Xfamily.org Mo Letters

Xfamily.org Mo Letters – In the early 1980s, I found this extraordinarily strange cartoon pamphlet on the ground at a street fair. I read anything in comic form (even Jack Chick comics!), so I studied this strange mash-up of softcore porn and Christian proselytism with growing disbelief. The cartoon came from the Family of Love cult that started in the 1960s as the famous (one might say infamous) Children of God.

The history of the family, which continues today as The Family International, can be found in this Wikipedia article. Suffice it to say that the cult was started by one David Berg (who didn’t work at Mad magazine). Its members lived communally, studied the Bible, and apparently enjoyed considerable sexual freedom.

Xfamily.org Mo Letters

Xfamily.org Mo Letters

In 1974, Berg (aka “Father David”) invented a new age conversion tool, “flirt fishing.” Female family members were encouraged to find love-hungry men through escort services and share God’s love with them physically. Coincidentally, many of these connections involved the transfer of money from the rescued to the rescuer; this point later led to accusations that the family engaged in prostitution. Read the details in the Wiki article.

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It is interesting to note that over the years the family shared a common trait with many other sexualized cults. Some old man, touched by God, suddenly found himself surrounded by available young (allegedly sometimes very young) women. Given my advancing years, I’ve come to the conclusion that this might be a good time to consider starting my own cult.

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“On Love Against the Law” justifies and promotes flirtation without naming it. Maybe the Family thought men would read the comic and then join the cult, hoping to find busty girls taking notes in see-through shirts. The 8-page strip was offset printed on both sides of a 6-1/2 x 11-1/2 inch sheet of paper. The paper was folded into four parts in an arcane fashion that made it easier to read the story out of order. The art is credited to “Geppetto of Zebulon”. The only reference to ZG on Google was from the family’s archived correspondence. Someone had chastised him for illustrating a “false” story criticizing Berg and the cult. ZG credited a colleague, “Eman Artist” for the cover design.

Overall, the artwork is pretty good for an amateur comic. It sure beats the clunky stuff in the Jack Chick mini-comics. But Jack Chick considered the Devil family allies, and the Devil always seems to get the best artists.

Devano Mahardika

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