Under The Weather Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Under The Weather Crossword Clue 3 Letters – Mystery writer Blyton / TUE 3-30-21 / Mortal lover of Aphrodite / Compensatory reduction of greenhouse gas emissions / Fourth word in a Star Wars prologue / Swing on a shoulder / Leading female role in Pulp Fiction

THEME: MONONYMOUS (38A: Person known by a single name, found in 20-, 29-, 47-, and 55-Across)— one-named *musical* artists all found in longer theme answers:

Under The Weather Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Under The Weather Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Today’s word: ENID Blyton (35D: Mystery writer Blyton) — Enid Mary Blyton (11 August 1897 – 28 November 1968) was an English children’s author whose books have been among the world’s bestsellers since the 1930s, selling more than 600 million copies. Blyton’s books remain hugely popular and have been translated into 90 languages. As of June 2018, Blyton is the 4th most translated author. She wrote on a wide range of subjects including education, natural history, fantasy, mystery and biblical stories and is best remembered today for her Noddy, Famous Five, Secret Seven and Malory Towers. […] Blyton’s work became increasingly controversial among literary critics, teachers and parents from the 1950s onwards, due to the allegedly unrestrained nature of her writing and the themes of her books, particularly the Noddy series. Some libraries and schools banned her works, which the BBC had refused to broadcast from the 1930s until the 1950s, as they were considered to lack literary merit. Her books have been criticized for being elitist, sexist, racist, xenophobic and at odds with the more progressive environment emerging in post-World War II Britain, but they have continued to be bestsellers since her death in 1968. […] Accusations of racism in Blyton’s books was first raised by Lena Jeger in a Guardian article published in 1966. In the context of discussions about possible measures to restrict publications that encouraged racial hatred, Jeger was critical of Blyton’s The Little Black Doll, which had been published a few months earlier. Sambo, the black doll of the title, is hated by his owner and other toys because of his “ugly black face” and runs away. A shower of “magical rain” washes his face clean, after which he is welcomed back home with his now pink face. Jamaica Kincaid also believes that the Noddy books are “deeply racist” because of the blonde children and the black golliwogs. In Blyton’s 1944 novel The Island of Adventure, a black servant named Jo-Jo is highly intelligent, but particularly cruel to the children. //Allegations of xenophobia were also made. As George Greenfield observed, “Enid was very much part of the middle class between the wars who believed that foreigners were untrustworthy or funny or sometimes both”. Publishers Macmillan carried out an internal assessment of Blyton’s The Mystery That Never Was, which was submitted to them at the height of her fame in 1960. The review was carried out by author and book editor Phyllis Hartnoll, in whose opinion “There is a faint but unattractive touch of old-fashioned xenophobia in the author’s attitude towards the thieves; they are ‘strangers’… and this seems to be considered sufficient to explain their criminality.” Macmillan rejected the manuscript, but it was published by William Collinsin 1961, and then again in 1965 and 1983. […] In December 2016, the Royal Mint discussed featuring Blyton on a 50p coin but dismissed the idea as she was “known to have been racist, sexist, homophobic and not a very reputable writer”. (wikipedia) (empha. mine)

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The Weather Crossword

This is a concept looking for a hook. As it is, it’s not much different from a puzzle where ELM and FIG and OAK are “hidden” in longer theme answers and then the revealer is just TREE. Where is … Where is Why? Why these names? Why music names? Nothing but nothing about the revealer hints at music. A tight grouping is nice, but it’s not tied to … anything. No puns, no stingy revealers, nothing. Just, “here are four MONONYMS, they’re all related to music for some reason” (?). It’s not that the answers themselves aren’t nice. Really seems like “MINE, MINE, MINE!” was probably the impetus for this thing (easy to hide four letter names, much harder to hide a six letter). And CARBON OFFSET has a nice modern feel, while SPIN KICK is entertainingly dynamic (TEN YARDS is blah, but you get one blah per theme set if you want it, that’s the rules). I just wish the puzzle could have done something, anything, with the mononyms as a group – brought out some sort of logic. MONONYM is one such technical, anticlimactic revealer. What about “The Masked Singer”, isn’t that something? Yes, the TV show … and it’s also a grid that spans 15 letters. I’m not saying it would be a top-notch revealer here. I’m just saying it’s at least trying. MONONYM doesn’t try. p.s. I think mononyms who are also singers should be called BONONYMS. All for? Good, it’s done. P.P.S. SADE and CHER and ADELE need to call their agents right now.

