Words Starting With Kno 5 Letters

Words Starting With Kno 5 Letters – Wordle: Why five-letter words are gaining momentum A new online game will not only increase your word power and your intellectual sense of self; it also teaches you patience and mindfulness in a crash and burn world of fast moves, OTT binges and rapid PCR tests. Who knows, maybe five letters can make you a better person.

A friend of mine told me, over a south Indian breakfast last weekend, next to a sunlit body of water in Jumeirah Lake Towers in Dubai, that her mother had pinged in their family’s WhatsApp group claiming she was at a loss… day. She lay awake at night, Wordle-garbled, tossing and turning, pondering the obscure word, before she put her inability to be a public subject to sleep for a private audience. At 3am.

Words Starting With Kno 5 Letters

Words Starting With Kno 5 Letters

“Word?” I asked, putting a mini ghee-smeared idli into a sambhar bowl and then popping it into my mouth. “What is that?”

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Then I remembered. My colleague Prasun Sonwalkar had done a piece last week for Khaleej Times, in which he mentioned Wordle while running it. And many in the world are now hooked to make the word game.

“Well, sort of, but you can only reveal one five-letter word a day, and you only get six chances: basically, you keep guessing five-letter words, and, along the way, get you tips to find out if you. on track, the board is constantly changing colors… and you don’t need to download an app – you can play online…”

My slowed metabolism couldn’t make sense of that. It was like ‘word salad’, popularized by Alan Shore (William Shatner) in Boston Legal.

We changed our subject soon after, but not before she said, “It makes you think, unlike that other game you love to play…”

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A few hours later, back at home, I decided to investigate whim (a four-letter word). I’ve always enjoyed solving crosswords, although I’m not smart enough for the cryptic ones. Who knows, maybe I will accept this too?

So, I started reading up — today’s definition of Googling. If you type Wordle into Google, it goes blank. Pop-ups like a game interface keep popping up all over the place – and, oddly enough, if you study the motion montage closely, the pieces start to fall into place (there’s a ‘tougher’ six-letter challenge too, I found out. out, but that’s for those who are masochistic).

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It’s a plain vanilla grid: 5 (across) by 6 (bottom). You type a five letter word. If any of the letters are in common with the last word, they will appear in green or beige. If it’s green, you know the location is correct: for example, if you type POI-SE, and an S shows up green, you know the last word also has an S as its fourth letter. If a beige letter appears, well then it figures in the last word too, but in a different position. Anything in between will be a dark shade of grey… cross them out in your mind.

Words Starting With Kno 5 Letters

If you can’t come up with the word at the end of six shots, you lose, without a second chance, without going back to ‘play again’. And you can share your graph on social media and WhatsApp (and other messaging apps); you don’t give anything away, because they only see your path, not the words you created along the way.

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Now, there are obvious hacks – as many will point out. It’s easy to open Safari and Chrome at the same time, and play on both. Double your chances immediately. You can also search anagram sites online if you have your five letters, but still want to figure out the ‘secret’ word.

But the point is: Wordle is an ego boost for yourself. You don’t want to take shortcuts because that’s bad for self-worth.

In an interview with the Harvard Gazette, in response to the question “Why are some people better than others at this type of game?”, cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker, who enjoyed playing the game, said: “I’d like to guess. it is a combination of several characteristics: (1) general intelligence, which includes the ability to manipulate abstract symbols according to rules; (2) verbal information, including command of a large vocabulary; (3) ‘phonological awareness’ the knowledge that words are made up of sounds (a vital component of reading, and the key skill missing in dyslexia); (4) literacy in English, including familiarity with a large number of words and spelling patterns; (5) ‘need for cognition’, the personality trait of pleasure in solving intellectual problems for its own sake.”

Wordle is not a word play. It’s serendipity. The ‘inventor’ is a man called Josh Wardle, who had a Eureka moment and simply changed a vowel in his surname to create a brand.

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But more interestingly, Wordle is loved. When the Bee Gees (and many others who have attempted to cover it) sang “There are only words, / And they’re all the words I have / To take your heart away”, who would think, in 2021, that there would be a man there. in Brooklyn doing exactly? The New York Times carried a piece (forwarded to me by the same friend I met for breakfast) entitled ‘Wordle Is a Love Story’. This is how the author Daniel Victor says the genesis:

“Josh Wardle, a software engineer in Brooklyn, knew his partner loved word games, so he created a guessing game for the two of them. As a play on his surname, he named him Wordle.

But after the couple played for months, and after he quickly became an obsession in his family’s WhatsApp group when he introduced him to relatives, Mr Wardle thought he might be on to something and fired it to the rest of the world in October.

Words Starting With Kno 5 Letters

On November 1, 90 people played. On Sunday, just over two months later, more than 300,000 people played. It was a meteoric rise for the once-a-day game, which invites players to guess a five-letter word in a similar fashion to the color guessing game Mastermind…”

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Josh’s partner, Palak Shah, said the game “definitely” reflects how Josh showed his love: “It’s very sweet.”

We learn something new every day. I did not know, for example, about the National Catholic Reporter (NCR). It is a US-based newspaper, ostensibly based on a Christian denomination, whose mission statement is “to help Catholics who want to be informed, educated and grow in their faith. NCR connects Catholics to the church, faith and public interest with independent news”. There was an opinion piece on her website, ‘Wordle Reminds Us That Pleasure Has Its Place, Waiting Has Its Benefits’, by Nicole Symmonds, who was more Catholic (word) than Catholic (heaven), and it immediately struck a chord. “Whether it’s the ongoing program that offers streaming services, fast shipping, fast food, fast fashion or our latest call for quick, fast and at home tests, we are used to things, goods, results and satisfaction get quickly. and again and again. This trains us, or at least me, to be mediocre when it comes to wearing my stuff.”

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But while playing Wordle, the penny dropped for Nicole: “I realized that what I liked most about the game – apart from the work I did guessing the word – was that I couldn’t there to play it only once a day and I had to wait. That’s when it hit me that Wordle was doing something for me, for us, that is rarely promoted in our world — patience, and attitude.

Wordle – so far – still treat. A daily treatment. They are, by definition, one-time deals. You have to wait for the new grid to come your way after a day. It made me think of the times when we had to wait a whole week before we got to watch the next episode of an exciting TV series. That was also the time I discovered James Hadley Chase, and read and reread the Vulture Is A Patient Bird.

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Influencers are not the only career in the new age. You can also become a “games scholar”. What is C Thi Nguyen all about – other than being a philosophy professor at the University of Utah. While celebrities like Jimmy Fallon and Jennifer Beals have declared on social media that they are officially addicted to Wordle, Nguyen wrote an editorial on his Twitter handle where he philosophized why the game went viral. According to him, each chapter of Wordle is “an arc of decisions, attempts and failures”. “The smartest thing about Wordle is its social media presence… The best thing about Wordle is the graphic design of the shareable Wordle chart. There’s a lot of information – and drama – packed into that little graph… I don’t know of any other game that’s summarized nearly as neatly graphically, where you can see the entire arc of someone else’s effort so quickly .”

In a report — ‘Why the Online Game Went Viral, According to Psychology’ — taking a look at Wordle’s mental math and how it’s feeding into a community’s mindset, Smithsonian Magazine quotes psychologist Lee Chambers (telling Sian Insider.

Devano Mahardika

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