Yellow Letters Hurley Wi

Yellow Letters Hurley Wi – Regardless of our color, background or zip code, voters should choose their leaders, not the other way around. Every decade, after the census, we draw new district lines that give each vote equal weight, each vote equal value, and each community equal access to the decision-making processes that determine funding for schools, hospitals, and schools. and other essential services that our communities need.

Ten years ago, a few powerful politicians robbed the people of WI of our vote, our power, and rigged our maps. We will not allow this to happen again. Working together, we can make the changes our nation needs: equality and justice for all.

Yellow Letters Hurley Wi

Yellow Letters Hurley Wi

Although these maps do not reflect the will of the people and are highly decorated, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with your new neighborhoods.

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The project below is closed because we have new maps. Once we have a way to win fair cards, we will revive this project.

We’re working with the Legislature, PMC, and more to advocate for the best map for WI. our group of volunteers learning to understand and appreciate neighborhood maps.

For a deeper dive, here’s a full-length virtual town hall (54 min) featuring a presentation and Q&A with Matt Rothschild of the WI Democratic Campaign.

WWNVD is an initiative of Pierce Country GrassRoots Organizing (PC GRO) working with chapters of the League of Women Voters and the WI Fair Maps Coalition to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin and replace it with fair, nonpartisan, nonpartisan voting districts (Fair Maps). ). The group’s goal is to demand an open, non-political process for drawing districts in Wisconsin starting in 2021.

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Each state is required to redraw the boundaries of its congressional and state legislative districts after the decennial census, and if necessary, redraw them so that each district has roughly the same number of people.

Determining districts for representation in the US House of Representatives is provided for in Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution.

“Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing district lines to favor one political party, individual, or constituency over another.”

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Yellow Letters Hurley Wi

Precinct selection is designed to predetermine election results in each district, effectively minimizing and reducing the value of each voter’s vote. This is achieved by deliberately selecting specific areas that are within specific districts to ensure that the district generally votes for the majority party. At the same time, the number of constituencies voting for the minority party will decrease, reducing their ability to share power.

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Gerrymandering prevents potential candidates from running in districts designed to make it more likely that the opposing party will win with a strong margin.

The following article describes and illustrates the impact of gerrymandering on Wisconsin elections: Article by Sharon Roznick, FDL reporter. The article is based on a report from the Wisconsin Elections Commission that lists each election race and the candidates in them: Candidates on the Election Ballot, WI Commission on Elections.

Denial of voting districts has been argued to support the perpetuation of systemic racism by reducing the voice of minority groups in government and affecting federal and state funding for these citizens. The following article provides a perspective on this issue:

The practice of delineating voting districts to give an electoral advantage to a particular political party has been used since the infancy of the United States. Until recent days, the desired boundaries were simply drawn by hand based on common knowledge to achieve the desired result. Today, with modern technologies, demarcation has become a complex process that uses supercomputers, big data, and new computing and mapping tools and techniques. Today, gerrymandering is a real and powerful tool not only for ensuring one party’s advantage, but also for accurately predicting and manipulating the outcome of elections. In a 2018 Supreme Court case involving gerrymandering,

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, Justice Elena Kagan makes this point clear in a dissent written on behalf of her, Justice Ginsburg, Justice Breyer, and Justice Sotomayor. (See, p. 48 of full docket; p. 9 of dissenting subdocket.)

According to the Wisconsin Constitution (Article IV, Section 3 – Page 5), the Legislature is required to fix the boundaries of voting districts every ten years following the national census. The Constitution is silent on how districts are to be drawn, so the Legislature decides how district boundaries are drawn and can choose to make voting districts fair or equitable. This clarification was confirmed in an official memo dated February 4, 2020, to Senator Dave Hansen from Peggy Hurley, Wisconsin Legislative Council Counsel Memo.sb288.2.4.20.pdf; The legislature is not prevented by the Wisconsin Constitution from using a different process to draw voting districts.

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Neither knows. Because fair voting district maps are drawn based on nonpartisan criteria, the outcome of the election would be uncertain. If the previous election data were not used when drawing districts, the political outcome would be uncertain. However, whatever the outcome, it would represent the will of Wisconsin voters because everyone’s vote counts equally. If the majority party wins even after the redistribution of the territory it was called to win, then the will of the people of that region will be known and clear. If the district changes the majority from one party to another, the will of that electorate will be heard and taken into account.

Yellow Letters Hurley Wi

The Wisconsin Constitution (unannotated, Article IV, Section 3 – Page 5) gives the Wisconsin Legislature the power to redraw the state’s legislative and congressional district maps every ten years, but is silent on who should draw the maps. In the current process, party leaders in the Legislature delegate the drawing of precinct maps to party experts (lawyers and legislative aides) of their choice. Both the legislature and the governor must approve these maps before they can take effect; If the legislature and the governor cannot agree, the matter will be settled in court. Maps are not required to be objectively representative.

Western Wi For Nonpartisan Voting Districts

Some states have different constitutional requirements for drawing electoral districts, but in 36 states, like Wisconsin, state legislatures are primarily responsible for drawing their own legislative districts. In ten states, independent commissions draw state legislative district lines; In four states, commissions of politicians carry out state legislative redistricting.

Citizens can join grassroots groups such as local fair-card teams (Fair-Card Sign-Up Form) and the Western Wisconsin Nonpartisan Voting Districts Project (WWNVD) to influence the creation of fairer voting districts. In addition, citizens can vote for candidates and measures to support the creation of fair polling stations. If their representatives in office do not currently support fair voting cards, constituents can contact them, state their position, and encourage support through letters, phone calls, and emails. They can write letters to their local newspaper editors and use social media to advocate for fairer voting districts.

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If enough citizens oppose gerrymandering and support fair districting, the Legislature will finally take notice and act. The movement to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin is growing rapidly, and many counties and some municipalities have passed resolutions or referenda supporting independent, nonpartisan redistricting (Supporting Fair Voter Maps). Citizens can pressure lawmakers to change the redistricting system to reflect the will of the people.

Under the Wisconsin Constitution, the Legislature (without abstract, Article IV, Section 3 – Page 5) is responsible for enacting electoral district maps into law, but is not required to draw the maps. The Constitution is silent on how districts are to be defined. This clarification is confirmed in a February 4, 2020 official memo from Wisconsin State Legislature Counsel Peggy Hurley to Senator Dave Hansen in Memo.sb288.2.4.20.pdf.

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Citizens can educate themselves and engage with other concerned citizens on issues related to gerrymandering by visiting sites with relevant information.

WWNVD has a wealth of information on gerrymandering and many resources to help citizens work for fair districting. WWNVD asked candidates and elected officials to sign pledges to support the creation of fair ballots so voters know where they stand.

Creating nonpartisan voting districts in Wisconsin requires a new redistricting process that is not based on political factors. Instead, districts are defined based on criteria such as social and cultural factors, taking into account geographic, municipal and community boundaries. Polling stations should be as contiguous and compact as possible. The criteria ignore past election results and therefore do not intentionally play a role in creating new party constituencies. In Iowa, this method has been used successfully for 40 years.

Yellow Letters Hurley Wi

Governor Evers’ involvement in the People’s Maps Commission is another way to help stop gerrymandering.

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