When Does University Of Illinois Send Acceptance Letters

When Does University Of Illinois Send Acceptance Letters – The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is the flagship public school in Illinois, the fifth most populous state in the United States. With an overall freshman acceptance rate of over 65%, it is less selective than other public schools such as the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (24%) and the University of California, Berkeley (17.5%). However, it has a highly ranked computer science graduate program: UIUC’s computer science is ranked #5 in US News & World Report, behind only MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, and UC Berkeley (all ranked #1 place).

Choosing which schools to apply to is a difficult task, and for students choosing schools based on online rankings, UIUC is an attractive choice. UIUC reports that international students make up more than 15.7% of its undergraduate student body, which is more than the 14% of American students who come from out of state!

When Does University Of Illinois Send Acceptance Letters

When Does University Of Illinois Send Acceptance Letters

I work with a large number of international students, most of whom are from India, including Indian expatriates in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Singapore and Indonesia. I spent more than five of the last 12 months in India meeting with clients, running events and building a presence there. I am also very active in Facebook groups for Indian applicants and interact with them daily. This gives me a unique opportunity to collect and share intake data with them.

First Year Applicants

UIUC receives a lot of applications from India, as I discovered while advising Indian students. I try to give prospective clients advice on whether or not to apply and maybe open the ‘black box’ for them when they come in. A few days ago, right after UIUC announced regular decision results, I distributed a survey online and directly to UIUC’s clients. The survey was originally adapted for Indian students and now includes American grading systems. So please fill it out!

The survey collected admissions outcomes (early action/regular decision and accepted/waitlisted/rejected plus grade); standardized test scores (including old and new SAT, ACT, SAT, AP, TOEFL, and IELTS subject tests); and grades from various curricula used in India and other countries. These include Indian Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), International Baccalaureate (IB) and others. (The topic of the next post will be Alphabet Soup Review!) Additional information included a description of extracurricular activities and the option to upload a 400-word UIUC essay.

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The survey received more than 85 applications. After weeding out fake entries and ignoring (for now) data from outside India and from other admission cycles, I am left with 79 applications. I can’t be sure that this is a representative sample, but the data shows that it is pretty close. I feel that those who were rejected are probably a small number, but the sample of respondents who were accepted and waitlisted accurately reflects the Indian applicant pool.

Overall, our data showed an acceptance rate comparable to UIUC’s published acceptance rate (68.4% respondents vs. 66% published):

Lincoln Land, University Of Illinois Springfield Ink New Agreement

First, I wanted to find out how much of an impact GPA has on getting into UIUC. UIUC is one of the few schools that does not require 9th or 11th grade scores from Indian students studying in the national or state curriculum, so 10th grade board scores are the only grades that UIUC accepts under attention (UIUC doesn’t even ask Indian applicants for transcripts or coursework.) In the CBSE system, students take six national exams, and the highest five count. Each exam is graded A1-E2, which is translated into a 10-point scale. The GPA is the average of the five best exam scores. 50 of the 79 applications came from Indian students from CBSE schools. To my surprise, there was no correlation between GPA (which is on a 10.0 scale) and acceptance rate:

I was also surprised that the lowest CGPA was 8.8. After we collect more data, I will analyze other rating systems.

So, if grades don’t matter, what does? It turns out that getting into UIUC depends heavily on test scores. 47 of the 79 responses included SAT scores. I converted the old SAT scores to the new SAT equivalent using the official College Board score converter. To get less “detailed” data, I grouped the results into 30-point “bins” (1570-1600, 1530-1560, 1490-1520, etc.) and plotted the midpoint of each “bin” against acceptance rate. Unlike the CGPA analysis above, the analysis shows an almost linear correlation between SAT score and admission.