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The short filling on this one is quite creaky, but it is compensated (!) somewhat by the nicer longer stuff. Not just themes, but HOT TAKE and SIT BACK and BAD MOVE and EYE MASK , all bringing some life to the grid that it desperately needed. It’s actually a nice enough puzzle to solve overall. HUGO Boss’s clue even made me laugh (10A: Who’s the Boss?). One thing, though: I have no idea why ENID Blyton was the ENID choice today. First, she’s gone—very gone. Second, she’s British, so actually most Americans, and definitely most Americans under 60, won’t have a clue who she is (unless they do a lot of crosswords) (never come across one of her books in my life; know of her only because my wife grew up in the British Empire). Third, calling her a “mystery writer” is a bit odd – even if she was, she was much more famous (and infamous) as a children’s author. I’m confusing her with ENID Bagnold (who was also a British author – National Velvet). As I wrote in ENID I thought “Wait, is this the children’s writer? The racist caricature lady? With golliwogs? That ENID!?!” So I checked her out and yep. That’s ENID. Maybe let’s not bring her back, and look, if you can’t come up with some good ENIDs, stick to Oklahoma, OK?

UPDATE: I just learned that HUGO Boss was an actual Nazi, so while I still think the HUGO clue is clever, I’ll never be able to uncover the Nazism now. (Thanks to the thoughtful reader who filled me in) I thought I would love this puzzle but I just liked it. There were some posts that just didn’t resonate with me at all. Mainly these two:

Favorite fill: LEAD GUITAR, “ON WHAT PLANET?”, WAG THE DOG, the fairly new to me close-up magic and SIDESHOWS.

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Air Masses And Fronts Crossword

These are great finds, so even though this is a pretty common type of theme, it’s really well done. Somewhat distracting that two of the three are movie titles. I’m sure an attempt was made to find a third movie title, but that’s a tall order.

You know, all along I planned to embed the most famous(?) song by NERVOUS Norvus, “Transfusion”, but (1) there wasn’t a hematological second clue/answer I could hang on it, and (2) ) I thought of something better.

Spare some thought and maybe even some money for the people suffering in New Orleans in the aftermath of Ida.

Under The Weather Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Theme: Familiar names and phrases are suggested as if one of the words is a type of fish.

Sulking Crossword Clue Thomas Joseph

Light and windy. I like the fact that even though some of the fish come first and some come second, they are symmetrically arranged.

I love the long fill today, especially the awesome NE stack with STAN LAUREL, SCREEN NAME and “THAT DOES IT!” The SW corner is not dull either with “MUST BE NICE”, INTRAMURAL and CHEESEBALL. And in the center we find FRITUS and MANICURE. The price is paid with some fraudulent entries like AGLET, UNH and EMETIC, but overall the solver comes out ahead.

The theme feels a little on the light side, but it allows for a great set of glittery fills. 3.75 stars.

Hey, joined here with friday’s new yorker themeless by the always excellent robyn weintraub, and what do you know? it is excellent. for a couple of years i’ve been in the habit of just solving new yorker’s themeless slumps, and even though fridays are the easiest of the week, this was still an atypically fast friday for me. it helped a bit that I got a clue because of the clue for 7d, which gave me both UNDO for 7d and CTRL for 49a. but it was more that the clue was very mild throughout, and I was especially grateful that I was able to pick down most of the tens on the first pass: TRIPLE TIME, RUBIK’S CUBE,

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Devano Mahardika

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