Words With Letters Faminy

Words With Letters Faminy – This is a tribute photo for my parents. They met at a party in September 1931 and have been together for 79 years.

Ray 1915

Words With Letters Faminy

Words With Letters Faminy

Circa 1920 Helen and favorite brother George

Hartford Family Name Custom Wood Sign

Ray and her sister Betty in 1924

Ray of the Jersey Shore 1920 (looks like a young Tommy Wickham) Ray 1931 Helen 1932 Ray 1933 Graduated from Nutley High School 1933 1934 (Wow, he looks like Todd) Helen 1935 – very handsome!! 1936 (Gee, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other!) Dapper Ray 1936

My father was very ill in the hospital and it was almost impossible to recover. He refused invasive procedures with little chance of success. He was tired and in pain. He assured his sons, “I have a good life.” Brothers Ray and Steve went to pick up their mother to take them to the hospital, which would be their last visit. Todd stayed with his father, who asked Todd to help with cleaning and combing his hair before his mother arrived. He wanted to show off his last moments together. When Mom arrived, they spoke, held hands and gave them one last kiss. After the kiss, she got up and let everyone know once again that he was a great kisser. She returned home and he died at 4:27 pm that day. Ironically, his eight children were calling to deal with the situation when he passed away. As usual, he was one step ahead of us. This photo was taken on my last visit.

Father passed away in September 2010, leaving his mother alone after spending nearly 80 years with his life partner. With few exceptions, she lived with dignity for the next two and a half years without complaint. She lost the person she loved so much over the years, but it’s hard to imagine her continuing her incredible strength. Although she enjoyed visiting her family over time, her memory began to fade and her energy level dropped. She spent a lot of time sleeping, taking short walks, and looking at pictures of her family that seemed comforting. In early April, she fell and fractured the vertebrae of her pelvis and lower back. After spending 10 days in her hospital, she prepared to move her to her nursing facility. Her condition deteriorated rapidly and she needed hospice to manage her final days. Five days before her death, she no longer allowed her nursing staff to feed her her. She made her final decision and decided it was time to move on to the next one. Considering that decision, she is greatly saddened and at the same time proud that she has acted her own way.

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This is the last picture my mom took at the end of March. She had just visited with Todd and was on her way to dinner when he took pictures. My first reaction to her was her deep sadness to see her alone, but now I see her in a different way. I believe her father was waiting for her on her corner and they are now united once again.

When my siblings and I were in college we knew we could write a letter to Mahony’s grandparents and two good things would happen. inflation). It’s a classic win-win scenario. My father took this process to a whole new level by writing the Mahony Family Values ​​Book of Family Values.

The Family Values ​​Book was created in the 1980s by father and mother Ray and Helen. This “book” existed not on paper, but entirely in my father’s mind. At the heart of this effort was the simple desire of families to stay in touch with their great-grandchildren. But it was more than that. They wanted to encourage kids to do well in school, in sports, and do good things for themselves. The problem was that the value book referenced a “book” that didn’t exist. Whenever his father was asked to, he allowed him to create categories, monetary rewards, and quotations from the book. Ryan won $1.87 in the “Dumb Things to Do” category when he broke his wrist. Colin won the prize by throwing a TD pass in overtime to win the game. The awards have been categorized as follows: Toss a pass to win the game: $18.50, played in overtime: $.65, played on his birthday: $1.25. Often the “committee” refers to the various pages of the “book” and offers various dollar awards for As, B, and C. The beauty is that the value of the character grade keeps changing because my people don’t remember the value they assigned to the previous phase. This confuses the kids, but cashing out the checks was no problem!

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Words With Letters Faminy

All notes end in the same way as an expression of love and affection for the recipient (always mentioning other brothers and sisters as well). This combination of humor, acknowledgment of doing the right thing, and expression of love was the subject of a Family Values ​​book.

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In this letter, Ryan was recognized as the only extended family member eligible for admission to the National Honor Society. This caused a bit of a stir as Megan attended Norwell High School a few years ago. This resulted in one of the only withdrawals proposed by the “committee”, but the commission allowed Ryan to keep his compensation.

The Value Book also extends to the next generation, as evidenced by the award awarded to Quinn Michael Mahony. Helen and Rays are the oldest great-grandchildren.

As is clear from this article, Barb was a huge influence on Falls Church’s Lacross program. Her organizational skills, fairness, humor and dedication are all evident here.

Brian is a digital art teacher at Concord-Carlisle High School on the outskirts of Boston. He is also the creator of the popular Guumon toy figure in the US and Japan. See how he combined art education with a passion for art creation.

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Colin and Mario’s 2003 soccer team were inducted into the Montville Township High School Hall of Fame. The organization recognizes achievements in athletics, academics, and community service.

Denny was a successful executive and leader of American Cyanmid and Formica. Below is an excerpt of the interview from the company publication.

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After a very successful advertising career, Todd started his own company with no clients at home, a few partners, and a very strong vision. The rest is history.

Words With Letters Faminy

Art began as a sales trainer and spent 28 years at Ricoh after retiring as regional vice president. Here is an interview he gave in 2009.

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For nearly 20 years, Denny and Adie have served at St Clare’s Hospital Harvest Festival, apparently with the occasional help of their son Brian to fund the hospital.

Yearbook photos from 1954 to 1970. I thought it would be interesting to look back on my time at MLHS and some photos of Moorestown High School from which Steve and Barb graduated. Hope you enjoy.

1965 Women’s Athletic Association Blue Team – Patty 5th from left in front row. Although she broke her arm in practice that year, she still appeared on the show.

1958 Penn Relays MLHS Team Winners: Pete Tucker, Denny, Dave Heiser, and Walt Braunholder. Denny was also state champion in the quarter mile that year.

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1969 Swimming Barb is co-captain and they lose only one match (she sits on a dive board second to last)

Art’s son, Ryan Mahony, was invited to join the Verona Chamber of Commerce and become treasurer. Below is an interview conducted in April 2012. Although prejudice is true, I am proud of his father and happy to have him as my banker.

Devano Mahardika

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