Spanish Unscramble These Letters

Spanish Unscramble These Letters – La Casa – Word Scramble Cross out letters to form Spanish words. Text (el/la) is not included. 1. dearnta 13. taocur 2. topia 14. aocit 3. morraai 15. heoct 4. neceiham 16. raegaj 5. lecla 17. maerapnotta 6. liolaps 18. moecord 7. repda 19. soonta 20. to eprausia 20. natneav 21 caeraels 10. vidropa 22. ciacon 11. cablon 23. nadjir 12. naicips 24. sepdanse … Show more

La Casa – Circle Spelling Practice correct spelling of Spanish words. Write the correct words in the blanks. 1. kitchen kitchen casina 2. ladder will climb the ladder 3 . wall wall wall 4 window window window 5 . in the car the car in the car 6. the dining room the dining room 7. the door the door 8. the fireplace the fireplace 9. the dining room the dining room 10. spread over the lawn 11. lawn lawn lawn 12. pantry pantry pantry 13. laundry laundry 14. the pool the pool the pool 15. the residence the residence the residence … Show more

Spanish Unscramble These Letters

Spanish Unscramble These Letters

La Casa – Magic Squares 1 Instructions: Write the number of the Spanish word listed below in the square with the corresponding English word. Check your answers by entering numbers in each row and below each column. The magic number is the total you get each time. bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bedroom house door garage dining patio apartment kitchen garden bedroom / office stairs 0. house 6. room / bedroom 11. penthouse 1. apartment 7. bathroom 12. entrance 2. kitchen 8. laundry room 13. courtyard 3. dining room 9. stairs 14. garden 4. living room 10, downstairs 15. in the garage 5. study What is the magic number? …Showmore

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La Familia: Family Vocabulary In Spanish

La Casa Practica Instructions: Write the following words in the correct place in the house. 1. living room 2. kitchen 3. dining room 4. laundry room 5. washing machine 6. bedroom or bedroom 7. bathroom 8. garden 9. k carpet 10. window 11. dryer 12 . door 13. wall 14. floor 15. fireplace 16. curtains 17. stove 18. bed 19. attic 20. sofa 21. lamp 22. stairs 23. lamps 24. the tree 25. lawn 26. the clock 27. the tub 28.the sink E (O O … Show more

ce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae hate. Well done. Lorem ipsum pain sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat

Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Well done

Devano Mahardika

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