Walla Walla Union Bulletin Letters To The Editor

Walla Walla Union Bulletin Letters To The Editor – Jeff Strickler and his partner Rochelle Short publish hundreds of letters from local children addressed to Santa Claus, the giant elf dedicated to blessing children from his home at the North Pole.

There are many letters from children with a wish list for Santa to bring a present at Christmas, of course it’s about making sure they were good this past year. Strickler estimates that by 2020 they will receive about 300 to 500 letters during the holiday season.

Walla Walla Union Bulletin Letters To The Editor

Walla Walla Union Bulletin Letters To The Editor

Collecting mail from the mailbox each day, Strickler transfers handfuls of envelopes with the youth’s pencil carefully arranged outside the large and small envelopes.

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He recorded one on Dec. 15. There are also small envelopes. He hopes the nearby Walla Walla YMCA children’s programs can provide encouragement to Santa writers, but he says letters come from all over.

“We sit inside and watch all these cars go by,” he said, marveling at the streams of children who came out of the cars and recorded their wishes. inside the box of a large metal box.

The mailbox belonged to Santa, and to make sure the envelopes reached the North Pole, the box was tied to a tree with ropes.

After collecting letters every three days or so, the companions will serve the way to the big elf. And every envelope with a return address gets a letter from Santa with a little treat like a coupon for hot chocolate.

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This tradition of talking to the North Shore began with Liz Pierce, a community advocate who ran it “for many years,” at Blue Ridge Elementary School, she said.

After presenting the box to Strickler three years ago, the holiday event made him happy, as it is a symbol of the Walla Walla community and its seasons.

He points to other traditions such as picking strawberries at Klicker’s farm in the spring and the Ducky Derby fundraiser in the summer as examples.

Walla Walla Union Bulletin Letters To The Editor

Strickler put in about $300 of her own money to fund the project, but she radiates joy at being a stand-in for Santa. This is one of those annual things, he added, “that divides this community.”

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The first version of this story had a wrong last name. Jeff Strickler is the main character of the story.

© Copyright 2022 Walla Walla , 112 S. First Ave. Walla Walla, WA| Terms of use| Privacy Policy This week’s parenting feature is nonfiction: “Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times,” by Katherine May.

Winter is as beautiful and healing as the season itself. Katherine May explores the emotional, spiritual, and physical realities of cold weather, dark days, and those moments in our lives that are not soft or simple. In doing so, he provides a great and human service to his readers: he shows us that winter is inevitable, but not to be feared. This is a really beautiful book.

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This eternal life record was published at the end of the last Ice Age for 20 years. When Maroo and his family are trapped in the Great Plains during the winter and with little food, they have only one chance to survive: for Maroo and his brother Otak, to reach the winter camp and get help. This ancient history provides readers with an important account of the existence and beautiful image of prehistoric people. 8-12 years old.

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To borrow these titles, visit the Walla Walla Public Library at 238 E. Alder St., online at wallawallapubliclibrary.org, or call 509-527-4550 for details regarding street collection and open house hours.

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