Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor

Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor – Instead of explaining why he disagrees with Hillary Clinton’s policies, one male voter decided to criticize the Democratic candidate for having a uterus — and the internet is having none of it.

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Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor

Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor

Via @anna_orso, this is a letter to the editor of the Williamsport, PA Sun Gazette. — Chris Krewson (@ckrewson) October 15, 2016

Arlington Sun Gazette By Sungazette

In a letter to the editor of the Williamsport Sun-Gazette last week, reader Carl Unger explained why he believes we “need to take our country back from the liberals and [President Barack] Obama” and why he believes Donald Trump will do it. In addition to attacking the concept of social justice, gun control, and racism, Unger also gave a very troubling reason why he thinks Clinton is unfit to serve as president.

“They call us sexists just for criticizing Hillary Clinton and her health,” she wrote. “What if it’s that time of the month and he gets sick at the same time?”

After her letter was posted on Twitter, many people pointed out the obvious flaws in Unger’s arguments, including that Clinton, at nearly 69, is post-menopausal and therefore not “that time of the month.” now.

Someone could do Carl Unger a favor and tell him that Hillary is too old for “that time of the month” — Ivy B (@Ivy_B) October 15, 2016

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Does this person realize that HRC is 69 and it’s not “that time of the month” to worry about? — TLIC (@Tamaraciocci) October 15, 2016

But of course, that’s quite another matter: whether or not Clinton is still menstruating doesn’t matter, because it has absolutely nothing to do with her ability to serve as president. As others have said in response to the tweet, period stigma is inherently sexist and implying that having a period should affect someone’s competence is ignorant at best and hurtful at worst.

If elected president, will he serve a term in the White House? While Unger probably wasn’t looking for an answer, I’ll give it to her anyway: she will continue to do her job without complaint, just as women have done since the beginning. I am writing to you as a parent volunteer. Apraxia for children. May is Apraxia Awareness Month; an opportunity to inform our community about childhood apraxia of speech.

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Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor

Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder that makes it difficult for the affected child to plan the movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, etc., necessary for speech. Children with apraxia of speech understand mostly age-appropriate language. They know what they want to say, but have difficulty learning or performing complex speech movements. Apraxia of speech is one of the most severe speech and communication disorders of childhood, affecting approximately 1 in 1,000 children.

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I would like to inform our team about this speech difficulty in children. CAS is still unknown, misunderstood and continues to have a significant impact on children and their families. Speech and communication are very important skills for young children, and they need support with their families to develop these skills because they will not outgrow the disorder. The only approved treatment for CAS is intensive speech therapy, which is very expensive because it takes years for children. Through sheer determination and hard work, children with CAS continue to struggle to learn speech that comes easily to other children.

Although apraxia does not define who my daughter is, it has made it difficult to communicate basic needs and show how capable she is. My daughter is bubbly and fun-loving – she loves to dance, draw/write, and play anything her older brothers play, including soccer. As he gets older, his apraxia condition makes it difficult for him to communicate independently with others. Early and appropriate treatment and support is important for children with apraxia to have a positive outcome. With respect,

I wonder what Tulare County Environmental Protection Officers will do to reduce the polluted air I have to breathe in the Mehrten Valley, especially these days. It’s almost suffocating!

I can only imagine what this is doing to my almost 95 year old lungs as well as my young lungs.

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Who are these polluters? Their favorite pollution time seems to be the quiet, almost breathless time around sunset, when most people want to go outside for at least a little fresh air.

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Second-hand smoke has recently attracted a lot of public health attention. When does “first hand” ag or other pollution get the same attention? Sincerely, Janssen became the first female editor of a community newspaper when she was promoted to editorial director on October 1, 2017.

As such, he ran the newsroom and worked as an opinion page editor, continuing to mentor and mentor young journalists.

Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor

“It is bittersweet to see a trusted and talented colleague retire after such a productive career. We are sad to see him go, but excited for this new chapter in life. I am grateful to have worked with Laura for many years and her work ethic is amazing,” said Bob Rolley, Sun-Gazette Publisher.

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“The Sun-Gazette has an amazing, hard-working and dedicated staff, and Laura has set that pace. She’s doing a great job.”

He covered a number of major news stories, reporting on education, city government and the federal courts before joining the editorial staff in 1997 as a regional editor. He was named city editor in 2000 and news editor in 2002, where he spent 15 years coordinating news and photo coverage among regular staff and reporters and planning news digests for the daily publication.

As news editor, he also oversaw the development of a number of special projects. These range from general enterprise projects to campaign political units to the Sun-Gazette’s annual Person of the Year project.

Janssen is the founding editor of West Branch Life magazine, which is published quarterly and distributed to Sun-Gazette home subscribers.

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He also researched and compiled the book, Community Keystone: The Official History of the Williamsport Sun-Gazette, which traces the lineage of the newspaper since its founding in 1801.

“I had a wonderful and fulfilling career at my hometown’s local newspaper,” Janssen said. “It is an honor to have a front row seat to witness the growth and rejuvenation of our community. I have nothing but hope for the future of our region.”

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Janssen has won numerous awards during his nearly four decades of work, including state Keystone Awards for A Community Keystone, West Branch Life Magazine and 2009 for Innovation in Online Journalism, among others.

Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor

Donald Sr. in Williamsport. and Laura L. Koch, born Hazel Koch, graduated from Williamsport Area High School in 1974.

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Young women who did not have access to college at the time could find a direct path to employment through courses taught by the high school business department. There he learned Gregg shorthand from teacher Mary Miller, a skill he would use throughout his life.

“I gained a very strong foundation from the courses I took at our local high school. “Even though I ultimately moved on to a different career path, I relied on the skills I learned in those business classes to help me as a journalist,” she said. “They’ve helped me succeed in life.”

Located at Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas, she was the first woman in the men’s store there.

“The Air Force taught me many life lessons and strengthened my appreciation for God, country and community, which has served me well in my chosen career,” he said.

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Four years later, Janssen returned to Williamsport with his two sons, Christopher and Dana Janssen, and pursued his dream of a college education.

He studied journalism at Williamsport Area Community College, then attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1984. , it’s about admitting my faults, apologizing, and moving on.

(If you’re expecting a prom reference here, yes, it applies there, but not this time.)

Sun Gazette Letters To The Editor

Our annual Community Guides were published this week in an A to Z format where we choose a theme for each letter and write something about the local area that goes with it. (Loyal readers will note that we make this format a community guide every three years; we last did so in 2019.)

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Fun fact: Originally, the “M” in the Arlington version was supposed to stand for the controversial “Missing Middle.” But then I had a stroke of genius and decided to assign the letter “Z” to “Zoning” because it’s much harder to find a theme for “Z”.

Devano Mahardika

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