, for example, although the term is usually used for seasonal displays associated with the Christmas season.

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37 With 39-Across, some Sundance submissions… or a hint of four squares in this puzzle: BRIEFLY… 39 See 37-Across: … MOVIES

The Sundance Film Festival is the largest independent film event in the country, and takes place each year around the Sundance Resort near Provo, Utah. The festival has its roots in the Utah/USA Film Festival which started in Salt Lake City in 1978. Management of the festival was taken over by Robert Redford’s Sundance Institute in 1985. The festival has become something of a media feeding frenzy in recent years. , as many A-list celebrities attend. The Festival organizers launched a “Focus on Film” campaign in 2007 in an attempt to offset some of the madness.

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Ellen DeGeneres is a very, very successful television personality, parlaying her stand-up comedy career into lucrative gigs as an actress and talk show host. Back in 1997, DeGeneres chose the “Oprah Winfrey Show” to announce that she was a lesbian. Her character on “The Ellen Show” also appeared as a lesbian in a scene with her therapist, who was played by Oprah Winfrey. Nice twist!

Pester Crossword Clue 6 Letters

A stoop is a raised platform at the door of a house. “Stoop” came into American and Canadian English in the mid-1700s from the Dutch “stoep” meaning “flight of steps.”

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The “Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti” (KGB) was the national security agency of the Soviet Union until 1991. The KGB was disbanded after the agency’s chairman led a failed coup attempt designed to depose President Mikhail Gorbachev.

The lyre is a stringed instrument that is most closely associated with ancient Greece, and especially with the gods Hermes and Apollo. According to myth, Hermes slaughtered a cow from a sacred herd belonging to Apollo and offered it to the gods but kept the entrails. Hermes used the entrails to make strings which he stretched across the shell of a turtle, creating the first lyre. Apollo liked the sound of the lyre and agreed to accept it as a trade for his herd of cattle.

Sappho was an ancient Greek poet born on the Greek island of Lesbos. Sappho was much admired for her work, although very little of it survives today. She was famous for writing erotic and romantic verses that dealt with the love of women as well as men. It was because of this poetry that the word “lesbian” (someone from Lesbos) is used to describe a homosexual woman.

Actor Rami Malek’s big break came with the lead role in the TV series “Mr. Robot”. In 2018, Malik gave an Oscar-winning performance playing Freddie Mercury in the hit biopic “Bohemian Rhapsody”. This marked the first time that an actor from Egyptian descent won an Academy Award for Best Actor.

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“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a 2018 feature film about the life of Freddie Mercury, lead singer of the British rock band Queen. Rami Malek portrayed Mercury, in an Oscar-winning performance. The original choice to play Mercury was Sacha Baron Cohen, the title character in the “Borat” mockumentary films.

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When grain has been separated from its chaff, to prepare it for grinding, it is called “grist”. Actually, the word “grist” is derived from the word “grind”. Grist can be ground into a relatively coarse meal, or into fine flour. The names can be confusing though. For example, the grain of corn when ground to a coarse consistency is called “grit”, and when ground to a fine consistency is called “corn flour”. There is an idiomatic phrase “grist for one’s mill”, meaning something used to one’s advantage. The grinding mechanism, or the building that holds the mechanism, is known as a “grit mill”.

Ida B. Wells was an African-American journalist and leader of the civil rights movement. She published a pamphlet in 1892 called “Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases”, which publicized the horrors of lynching of African-Americans by white mobs in the South.

Pester Crossword Clue 6 Letters

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has public transportation responsibility in the state of New York (as well as part of Connecticut).

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MS-DOS (short for “Microsoft Disk Operating System”) was the main operating system used by IBM-compatible computers in the eighties and for much of the nineties. Microsoft launched the Windows operating system in 1985 to sit on top of MS-DOS as a graphical user interface (GUI). This move was made in response to the success of Apple’s GUI released with the Lisa and Macintosh platforms. A court case followed, one that was eventually settled in court in Microsoft’s favor.

Gmail is a free email service provided by Google, and my favorite of the free email services. Gmail made a big splash when it was launched because it offered a whopping 1GB of storage while other services offered a paltry 2-4MB on average.

“A Day Without Rain” is an album released in 2000 by New Age singer Enya. I doubt Enya came up with that title based on life in her native Ireland…

The non-binary (NB, enbie, enby) spectrum of gender identities covers those who do not qualify as exclusively masculine or feminine.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


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