Where Can I Watch The Screwtape Letters Movie

Where Can I Watch The Screwtape Letters Movie – From the award-winning audio drama team that brought you the wonderful grace of radio theater and the Chronicles of Narnia. In his enduringly popular masterpiece The Screwtape Letters, CS Lewis reimagines Hell as a monstrous bureaucracy. With spiritual insight and wistful wisdom, Lewis suggests that monsters, operating in a vast enterprise, have eerily recognizable human characteristics: competition, greed, and authoritarian punishment. In addition to escaping their own painful torment, their desire to dominate drives demons to torment their “patients.”

The style and unique dark humor of The Screwtape Letters is retained in this full-cast dramatization, as is the original setting of London during World War II. The story revolves around the senior demon Screwtape, brilliantly played by award-winning actor Andy Serkis (“Gollum” in Lord of the Rings) as he shares correspondence with his apprentice demon Wormwood. All 31 letters lead to dramatic scenes, either in hell or in the real world with humans — aka “the sick,” as the monsters say — accompanied by friends and family. This radio theater release also stars Jeffrey Palmer (Tomorrow Never Dies), Laura Michelle Kelly (Sweeney Todd), Eileen Page (The Secret Garden), and other world-class performers.

Where Can I Watch The Screwtape Letters Movie

Where Can I Watch The Screwtape Letters Movie

Includes 10 new songs inspired by the classic book, four behind-the-scenes video documentary features, and a 5.1 surround sound mix. Four CDs, approx. 5 hours TRT.

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Our cart limit is 75 titles. For orders over 75, please call customer service at (855) 277-9400 This is a dramatic adaptation of the 1942 satire. Author CS Lewis conceived of this persuasive, eloquent monster when he heard Adolf Hitler speak in London two summers ago. That sparked a thought

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JOSEPH SLEIF, REPORTER: That evil laugh belongs to the diabolical “Low Command,” Screwtape’s chief devil — portrayed on stage by actor Max McLean. McLean’s dramatic production

Enjoyed more than 300 performances in New York in 2010, and it is currently on tour across America.

Screwtape Letters Tickets Now On Sale

In a series of letters to his nephew Wormwood, Screwtape details the various diabolical tactics Wormwood can employ to keep his human subjects away from the “enemy”. The enemy, in this case, is God.

MAX MCLEAN AS SCREWTAPE: Like all young adventurers, you’re eager to report spectacular evil. But remember Wormwood, all that matters is the degree to which you separate man from the enemy. No matter how small the sin, provided that the cumulative effect leads one away from the light. No better than a kill card. If cards can do the trick, indeed, the safest way to hell is in order. A gentle slope, soft underfoot, without milestones or sign posts.

Last summer, he told me that—as C-S Lewis demonstrated—literature and the arts can be effective tools for reaching certain types of people with the gospel.

Where Can I Watch The Screwtape Letters Movie

MAX MCLEAN: He was probably the most influential Christian apologist preacher of the 20th century, a certain kind of person, an academic, an artistic person, who has those kinds of interests. Lewis does that. He has a very powerful dialectic when he talks about the Christian faith, but he also has a powerful imagination. And then what theater does with theater, it takes something and puts a magnifying glass on it, and actually makes it bigger. And I think the impact is huge.

The Screwtape Letters Trailer On Vimeo

MAX MCLEAN AS SCRUTPET: We have to face the fact that all this talk about his love is not just propaganda but a terrible truth. He really wants to fill the universe with tons of little replicas of himself. Creatures whose lives are qualitatively like his in their miniature scale. Not because he absorbed them, but because their desires freely conformed to him. We want cattle that can eventually become food. He wants servants who will eventually become sons.

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Although there are only two characters on stage in The Screwtape Letters, Screwtape has all the speaking parts with his monstrous assistant Toadpipe, Max McLean. Most of the words are taken directly from Lewis.

McLean has previously done extended-monologue performances, with a one-man stage presentation of The Book of Genesis and the Gospel according to Mark. He told me about acting

MAX MCLEAN: It came to me, you know, somebody saw me do Genesis and wrote me an email and said, “I think you’d make a really good Screwtape.” I don’t know if that was a compliment or not. But I said, “Well, if we can get the rights, let’s go for it.” And, that’s how it started.

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MAX MCLEAN: Well, I think language is key. The Screwtape Universe type of character has to be a master, he has to be extremely confident, he has to come across to the audience and the audience has to like him. You know, he’s really good at his job. That’s the key. If you don’t get that, if the audience feels like they can’t believe he’s capable of doing the things he’s doing, the show for the part. So that confidence in Screwtape, and the ability to execute the language Lewis wrote, which is an incredibly difficult language, is the key to making Screwtape believable.

MAX MCLEAN AS SCRUTPET: Yes, they see death as the greatest evil and living as the greatest good, because we’ve taught them to do so. Don’t be infected by our own propaganda.

The Screwtape Letters are often funny – but it’s also sometimes chilling, as when Screwtape and Toadpipe feverish with satanic glee at the idea of ​​distorting what God created for human enjoyment and turning it into a means of human destruction.

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Where Can I Watch The Screwtape Letters Movie

MAX MCLEAN AS SCREWTAPE: Never forget that when we’re dealing with any pleasure and it’s normal, satisfying form, we’re on the enemy’s own turf. I know we have won through many joys, but this is His invention, not ours. He made joy. All our research has not yet enabled us to produce one. All we can do is encourage people to use the pleasures in the ways and degrees he forbids, so always try to work towards the less natural, therefore the least pleasurable, and ever-increasing cravings, or never-diminishing pleasures. . It is more certain. This is a good way to get the soul of a person. It truly gladdens the hearts of our fathers.

C.s. Lewis The Screwtape Letters

Both succeed as entertainment and editing – both a tribute to the book geniuses of Max Maclean and CS Lewis.

For Christians in the audience, McLean hopes that seeing Screwtape come to life will inspire them to be more vigilant about what the Bible calls “the tricks of the devil.”

MAX MCLEAN: We don’t spend a lot of time talking about spiritual warfare, or the power of evil, and I think our Christian life will be more… We’ll be more alert, I say, to virtue, to grace, if we know that someone Can really get us. It will bring us more to Christ on the cross.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be final and may be updated or modified in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The official record of the World Radio program is the audio record.

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Devano Mahardika

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