When Does University Of Illinois Send Acceptance Letters

But the team score is only part of the story. The SAT has two main components: a math score and an Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score, each worth 800 points. From the data we collected, I generated a box-and-whisker plot. Each box is bounded above and below by the 75th and 25th percentiles, respectively. The horizontal line inside the box is the median, and the “x” is the mean value. “Whiskers” extending up and/or down represent a range of data (minimum and maximum) that may exclude “outliers” represented by points outside the whiskers. If there are no outliers, this means that all points were within the bounds of the boxes and whiskers.

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How Competitive Is Uiuc Computer Science Admission? A Quantitative Study Of Indian Applicants

Admitted applicants were very strong, with all admitted applicants scoring at least 710 in math (all but one 740 or higher) and 75% scoring at least 700 (or equivalent older SAT components) in reading and writing. Wait-listed students had a slightly wider range of math scores (still near the highest), but their reading and writing scores were lower: the mean for wait-listed students was 675, in a difference of 720 for accepted students, and the 75th percentile for waitlisted students was just above the 25th percentile for accepted students (705 vs. 700). UIUC reported 50% averages for math at the 700-790 level, critical reading at the 570-680 level, and writing at the 590-690 level. This is roughly equivalent to a 740-800 in math and a 640-720 in reading and writing on the new scale. Almost all Indian applicants in our survey scored at or above the 25th percentile on the new SAT. Rejected students had varying scores, but were generally lower.

This chart displays the highest ACT Composite, Math, English, Reading, and Science scores across all test administrations. Accepted and waitlisted students had similar math scores, but waitlisted students had significantly lower English scores. (The 75th percentile for waitlisted students [32.5] was lower than the 25th percentile for accepted students [33]). All but one of the accepted respondents had ACTs in the 32-35 range.

How hard is it to get into computer science at UIUC? UIUC allows applicants to choose two majors; the first choice is required (but can be “undeclared”) and the second is optional. Because of UIUC’s strong reputation, UIUC Computer Science is a popular major choice for applicants, especially from India:

More than half of our respondents applied to computer science, computer engineering, or interdisciplinary majors including computer science (which discuss admission as “CS+X”). 13% of Indian respondents applied for ‘CS+X’ majors. Mechanical and aerospace engineering took a combined 16%, with the other majors at 4% or less. Half of Indian applicants did not choose a second major, and another 18% were undeclared:

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Letters Of Recommendation

Seven respondents from India who were accepted into UIUC’s computer science program provided SAT scores. All seven had a 790 or higher in math (or the equivalent on the old SAT). ACT scores were not significantly different:

Both waitlisted and enrolled applicants scored high in math, with accepted students leading the range and waitlisted students scoring lower in English. It is noteworthy that the admitted students performed worse in reading. The ACT Science score also did not appear to be a factor in admissions. Only one CS respondent who took the ACT was rejected, which explains the sparse data. Once we collect more data, a full ANOVA (analysis of variance) will provide more information.

More than half of our respondents applied to majors in computer science or CS+X, so their data is heavily weighted in the charts above. What happens when we isolate non-CS applicants?

When Does University Of Illinois Send Acceptance Letters

The volume of data for non-CS students is smaller, and the student pattern adopted is similar to that for UIUC computer science, with very high math scores and lower reading and writing scores. Grades don’t have to be that high outside of CS: the average reading and writing score for non-CS applicants is 730, as opposed to 770 for those who get a CS offer. Another big difference between CS and non-CS is who was able to get on the waitlist. Some students with low scores managed to avoid being denied admission.

Internationalization Strategic Planning

“CS+X” at UIUC refers to a major that combines computer science with another discipline. These include computer science and anthropology; Informatics and astronomy; Informatics and chemistry; Informatics and linguistics; Mathematics and computer science; and statistics and computer science. We didn’t have a large sample of CS+X applicants, but 4 out of 5 who listed CS+X as their first choice got in. Almost all respondents who had CS+X as their second choice chose computer science as their first choice. (One respondent applied for CS+X majors as both first and second choices.)

There were only a handful of CS+X applicants who took the SAT, and they all scored narrowly. All had 790 or 800 (or equivalent)

Devano Mahardika

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