Word Of Indifference Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Word Of Indifference Crossword Clue 3 Letters – Composer Luigi who started sound music / SUN 6-12-22 / Chemical ingredient in flubber / Rock’s CJ or Dee Dee / Old name for NBA’s Thunder informally / Goldman who waged war for birth control access / monocle shock

SUBJECT: “Didn’t we just have this?” – words appear in the grid, and then mentioned in entries that refer to those words appear … again:

Word Of Indifference Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Word Of Indifference Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Word of the day: UNROLLED(91A: Consolidated for easier reading, like a Twitter thread) – The beauty of Twitter is that all messages are limited to 280 characters and under, but sometimes you can’t get all your comments expressed in just one tweet. Or maybe you’re following a live news story and need to follow the thread to read the news as it develops so there’s context for what happened earlier. Whatever the reason, Twitter threads can sometimes be long, which can be difficult to follow. Luckily, there’s a bot that can help compile these tweets into a single piece of text without all the extra responses from anyone other than the person who originally started the thread. This is called “unrolling” a thread, and it’s created by a tool called @threaderapp, which allows you to combine tweetstorms into a single post just by using the keyword “unroll.” (theverge.com)

Animal Farm Vocabulary Crossword

I can’t say this isn’t a cute joke but it ends up making the puzzle so easy that it’s not much of a puzzle, to be honest. Also, there are only four themes, and with light theme content, I would expect a much clearer and more vibrant grid than what we end up with. The only off-topic answers that got me interested were two proper nouns that briefly sent me into “holy crap, please don’t fail any of these crosses, please” mode (AYOTOMETI, RUSSOLO). I thank these names for giving me real happiness, even if that excitement was Failure Terror. There was nothing else in the grid so interesting, although, again, I’ll grant you that the thematic concept is kind of funny. It’s especially funny to run this puzzle directly after a puzzle that also duplicated a word (EAR), but no self-awareness or humor. Yet this theme was too thin and simple to fit on a Sunday-sized canvas. “IT’S DEJA VU ALL AGAIN” is a perfect, broad 21-letter grid, and it seems like a wonderful phrase to build a puzzle around. I just wish that there would have been more places for this concept to go, or that the unique execution of the concept had not made too much of this puzzle too obvious too quickly. See how quickly I got the theme:

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Maybe if both THING and RODEO hadn’t been in a solver’s most likely starting point (i.e. the NW), things would have been a little harder, and maybe that would have made the solve a little easier more satisfying, I don’t know. Also, maybe if the subject ads had found a (much) more elegant way to handle the cross-references than just spewing them down in a simple, workmanlike, non-word aggressive fashion, ie. in brackets with an instruction that is almost equivalent to “just go look at this other answer” – maybe that would provide the elegance, the oomph, that this puzzle seemed to lack. promising idea, fizzling execution, not much grid spice to counter the thematic narrowness. That’s how things looked from where I was solving. I want to recommend [monocle bias], which is to very special and lively for “I SAY !”

Buncha stuff I didn’t know today. For example COCO Palm, which sounds like a stage name, not a tree name (5A: ___ palm (tropical tree)). If you had told me the tree was a COCOA palm, well, I wouldn’t have known that either, but it sure would have felt more believable. Also, been eating donuts (donuts?) Put an “S” on the end of that LONGJOHN, and then it’s something I know enough about. But in the singular form, donut: new to me. I had RIALS before RIYAL (57A: Currency of Qatar) because RIAL is the name of money in lots and lots of places (hmm, apparently only three places (Iran, Yemen, Oman), but… it feels like a lot, that’s what I’m saying). Qatar puts a “Y” in there for some reason. More international currency things for me to learn and then forget! Non-human primates don’t have CHIN??? (25A: A body part that humans have that other primates do not have). Also, not something I knew. I would have thought that any creature with a backbone technically had a CHIN, but apparently not. Thought flubber may have been made out of BORON (76A: chemical ingredient in flubber = BORAX ), and the alleged legal drama of 2018 may have been called “On the basis of SIN” (66D: “On the basis of ___” (2018 legal drama) = SEX ), so that was another fun little twist. Nothing else is indicated on my puzzle, so I guess I’m done.

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There are no new topics in my Letters to the Editor this week, but a few letters returned to the topic of the first letter I published a few weeks ago with Gene Weingarten – the question of what to fill, if it should, be infinite. in a crossword puzzle (read Gene’s original letter here, and some reader responses from next week here). Several writers this week shared Gene’s (largely) attitude toward crossword puzzles, and (implicitly or implicitly) dismissed “fragility” as a legitimate concern. Toby S. writes:

Arrow Crossword:amazon.com:appstore For Android

I think we are of the same age/century (I was b. in ’68) so I have a hard time believing that the philosophy ‘…but words will never hurt me’ doesn’t exist. at men in our time. (our) brain lizard. Yes, I get the idea that certain names and phrases have the power to turn on the horror movie projector inside one’s mind. But… as Gene finds out, it’s just a crossword puzzle, showing the world as it is. Such thistles/words do. no. mean agreement. They are not straight. So why do you let them ‘occupy’ your mind even for a moment? Is this always your ‘human response’ or is it possible that over time your internal algorithm has noticed that the easier you comment the more emails/comments you get ?

I don’t think being included as part of a crossword puzzle has much standing. If there were, we would probably have many more images of ERNes and WRENs. Completing a crossword puzzle is not easy. I doubt someone writing a puzzle is thinking, you know what this thing really needs? Phlegm. It’s not just that these words become part of the puzzle. And it would be a shame to reject someone’s beautiful puzzle because it asked them to include a word that some people find a bit trivial. There are absolutely certain words that should not appear in a crossword (racial slurs, for example), but I think the criteria for being, shall we say, a misword, should be very high I also contend that Elon Musk, self-proclaimed champion of free speech, would be delighted to know that a bunch of pearl-clutching liberals are trying to remove his name from a crossword puzzle word New York Times. Playing right in hand.

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I think there is value in thinking about why some people have a strong response to certain words, and some don’t. Please excuse me, but I’m going to use Trump as an example, because that’s a name I personally respond to. When I say “response”, I mean hearing his name evoke an emotion in me. Whenever I hear the word “Trump”, I think of that moment during his campaign when he bragged about sexually assaulting women again. I am a woman. My feelings have several layers. First there are the feelings I would have if anyone in the world bragged about hurting women just because they are women. Of hurting me just because they can. I feel helpless, hopeless, sad, and hopeless […] I don’t want to see the word Trump in the crossword because I don’t want to feel those feelings all that the name suggests. You may have similar reasons or feelings about why you don’t want to see his name in the crossword as well. I’m sure there are people out there who feel comfortable with the idea of ​​women having fewer rights or being attacked, and apparently those people want to see Trump’s name more often in the crossword. But which of these people feel neutral about his name? Those who say Trump is just “one of the 46 presidents of the United States”. This is a fact, they say, and facts are neutral. What a blessing to see his name and not feel it

Word Of Indifference Crossword Clue 3 Letters

Devano Mahardika

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